Good Evening Everyone!
Woooooooooooooooo! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Two acts in one day! And one left to go! Woot woot! What. A. Journey. This has truly been a crazy time in my life, but I am so glad this nearly done and nearly finished.
Some part of me wanted to have at least one battle with all the Bigs fighting together because 1. It would be cool, and 2. Because, why not? This is the realm of fanfiction! If we can get of scene of them marching and causing destruction in Act 13, we can have a scene of them fighting together and saving the city.
I really don't know what else to say. I guess I'm saving a lot of my words for the grand finale. I'm feeling a lot of mixed emotions at this point. Everything I had weathered to get this online, it's been worth it. I've had such great support and that in turn has given me more strength to keep moving forward and go ahead with this script.
I can't wait to see you all the next act. Please be safe wherever you may be. And I'll see you, in Act 39…