Mark Conely

AFTER FOUR YEARS of touring, almost without having a moment's rest, Mark went on vacation to Brazil, a place that fascinated him since the first time he played there, and made a point of spending every six months with his band to play in that paradise.

Mark traveled all over the world, played with the most diverse philharmonic orchestras, there were crowds in stadiums, met Presidents, Prime Ministers and Kings. He had dinner and slept with the most extraordinary women he had ever known as a way to escape that reality, and the fact that he had called Josie did nothing to change the desire of those women to want an intimate moment with him, they roared with pleasure and he realized how interests in the artistic world worked...

Name was just a mere detail... money was everything...

Despite knowing only how to say — thank you — in Portuguese and even then a little awkward, he always had an interpreter/guide to accompany him in the most diverse interviews and pocket shows he did at some universities.

Mark rented a place in Minas Gerais, in the city of Acaiaca, away from everything and everyone and rested for a month, wrote songs for several singers and films that had commissioned songs with specific themes as a soundtrack.

He's gift for describing the mood in his songs was almost matched by John Williams, the multi — award winning songwriter for soundtracks like Superman, Indiana Jones and Star Wars.

THE BEST PART in Mark's life as a musician was being a songwriter. When he took a vacation, his ideas came up because his mind was rested, he loved seeing nature, being close to that peace made him wish he never left there, if it was up to him, he would become a composer and studio musician, but he understood that in his current status fans would never forgive him for abandoning them just for a simple whim of his.

Is it better to leave it as it is... I fought so hard to achieve notoriety and now I give up just because I'm tired?

He couldn't explain why Camille had done all that, probably if she hadn't said anything, she would have assumed the child without any suspicions and they would be happy there in that paradise.

Stopping to think more calmly, maybe the girl knew that no one could be happy hiding secrets like that, and another one, had lost everything she had gained in years of hard work, months away from home in recordings and rehearsals.

Mark cleared all thoughts of her.

That's in the past, it should stay there.

He realized that even if he tried, he couldn't get mad at her for two main reasons:

1 — She, indifferent to anything, was honest and risked her career by telling the truth and;

2 — Mark just didn't love her, simple as that, what she did was a favor to get out of his life so that he wouldn't have to do that later.

IN BRAZIL THERE WAS a clear advantage compared to any other country in the world, the people were very welcoming, they did everything to make you feel comfortable, especially the staff, as they all spoke English and knew what Mark's favorite foods were. If he wanted to go out with a girl, there was a pink book at his disposal, which was very convenient for him at the moment.

ONE AFTERNOON, while Mark was riding his horse, he saw a person who didn't know if it was a mirage or a dream, but it was simply the best sight he could have, even in paradise.

Mark rode up to her.

— Hi — Josie waved, smiling, looking happy to be there.

She is still beautiful...

Mark gave a gleeful smile.

— I'm glad you came — Mark said, happier than he wanted to show — you don't know how happy I am to be here, you'll like everything I've prepared for these days.

— I'm sure of that… you're good at preparing special and unforgettable moments.

— Only for people like you.

— So you mean you've found more people around the world than I have?

— I would say that each person is special and in a hierarchy you are at the top...

She smiled, satisfied with the answer.

— Don't you want to know how I found you?

— That's not important, you're here, that's what matters to me right now.

He came down and hugged her for a long time.

— I broke up with Tony — he said while they were still holding each other.

Mark looked at her for a long time.

— But...

— It was all a lie, a big illusion, success changed him a lot, I don't even recognize him as the Tony we used to know, that extroverted and irreverent person is gone, Mark.

— We've all changed, Josie...

— No Mark, you haven't changed, I haven't changed... we're the same people as ten years ago, we feel the same things we felt, we have the same dreams and we happily work to make them happen, but he's turned into a demon.

How I feel about you hasn't really changed.

Suddenly, Josie kissed him.

The next minute, they were making love at the foot of a tree.