Sampson looked over his shoulder. He had lost the Negotiator and the MPs. The bridge to out of the city was almost nearby. He cackled.
I've broken the Negotiator. His wife is as good as dead.He won't have the strength to defend the city or lead the other two megadeuses. I have the notes for the poison. I can always come back, this time with a better product. Whatever Thermidor doesn't destroy tonight, I can finish off later on. Now to…
Roger entered the intersection last second and Sampson hit the tail end of the Griffon. Both cars spun out of control. The Griffon spun around and stopped, Roger jostling around from the impact. Sampson went to the other side of the street, hitting the curb, and ramming into the brick building.
Roger struggled to come to, shaking his head. He was dizzy and his head hurt, but he was alive. He then remembered what he was doing and got out of the car quickly. The car had suffered minor damage and was still drivable, although Norman would probably cry, considering the last time he brought the Griffon home after a wreck.
Roger surveyed around him and saw Sampson, taking off for the abandoned clock tower. Roger ran after him.
"SAMPSON! IT'S OVER! YOU'VE GOT NO WHERE TO GO!" Roger yelled after him.
Sampson hopped up the clock tower quickly with his cyber mechanic legs as Roger ran inside. Roger growled to himself and aimed his grappling hook upward. The line caught and he rode up the floors until he got to the last set of stairs. He vaulted the railing and kicked the door open, now leading to the outside and up to what used to be the face of the tower. Roger carefully walked up, keeping an eye out for Sampson, finally reaching the last floor, where Sampson stood, looking over the city.
"It's over!" called out Roger, "You got no where to run! Surrender now…"
Sampson turned over to him, wildly grinning maniacally. Roger then realized he wouldn't be surrendering quietly. He took off his tie, dropping it to the floor of the tower as he and Sampson slowly began to circle each other.
"You're broken, Negotiator. Your wife is as good as dead, if not already. You may have won this fight, but I'll win the war. I'll restore the world to what it could've been! As of right now, I have a fellow team who have launched Thermidor. They will attack the city and destroy what you fought for. Then I will come back and finish it off!"
"You've lost your mind," growled Roger, "The New World Order is gone. You're stuck in the past, hell bent on repeating it because you're too weak to seek out something new for yourself! But that doesn't matter to me now. Give me the antidote in your possession, and… I'll let you go…"
"NEVER! My goal is to make sure you suffer before perishing. Perhaps it's poetic, that we are on the last remnants of the world that suffered a great cataclysm…"
"It is, seeing if you don't hand me that antidote, then I'll conclude terms on your case how I see fit."
"If you want this antidote, Negotiator, you'll have to kill me."
Roger eyes narrowed, full of wrath at the man who had stooped so low to harm his wife. The ire in him now burst, and despite feeling tired and ragged from the past week, Roger now felt an energy coursing through his veins.
"I thought you would never ASK!" and Roger threw the first kick at Sampson, knocking him back. Sampson stumbled, but recovered.
"Have it your way, Negotiator!" and Sampson and Roger began fighting in earnest. Sampson delivered a blow with one of his steel hands to Roger's stomach, Roger coughing out spit from the impact. Roger then countered with a punch to Sampson's jaw, punching multiple times forcing Sampson to move back. Roger breathed hard, then went into a series of kicks, kicking Sampson as hard as he could, over and over, on his face, his chest, anywhere Roger could find an opening until Sampson blocked him. Roger withdrew back and then threw a series of punches, Sampson blocking most of them until Roger found an opening by his chin, and landed a few blows, then aimed a well-placed punch into Sampson's solar plexus, but Roger withdrew his fist, gasping in pain.
"Damn cyborgs…" Roger muttered, shaking out his wrist before Sampson kicked Roger back, Roger landing into one of the supporting columns of the tower, before going back into the fight.
The Prairie Dog was traveling at its top speed. According to the location, they were crossing the harbor. Dorothy was starting to feel a bit better, but her chest still hurt. And her head felt a bit dizzy. Lying in the darkness, she awoke, staring up at the glass of the cockpit.
"Big O… you've never called me to action… well, unless you count the time with Big Gamma, but I don't that was you calling me to action. It was you accepting my will I wanted to fight alongside Roger."
She took a deep breath.
"I couldn't imagine what he's gone through, but we got to get to him… please… something tells me… you're right. Roger's in trouble…"
The video comm to her right turned on and she saw Norman on the screen.
"Mistress Dorothy! Thank heavens you're alright. The others, they tried getting through, but it seems Big O wasn't letting them through the comm until I arrived."
"Norman… where are the kids?"
"Safe in the bunker, Mistress Dorothy. You caused quite a fright when you were not in your bed and then of course, when Big O started moving on his own. Lady Angel and Dr. Plebanski are extremely worried about your condition. They've called me in to assist with the machinist duties."
"I'm… alright. Just a bit weak and I feel like I've been hit in the chest, a lot…"
"All the same dear, your heart is still in a delicate state. Please try not to excite yourself. I know you are worried about Master Roger…"
"Where is he, Norman?"
"Master Roger? Judging from the location, it's the old clock tower not far from the mansion. But Miss Dorothy, you need to find Master Roger and quickly. It seems there's a purple event going on right now and Big Fau and Big Duo are being overwhelmed."
"Purple event? What are the megadeuses?"
"The foreign ones from the Union. And it seems they've combined into one."
"All three?"
"Yes ma'am. We need Master Roger ASAP."
"I will try, Norman. You have my word."
"Please be careful, Mistress Dorothy."
The comm link shut off, leaving Dorothy alone in the dark once more
Roger… what could be so important that you wouldn't help Beck or Michael with a purple event? I hope you're alright…
"Goddamn it!!! Fau, we need to push it back!" Beck roared.
Beck had set the shield on Big Fau up to maximum output to slow the progress of Thermidor down, but it might as well had been in vain. Thermidor, the combination of Carnot, Fouche, and Robespierre, was now stronger than ever. Its drill arms could extend out and attack like snakes. Big Fau had sustained level 3 and 4 damage in multiple areas. Of course, add the energy attacks and occasional blast from the phonosonic waves from Carnot, the fight on the ground was turning for the worst. Twice, Seebach had tried to land to assist Beck, but Beck told him no, stating he needed him in the air.
"DAMNNIT OLD MAN! LET ME HELP YOU! I'M NO USE IN THE AIR, NOT WITH THAT STUPID WAVE BLAST FROM THAT ONE HEAD!" yelled Seebach, trying to fly in close to help Beck and Big Fau, but Big Duo was pushed away once again.
"We can't let this thing get any further into the city. Use your last Megaton rocket!" roared Beck.
"Fat chance, old man! Not happening! Not with you that close. The shield won't hold and protect you!"
"I'm the senior of the pilots and I am ordering you…"
"BECK, THAT'S ENOUGH!" yelled Angel over the comm, "We're not even sure if the rocket will do anything! Your goal is to come back to us, alive and preferably with Big Fau. Don't forget it!"
Beck grimaced. "Tch… FINE! Damnnit, I've had enough of this!! BIG FAU, PUSH HIM BACK, WHAT EVER IT TAKES!"
Big Fau's eyes flashed and steadying himself, stopping himself from being pushed back by Thermidor. He launched a row of punches, finally pushing Thermidor back, Beck and Big Fau now having distance between the enemy megadeus. Big Fau steadied himself.
"About time! SHOW HIM WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF!" Beck cried out and Big Fau began to glow with electricity, the tail ends of his arms raising up. Seebach saw what was happening below and positioned Big Duo for an attack run.
"Get ready, Big Duo… if this is what I think it is, we'll have one shot. Get the missiles ready. We have about eight left. Fire two once his attack makes contact!"
Yumi was watching the energy charging in Big Fau, finally reaching its maximum.
"Jason! You're good to go! Fire it whenever!" she yelled at him through the comm.
The pillars that had risen from Big Fau's arms fired an electric blast at Thermidor, stunning the megadeus. Seebach charged in with Big Duo, lining up an attack run.
"FIRE!" Seebach cried out and two missiles launched, finding their way and smashing into the megadeus. The electric beam attack finished its run, now exploding, covering Thermidor in smoke.
"Seebach, stay in the air! Don't land just yet!" Angel called out over the comm link.
"Yes ma'am."
"Can you confirm if the target was destroyed?"
"Negative. Still too much smoke…"
Everyone held their breath for a moment. The smoke began to finally clear, and a shadow appeared. Thermidor was still standing, but the attack had stunned him. Beck wasted no time, prepping the main cannons inside Big Fau's chest while Big Duo came in, disbursing more machine gun fire onto Thermidor.
"EAT LEAD!" Seebach cried out as he and Big Duo flew over Thermidor, circling around for another attack.
"Big Fau, FIRE THE MAIN CANNONS!" Beck bellowed and he discharged the two cannons that were concealed in Big Fau's chest. The beams hit their target, concealing Thermidor in smoke again.
"Damnnit, old man… I'm trying to hit the damn thing!" Seebach yelled.
"Well… what do you expect me to… SHIT!"
Thermidor appeared from the smoke suddenly and Beck had no time to guard as Thermidor punched Big Fau, knocking him down in the sand. As Thermidor began to close in on him, Seebach and Big Duo appeared at the last second, landing, locking hands with Thermidor in a power struggle.
Big Duo fired the afterburners on its arms as Thermidor began to push him back.
"You're a strong sonuva bitch, I'll give you that. But I got something the other guys don't have. FIRE!"
Big Duo swung his right arm around, placing the afterburner in one of Thermidor's faces and firing the afterburner at full power. Thermidor released Big Duo's other hand, which now had the propellers spinning. Big Duo now engaged in close combat, using his propellers as spinning blades, scratching and cutting up Thermidor in a furious combo, finishing the move with afterburner in Thermidor's faces, moving it in a straight line, burning them all.
"EAT FIRE ASSHOLES!" Seebach called out.
Beck shook his head, recovering from the last attack. He saw Seebach and Big Duo standing over him and Big Fau.
"STUPID KID! WHAT THE HELL YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Beck called out, his eyes wide with worry.
"SAVING YOUR DUMB ASS! BECAUSE EVEN THOUGH YOU GIVE ME GRIEF, YOU'RE STILL MY FRIEND, AND THAT'S WHAT I'M GONNA DO!" and Seebach and Big Duo went into a furious row of combo punches.
"Big Fau, we can't… Crow Boy won't ever let me live this down! Get up! We have to help him!"
Big Fau struggled to its feet, the damage now taking its toll on him.
"I know you're tired buddy, but we can't stop now. Too many people are counting us and more importantly, they saved our necks! LET'S GO!"
Big Fau began running in the sand, catching up with Big Duo, now engaging in combat. As Big Duo repositioned himself for another attack run, Big Fau fired up his saw fist cuffs and attacked. Big Duo and Big Fau kept repeating this attack run until finally they both timed a punch together and knocked Thermidor down onto the ground. Yumi and Sheila, watching the camera feeds, cheered. Beck and Seebach were out of breath.
"Don't mess with me or my friends. You don't want to find out the answer if you do," said Seebach, huffing and puffing.
"Don't mess with me or my home! I'll kick your ass!" Beck yelled.
However, it seemed Thermidor got the hint that the Bigs and their pilots would not be giving up. It began to glow, a red violet energy surrounding its body. Beck readied the shield once more in Big Fau.
"Seebach, get into the air…" Beck said.
"Fat chance. We do this together, old man!"
Roger spat blood. The fight was going badly for him. He wiped his mouth. Roger had suffered a series of hits to his rib cage. It seemed like the head was the only soft spot on Sampson, but it was a matter of getting to it. It seemed like everywhere else in his body was solid.
"It seems like you're out of breath, Negotiator. Time to finish this!"
Roger yelled and charged, dodging a few punches, but Sampson suckered punch Roger in the gut, then kicked him in the column. Roger slid to the floor, breathing hard. The exhaustion and stress from the past few days finally took their toll, catching up with him.
Damnnit, get up… get up… Dorothy needs that antidote…
Roger's train of thought was interrupted by Sampson grabbing him and taking him over to edge. He picked up Roger by the neck and held him over the edge, Roger's feet now dangling fifteen stories above ground.
"You're done, Negotiator. This was the one case you couldn't solve."
Roger, with difficulty, smirked.
"Tch, that's what you think. I'll take pride in the fact you couldn't beat me without a cyborg body. Piss off…" and Roger spat at Sampson. Sampson wiped the bloody spit off of his face.
"Defiant until the end. Farewell NEGOTIATOR!"
Sampson dropped Roger and turned away. Roger was free falling. Despite being knocked around and feeling horrible, Roger lined up his grappling hook and fired it. The line shot up and instead of grappling one of the overhanging gargoyles, it grabbed around Sampson's neck. Roger jerked the line hard, pulling Sampson over the edge. They both were now falling to their deaths. Roger closed his eyes, smiling. At least, he would take Sampson with him, wherever he was going.
I'm sorry, Dorothy. I love you…
Big O burst from the ground with his palms wide open. Roger landed hard on his left side on top of some rubble in one of his giant hands, the impact knocking him out, but Sampson kept falling, still caught on Roger's grappling line. As Big O finished rising from the ground, the line finally came to a sudden stop. The jerking of the line snapped Sampson's neck, Sampson now dead, hanging from the arm of the Big O. But the weight of the dead body began to pull Roger closer to the edge of Big O's hand. The cockpit opened and Dorothy saw what had happened.
"Big O! Hold up your fingers and bring Roger to me! Quickly!"
Big O did as he was told by Dorothy and brought Roger to the cockpit. She carefully stepped onto his hand and disconnected the grappling hook, Sampson now falling to the ground, his body breaking into metallic, bloody pieces upon impact. Dorothy held Roger for a moment.
"Big O, a little help. He's heavy and I can't lift him…"
Big O tilted his hand and Dorothy was able to bring Roger inside the cockpit. She rested his head in her lap, stroking his head gently.
"Come back to me. Wake up… you need to wake up…" she whispered softly, and she leaned over and kissed him on the forehead.
Roger stirred, slowly opening his eyes, seeing Dorothy. He was happy at first, then a realization dawned on him, and he became sad.
"I guess… well… if you're here… I guess heaven isn't so bad… but… I'm sorry Dorothy. I tried… I really tried… to get the antidote."
"Roger, dear, what are you talking about?" she asked gently, stroking his head, "I'm alright. Dr. Plebanski tried contacting you via the comm link, but you must've silenced it. I can't get too excited, and I'm on bed rest for a while… but I'm okay…"
Roger adjusted his eyes and sat up, grimacing in pain.
"Ow… ow…" he then slowly realized he was in pain and then he realized Dorothy was alive and sitting right behind him, which meant, he was alive. He turned around slowly, his eyes wide with shock.
"Dor…thy… is that really… you???" His irises were trembling, still in disbelief that he was not dead, and she was alive.
"It's me, you louse. It's me," she said softly, with a small smile.
Roger, not caring about the pain on his left side, pulled Dorothy into a tight hug. Dorothy returned his embrace.
"I'm sorry, for worrying you…" she said softly, "And the kids. I know…"
"I don't care. I'm just glad you're here. Please… stay with me…"
He uttered the last part as a quiet desperate plea, barely audible above the humming of the machinery inside the cockpit. Dorothy pulled apart, gently bumping his head. "Always," she replied softly.
Roger kissed her forehead and slowly got to his feet, helping her up. He winced in pain.
"Damn kicks with cyborg. I probably have a few fractured ribs… wait… where's Sampson?" he asked, grabbing his left side as Dorothy helped him inside the cockpit.
"I'm afraid gravity didn't agree with him," said Dorothy, rather casually. Roger raised an eyebrow, realizing what Dorothy meant.
"Oh. Well, then I guess that's that then. It seems like the antidote his partner knew about worked on you… his ward is with Dastun… and there are the MPs in the distance. Dastun's gonna be pissed at me. I told him I would bring him in alive."
"Dastun is preoccupied with the east part of the city. Beck and Michael are fighting a megadeus. It's a purple event. Norman told me it's Carnot, Robespierre, and Fouche, but they've combined into one. They're not doing so well, apparently."
Roger sat down in the seat, and he helped Dorothy inside the gyrosphere.
"Then, I guess we need to head out and help them. Beck's probably furious with me."
"I think a bunch of people are, but considering everything, I think you'll get a pass this time, you louse."
Roger smiled. "But I'm your louse."
The joy cons dropped as "CAST IN THE NAME OF GOD, YE NOT GUILTY," scrolled across the center console screen. Roger winced as he grabbed the left one. Dorothy stood next to Roger's left side, grabbing the joy con.
"Are you sure? With everything… and your heart, I can do this, Dorothy… it's just gonna hurt."
"My heart is strong enough for this, Roger. Just work the foot pedals. What do you say, Big O? I'm not at the controls, but I'm here. You think you can help us out?"
Big O's eyes flashed as he brought up a foot, and brought it down hard, descending into the ground below and into the Prairie Dog.