The Queen, Cheeky Dorkus, thirsted for blood. Once a peaceful, respectful streamer on Twitch, the Meth Baby Warrior Baby Tribe from Eastern Kentucky had thoroughly corrupted her. While the screams of the meth-babies once haunted her, she now felt empowered by releasing her pent up rage on the babies, much in the same way as her crush, Ear-God, did. She was not a cruel ruler, but aspired to hold the image of Ear-God true, especially after taking control of southern California. Unfortunately, the Meth-Babies had become rowdy on occasion and it was up to her to put them down; but only in the same way Ear-God did. Her thirst for the blood of the Meth Babies rose to her ears; she pulled out her phone and texted Alex. "How's traveling treating you?"
Watson played with the two upgraded pistols sitting on the desk in front of her. Alex had gifted them to her after she had decided to try her luck at corralling the Meth Baby Warrior Babies From Eastern Kentucky. He called them "Plasma Bolters," and she gave a show to herself of melting two of the Babies which stood guard over her headquarters heads off. The gift had her constantly thinking about him, which irritated her. He probably had some horrifying plan in storre for these pistols to get some use; she was actually excited to see what was planned, but would let out a shred of excitement. She had heard of the bukake-inspired scene the deaths of the Spider-Ninjas hive in Chicago left, and was sure Alex had more surprises in store. Maybe she would actually talk to him this time when he finally visited.
Cheeky Dorkus focused on the mecha in front of her, gifted by Alex, 20 feet tall with very apparent cyber-dragon inspired design choices. Chirper was in awe of the gift and decided today was the day her dreams came true. Alex left an AI based on the one he had designed for himself, nick-named Mel, running constantly on a set of harddrives hardwired to the controls in the cockpit. If the mecha lived, so would the AI. Alex had taken inspiration from the net-runners of Cyberpunk while defining the offensive nature of the AI, which used bluetooth to automatically escalate credential privileges and gain full access to any devices near it, and always had the intuition to gain access after long term reconnaissance of any devices that would be necessary to preform the attacks necessary to carry out Chibidoki's goals. The AI, on the other hand, gave off "I'm too good for this job and to be ordered around by you, when you are nothing compared to the amount of experience and knowledge I have when it comes to the subjects that you are interested in vibes." A shoulder mounted flame thrower, power-claws that were the size of a giant instead of power-gauntlets, and anti-gravity wings completed the suit of armor. A true work of art, in Alex's words.
"WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH." The Meth-Babies roared in the distance. It was time to get some practice using the Cyber-Dragon Chibi thought to herself.' "Dragon-Suit, ON!"