"You called me father?" The woman in her 20s entered the room, full of jewels and designers in her body. "What did you do?!" He shouted towards his daughter. "What do you mean? I haven't done anything, Papa!" She answered him flabbergasted.
"Have you fought with someone these days?" Her mom asked her. The girl was caught up but then laughed it off. "I fought a child days ago just because of mere chocolate. I told her to fuck off but that rude child cursed me and told me bad things. Now that I remembered it, can you please punish that little brat? I forgot to investigate her." She said and looked at her nails, checking if it was still okay.
"Speaking of trouble, why are you not working anymore?" Her dad asked her, curious about her daughter not working anymore. "I-I got fired unfairly!" She suddenly said. Behind those words, she was twisting the story acting as the victim.