The drafted contract took many an hour to create. By the time both parties were nearing a consensus, light had begun to break out, the events of the night becoming a disbelief to Beatrice's now changed life. All three members that resided in the office were exhausted by the initial toll such a simple document could contain, what was thought to be a fairly easy task resulted in Johns suit jacket to be draped over her chair as he drifted to the caffeine section on more than one occasion.
Observing both parties' unsatisfactory expression, there was no love lost between the couple. Glaring at each other through blazing eyes, John admired the woman whom seemed to hold her own against a man like Lockwood. She, of the many to try, successfully gained power over him, as that could be the only explanation for the Hollywood man to concede to her demands. Attraction being out of the question as Lockwood would not be so easily swayed by charm. Not that she wasn't attractive, whilst her beauty isn't prominent, her hooded doe eyes manage to gift her a nonchalant aura. Her mannerisms catching the intrigue of any man whom seeks a dominant dame.
Gulping down the secretion of saliva that came from viewing such a nymph, John's gaze lowered to her pouty pink lips, never having seen such a feature so prominent, as most American women had thin dainty features. Catching himself before he got too carried away, he closed his eyes to remember the vows he promised to the Missus.
At long last opening them, to become startled by the pair who stared at him with eyes of fiery. Stuttering out his lack of attention, he focused back to the task at hand, clearing his throat from appearing raspy.
"I assume there is some fight over the s-cripts? Lockwood...What image do you want for your actress?" He asked, deciding his bet was to focus on the only person that would not arouse him to such a degree.
In turn, Cesar narrowed his eyes, already catching on with his employees' avoidance towards the young woman, smirking at his lack of control, he began to elaborate his point.
"As of now, most men are focused on the purity of a virgin woman. Being blond is only a single factor to the bigger equation, by allowing her to portray a character that is seen to appear as a damsel...we will have a woman that is able to appeal to the men that want to be the hero-"
"I Do Not Want To Be A Damsel! You are thinking through the same mindset of how to make profit out of your whores! I am not one of them...think more innovative...this is the moment to focus your energy on how to make a profit off real actresses. Find a script that is mind-turning. Something that is an oddity to this era."
He scoffed. Rolling his eyes at the woman who so desperately wanted to be something different from women that were still considered above her. Pinching two fingers to the bridge of his nose, he acknowledged her words, deciding to accommodate her wishes to a certain degree.
"John, write a clause stating a monthly meeting with the screen writers over curating scripts to fit Ms. Johnson's ideal persona. If the script is up to par with my standards, I will approve it for further procedure. How does that sound, Lady?"
Opening her mouth to argue, the words died on her tongue, realizing the man was not truly up for debate. Placing her cigarette to her mouth, she nodded her head to the man that held the reins to her success. At last questioning the situation she had been placed in...Am I actually as free as I'd like to believe?