Jimmy Fellowie

DESPITE BEING A STUPID old man, Jimmy was still his right-hand man in everything in Anthony Melthow's life, especially after his wife dumped him and married another film producer thirty years younger and much more talented and virile than he was, leaving starving him again.

Her last words gnawed at him for years on end:

— You're an old, broke old fool... one day you'll understand that you've always been nothing, just that... a nothing...

And those words sounded like an echo in his nightmares at night when he woke up scared...

No... as long as I had Anthony Melthow, I'd have everything... he's always been my big luck in this life and nothing and no one will take him away from me...

Jimmy practically worked for Anthony for mere bucks and tried to maintain what little dignity he had left, but for him, as long as he was still by his side, he felt like he had the world at his feet.

ANTHONY PAID JIMMY to finish off Nadja after she tried to bribe him the very night he received the Oscar, injecting him with a big dose of heroin, a few hours later they found her dead because of an anonymous phone call she had made.

It was time for him to do the same thing with that idiot Camille Nuova, as much as he liked that little angel face, he also liked that sculptural body of Nadja Komanenkko, but...

No one could stand in Anthony's way to stardom... I'll guarantee that until my last breath of life...

JIMMY LIVED TRAPPED between two worlds and in both he was a slave. Anthony was the only person who still treated him well, but the other Melthow...

He was the devil himself...

What Jimmy didn't understand was how Anthony managed to remain calm in the face of all these adverse situations.

The guy was a true theatrical genius.

WHEN JIMMY saw Anthony for the first time, he found him a bit clumsy, however, the boy radiated something that to this day he cannot explain what it was, he simply hypnotized everyone around him, he had a glow of his own while talking and walking. Jimmy only accepted the boy at the insistence of his mother, who even promised to lie with him and did.

Which was Jimmy's undoing.

After killing Tony's mother, Jimmy thought he was free from the constant accusations he'd been suffering, but all hell was just beginning, the more he messed with that shit, the more it stank...

ONE NIGHT, JIMMY was working overtime at the theater when Joe first appeared.

— How is he doing? — Said Joe kindly. Jimmy looked at the big man without understanding a thing.

— Sorry sir... but... who are you?

The man pulled a pistol from his waist and placed it between his eyes.

— Can you read what's written on my doll's little mouth?

In lower case it was written.

— Who are you... Joe?

Joe took out his pistol after seeing that Jimmy had peed his pants.

— If you make a fool of my son like you did my wife, I'll kill you, got the message?

Jimmy was never able to sleep soundly again.