Camille Nuova

CAMILLE ENTERED her apartment and for the first time in her life she smelled the misery, she had sold the mansion and all that was left was her glittering Oscar in the center of the room.

She hugged him as if she were hugging her son.

— Forgive me, Mark, but I could never be happy with you... Camille lay on the couch, fell asleep and dreamed.

CAMILLE WAS BORN in the suburbs of New York, she was a little white princess in the black neighborhood of the Bronx, not that she had privileges because of that, she felt the weight of prejudice since she was a child and there was no point in being nice, kind or even kind, there she was the purest representation of everything those people suffered.

It was a white girl... and a beautiful white girl...

That alone gave the world plenty of reason to hate her. Over time she understood that people weren't to blame for being prejudiced, she didn't have access to culture, white men hated them and they only reciprocated.

Camille was the right girl in the wrong place, or vice versa.

HIS MOTHER WAS A maid in the home of a couple of millionaires who could not have children. She was black, beautiful, with the body of a Brazilian woman, an inheritance from her grandmother, she ended up falling for the seduction of her boss, who, when he found out she was pregnant, fired her.

Deisy Nuova had her daughter at home and at birth she realized that the girl would be a ghost in her life, the fruit of her sin, she was born exactly like her father, white, with clear eyes and without any trace of her.

AT TWELVE YEARS OLD, after the staging of a play at school, one of the guests who was watching was a director in a play on Broadway and invited her, her life changed from water to wine.

— Good, daughter — said the mother — knew he could do at least one good thing for you one day.

— What are you talking about, mother?

The mother coughed and, anticipating that her last good deed had helped her daughter, was happy, but knew she was at the end of her journey.

— He's your father, dear...

There was only one but in it all...

She had slept with him to get the spot.

BEING WITH PEOPLE who didn't care if she was white and poor was an indescribable feeling, because in the rehearsal there were people of all races and everyone treated each other equally, there was no skin color, social class, literary knowledge, but your talent...

No talent, nothing done...

The play was a tremendous success, which caught the attention of all critics, especially the pair of teenagers who formed the couple, Anthony Melthow and Camille Nuova, the two faces that promised to sculpt the future of cinema.

And they were hopelessly correct, but only one of them would win that dispute.

CAMILLE DISCOVERED with Tony the pain of loving someone without being loved, because for him, she was just one more in his infinite list of lovers and no matter how hard she tried to conquer him. He never made a point of showing that he was seeing her, even the few rumors of a possible romance between the two were denied several times by both.

If he didn't assume it, he wouldn't leave the taste of victory in his mouth all over the press either.

ANTHONY AND MARK were having dinner together when Camille walked in, Mark soon noticed her ravishing beauty, but she treated him as if he didn't exist. Realizing that Anthony paid much more attention to the skinny one than to her, she decided to invest in him a little, they went out together a few times to make Anthony jealous, but nothing had any effect, in her mind, Camille was only fifteen minutes of great pleasure.

Nothing more, nothing less than a good fuck...

As the days went by, she began to grow fond of Mark and understood what Anthony saw in him, but she still felt absolutely nothing for him. Although her presence and relationship provided the basis for a stable career for her, after all, whoever hired her was also guaranteeing a top-notch soundtrack and Mark was always associated with a possible Oscar and Grammy award.

WHEN CAMILE had gotten used to the routine of Mark's musician life and Anthony's warmth in his bed, the letter arrived that changed everything in her life.

The world would know that this child was not Mark's but Anthony Melthow's...

WHILE TALKING TO TONY, he slapped her across the face that immediately knocked her to the ground.

— Are you crazy? Do you want to destroy our career?

— But...

— There's no 'but' you bitch, find a way for Mark to take on this son and preferably without getting involved in the shit he does. Do you think I'm staying with you for the sake of a child? I already have too many problems to have to solve yours too.

But she knew it was impossible...

It was then that Camille told Mark the truth and disappeared from his life forever.