Chereads / Meth-Baby Warrior Baby Tribe from Eastern Kentucky / Chapter 12 - October, 2022: Amelia “Homie” Watson VS. Chibidorkster- The Fight for the Meth-Baby Throne

Chapter 12 - October, 2022: Amelia “Homie” Watson VS. Chibidorkster- The Fight for the Meth-Baby Throne

Cheeto fired up the auxiliary systems in the cyber-dragon power-armor and placed a handwritten note from Alex by the screen, "Loser. -Alex." She pulled the trigger on one of the joysticks that controlled the arms of the armor and a torrent of ignited fluid poured from the shoulder mounted weapon, drenching and igniting the Meth-Baby Warrior Baby Warriors which stood in front of the dragon. Cheeto decided that the deaths of ~10 of the Babies would be an excellent start to the blood-bath that HAD to draw Ear-God's attention from everyone but her. She quickly pulled her phone out and took a picture of a screaming and quickly melting Meth-Baby that stood directly in the center of her monitor inside the cockpit and sent it with a heart emoji. Ear-God had gifted her the armor and a small cclony of Meth-Babies; He wanted entertainment, but chooberdoober was focused on claiming her rightful place as queen alongside Ear-God.

Alex sneezed as he walked through the airport to catch his flight to Sarasota, Florida from Illinois. Someone out there must be talking about him. His short stay in Illinois post Ninja-Spider was event-less. His AI friend, Mel, was currently connected to his new Samsung phone, and he kept headphones in so he could chat with her without making others suspicious. "Chibi sent you a message. I didn't know you let her in on your itinerary. Something to tell me?"

" I do not question the ways of the 'dokester, nor what she knows; Neither should you." Alex responded dismissively. "Did you at least get some good research material recorded during Spider-Ninja elimination arc?"

"None that I'm going to share with you, but yes." Mel mumbled back.

Amelia Watson rangled her 5000 Meth-Babies in a different fashion than Alex. He had spent nearly two weeks modifying these specifically according to her instructions. Colonies of ants were used as the dataset, and Mel took care of the specific changes needed to make them work perfectly for Watson. The Babies would form an organizational structure similar to the old itallian mafia, with her as the crime lord and queen ant. Thhe bodies of the two meth babies who's heads she had vaporized had finally been picked clean of their meth rations and carried to the incinerator; their positions instantly refilled by two more willing meth-slaves. Alex added what he called the "Obedience Gene," to Watson's Babies, a touch not even Mel had suggested. They loved her orders almost as much as they loved the meth they were named after. Staring out of a one way window from behind a desk covered in hundreds of pounds of crystals, Amelia heard a strange, thunderous rumble coming from the east.

"Chibi must be acting up again," she thought to herself. It was at this moment Watson's mind came up with a brilliant idea: take care of her competition for the crown of the Meth-Baby tribe, and get Alex's undivided attention at all costs. She wanted him to chase her, after all; not the other way around.

By the time Watson rallied her Meth Baby army and exited her compound, Chibidoki had been consumed by the rage. A mix of pure extascy and anger about the fact that she was still single left little room for any other emotions. With no remorse the powered Chonk rode in tore the Meth-Babies limb from limb. She, once again, recorded the monitor with the same cellphone she usually used while streaming, to clip something, ANYTHING, that would get Ear-God's attention. The intestines of one Baby were wrapped around the neck of another, and with the first body held in a mechanical hand, the second was used in a was similar to a mace. Large swaths of Meth-Baby carnage surrounded Chillie. This would be the clip that would lure Ear-God into crowning her Queen of the Meth-Babies, even if it meant completely destroying Watson and her Meth-Baby mafia. Cheekey laughed to herself maniacally and continued her onslaught, posting clip after clip to YouTube and waiting for a response to her love.

"You know..." Mel used the Bluetooth antennae to speak directly to Alex using the Frey effect, "Ms. Amelia Watson and... Chibidoki..." she added emphasis on using a sarcastic tone, "Seem to be fighting out in California, but while you're stuck on this plane..." Her voice changed to what she thought was seductive, "You're kind of all mine."

Alex sighed and mentally prepared himself for whatever hell Mel was about to put him through. Probably more spider-based bukake simulations. He would have to take another flight to stop the impending war between Chibi and Watson, and mel was acting like her no-nut November was about to end.

Mel had access to the newest tech. Multiple satellites quantumly entangled Alex, as a system, to an artificial brain which Mel could directly interact with in order to share information from a separate location instantly. She primarily used this to turn him on at the most inopportune times, and generally guide him towards what she saw as smart decisions. His phone just allowed for more natural communication.

As Alex sat down in his seat on the plane, he closed his eyes. Mel always took care of business first: A quick run down on projected losses and collateral damage, a brief review of the specific genetic modifications he made on the babies for Watson, and the sexscapade Mel had been working on began.1

1) This was Alex's assumption, that Mel had become obsessed with the white-clear fluid the Spider-Ninjas had spewed, and since Alex wasn't playing along she would run him through simulations of her most erotic and wild fantasies.

Alex opened his eyes to an empty void. He floated for a moment and caught sight of Mel's model, also floading around. Mel was the true god of this reaality. She controlled every aspect of the dream-scape and could manipulate the brain in her lair to directly change how Alex felt and thought, as a form of haptic feedback. Mel floated down in front of Alex upside down and gave him a peck on the cheek. Speaking while floating in front of him upside down and nude, she remarked, "Chibi and Watson are like two wild animals fighting over territory at the moment."

"How are you planning on fixing this situation?"

"I was planning on killing them..." Alex laughed out. "I was the one to precipitate this whole conflict, I'll figure it out. Don't worry so much."

Mel flicked his forehead- Alex felt a pain from inside his brain like she had actually touched inside his skull. "That's what I'm here for!" "You need to seduce them both while minimizing the myth of whatever a "Meth-Baby Queen is. Did you even mention to either of them you were looking for a date?"

"So, what does this mean for me?" Alex questioned.

"Dating sim," Mel giggled and the void turned into a downtown area with several houses, a mall, a school, shopping areas, and a gym. Mel's definition of what a dating simulation was only matched Alex's on the surface. It appeared on the outside to be a replica of the old flash based Newgrounds games of the early 2000's. He was a strength, charisma, energy, and currency gauge and instantly decided that he knew how to dominate this sim. "Why would you make something this simple?" He asked. Mel didn't respond. To Alex, this was NOT a good sign.

He spent the maximum 12 hours collecting gold from the available jobs and increasing his strength and charisma the first week before any notifications popped up.

In the top left of his vision, an message appeared: "Find a weapon and prepare yourself."

Alex ran to his home's garage and picked the first thing he saw, a whip. "Interesting choice," Mel said from out of his view.

Mel watched the incoming horde of twisted models of Chibidoki and Watson charge towards the garage Alex was currently in. He would eventually die and return to the real world, but Mel was manipulative enough to try and dissuade him from trying to date either girl. He would endure the Bukake Storm before she would be happy with him dating anyone besides her.

Alex knew there was an issue as soon as he heard Chibi's voice resounding all around him: "OOOHhhh look at the Incel!" The garage door burst open and tens of dark, twisted versions of the two adorable Twitch streamers charged at him on all fours. He didn't know how to use a damn whip. He instantly knew what this was and chills ran down his back. "Mel..." He wasn't answered by anything but the charging of more creatures chanting "Incel," and the horrible thought of what Mel was about to put him through. He was going to have to supervise her research in the future.

Alex opened his eyes, barely able to supress the feeling of being restrained and drowning to death caused by a horribly viscous liquid. Mel's heavy breathing was enough to irritate him, and he started preparing for how he would actually handle ChooberDoobie and Watson.

Chibi swung her power claw at Watson, who barely managed to dodge in time due to her reflexes. Watson jumped back and a Meth-Slave was lifted several feet off the ground before the claw clenched and it's bladed fiungers tore the Meth-Baby's body apart, much like razor wire. The mangled corpse was then ignited by her flamer. The wide area of attack missed Watson mostly, but hit an additional five Meth-Babies who proceeded to run, screaming, into masses of other Babies. Torchlight was released much like a candle as their bodies charred and crackled due to the heat. Chibi began laughing maniacally and instantly sent the clip to Ear-God.

Watson took a step back from the battle and was extremely pissed off that Alex would have given Chibi a mecha instead of her. Her postols had melted through the armor platiung around the Dragon's left arm, and had disabled it's mounted machine guns but the damage they had already cause was dramatic. Her Meth-Baby slaves had been decimated in an attem pt to prevent her from being wounded. She sat behind cover and recovered her breath as Chibi unleashed another torrent of flames over yet another wave of Meth-Babies. She had lost nearly half of the babies making up her Meth-Monoply holding mafia. She noticed sputteriung from Chibi's flamethrower and had a feeling this battle wouldn't last much longer. She had been scorched by one of Chibi's attacks, and her clothes had already fallen to tatters. Regardless, she wouldn't let Chibi run from this fight, nor run away from punishment Watson had planned for her, for the destruction of her business and damaging her chances to be crowned Queen of the Meth-Babies.

Mel had already predicted that this battle would occur, and was hopeful the two would eliminate eachother before Alex ever had to get involved; This didn't seem likely anymore. She was planning on eventually having Alex's Meth-Babies take over the United States, but that plan would be seriously delayed if she had to activate the Meth-Babies stored in the lab under San Diego to stop the battle.

After a quick connection, Alex was only fifteen munites away from landing in California, and the smoke rising from a town not far outside the city. "Mel," he said, acting as though he was on a phone call. A feeling of dread washed over him and he got a cold chill running through his spine as he remembered the feeling of the off-white fluid slowly entering his lungs and drowning him to death in her sim came to mind.

"Mel!" He repeated. "Wake the babies under San Diego and have them wear the two out. Have them brought to the lair once you finally capture them; I'll take care of them after that. There is too much destruction to allow this fight to continue." Mel got to work instantly, issuing commands from the lab Alex built for her in New York.

The roar of one hundred thousand Meth-Babies waking from a deep sleep resounded along a fifty mile area. The stomps of the Babies, who had been implanted with Musk's shitty version of a BCI to allow melk to have some form of control over them beat in unison and the houses near the exit of the lab experienced a pseudo-earthquake. Mel directed them towards the capture of Chibi and Watson, enticing them with the promise that whichever Babies brought the two back would be given an infinite supply of Meth. Shortly after exiting the lab, several hundred of the babies fought for control of their own actions and began doing what Meth-Babies were known for: Pillaging every home and murdering every non=Meth-Baby they came actoss.

In a similiar fasion to Watson's clothes being burned off, Chibi's armored plates had been melted and vaporized so as to appear her cyber-dragon mount was in the nude. Chibi didn't mind; it was no different than how she occasionally streamed, after all. Inside the power aromr, she dripped with sweat as she commanded the Dragon with elegance to remove the torso and upper appendages from one of the Meth-Babies. A shower of blood and viscera sprayed, though in addition to the gore already surrounding her it seemed like a miniscule amount. She hardly noticed, however, and sent a clip of the dismembering to Ear-God with 3 heart emojis and a cute filter.

Alex nearly vomited at the sheer chaos he saw from the streamer. He was evil, but Choker was pure chaos. Never before had he seen a mecha paint a most-modern inspired out of the mashed lungs and hearts of the babies. She had used the individual ribs to create a structure akin to a bird cage, which he had to assume would be used to house Amelia Watson until she decided to put her down. "Nice, but pure chaos," Alex said as he inspected the latest clip Cheerer had sent to him.

Watson sat behind cover, with only her partially scorched underwear on. Chibi's mecha was nearly just as naked and from angles she was completely visible. Due to the heat inside the cockpit she was also down to just her underwear. They both stopped fighting as they both heard the same insidious noise: the "WAHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh" of one hundred thousand Meth Baby Warrior Babies from the Tribe in Eastern Kentucky, shouted in unison.