Chereads / You Are Not You / Chapter 2 - CHAPTER -01

Chapter 2 - CHAPTER -01

Six months later

I sat by the dining table, with a book in hand having breakfast, lifting a spoonful into my mouth and turning to the next page with my other hand...I finished my bowl of cereal.

I clapped my books shut, but not before putting my bookmark to indicate where I stopped and placed it on the table as I walked to the kitchen with my cereal bowl in hand.

I cleaned it up and placed it in the rack.

I walked back to my room and got dressed, it was time to head to my place of work, at the bookstore.

I was almost running late too.

I picked my phone from the dresser, kept it in my clutch and zipped it up.

"I'm headed to work, bye!" I called out to my 'parents', that I don't remember as I slipped on my shoes and proceeded to the door, I turned back, hitting my forehead lightly with my palm as I remembered the book I was reading earlier which I left on the table.

It was due for return at the bookstore today.

I worked there, but I still loved to obey the rules.

I picked it and continued to head out of the house.

Mum rushed towards me, making me wait up.

"Riley, Honey..."

Thankfully they've stopped calling me Miley, she pecked me on both my cheeks and gave a satisfactory smile.

"Have a great day".

"Thanks mum" I gave a cheeky smile and turned to face the door, I relaxed my shoulders from its stiffness when she hugged me.

My routine since I came home two weeks after I woke up from the hospital has been so beautiful and fulfilled.

In the morning, after breakfast....I headed to my place of work at the bookstore daily, it was my best place in the world. Apparently, I've been working there since I graduated high-school, i.e before the accident.

"Good morning Ms penny"

"Riley, my dear" I greeted the old lady I've been greeting since I resumed working. She's really kind and was the first to introduce herself to me after learning what happened.

The distance from my home to the bookstore was a short one and so I arrived in just ten minutes.

I pushed the door open, Nathan, my co-worker had already arrived.

"Hi, Nate" I chirped as I walked to my table, dropped my book and purse on the table.

"Riley, how are you doing today?" He asked in return with his amazing baritone voice which always made me chuckle.

"I'm good Nate, how about you? Sorry I'm a little late" I walked up to him, aiding him in stacking the books in the trolleys at their respective places.

"I'm dandy!" He answered enthusiastically. Something about Nathan, he is so outgoing and always happy.

He was what the dictionary labelled an ambivert and I was an introvert.

Sometimes, he was shy and Conservative and other times, he was so outgoing it exhausted me.

We both worked on stacking the books to their respective rows and now we were done so we sat on the tiled floor, breathing slightly heavily.

We heard the door open and we both rose to our feet, it was our first customer of the day.

"Hi!, what can we get you?" I asked as I walked towards the teenage girl.


"So, do you remember me now?" It was our lunch break and we were sat by the counter stuffing our mouth with some Mcdonald.

This was the question, Nathan asked me almost everyday, apparently we used to be very very close friends before the accident.

I don't remember it though, I cleaned the right corner of my mouth from the ketchup stain "I'm sorry Nathan, not yet". I took a sip from my drink.

Sometimes I wonder if there was a particular thing he wanted me to remember, but I couldn't bring myself to ask him.

"I mean, I don't even remember my own parents or the fact that I had a twin sister, except for the photos that serves as evidence." I continued, it exhausted and annoyed me to the core that I do not remember anything about my life before the accident.

Nathan sighed as he noticed me becoming tense, he touched my shoulders lightly "it's okay Riley, time will solve everything" He assured me.

"It better do" that was the only reply I could muster as I looked far into the distance, like I was lost in thought but yet nothing was on my mind.

Ever since I returned home and I've learnt some few things about me like my family, where I worked and friends, I've been trying my very best to sometimes just close my eyes and try very hard to remember something, anything at all- that would save me from this situation.

But, the result is always blank, nothing pops up in my mind. It was tiring! Especially living in a home with people you have no idea what they are like or were like.

And I've requested mum and dad to tell me of all the necessary details of Miley and I and how we were as a family, but they've always declined saying something along the lines of—

"the doctor said, that could be dangerous. We are to only give you time till your memories juggle on its own".

We both got up as the alarm went off signalling the end of our lunch break. I resumed to my seat and continued on balancing the account, the end of the month was in two days time, and all records must tally.

The rest of my day at work went smoothly though and later that evening, as I was heading home with my earphones plugged in listening to my favourite binagural beat, I sensed that someone was following me.

I halted a bit at the same time reducing the volume to my earphones and turned around cautiously, I caught the sight of a guy randomly raising his legs. Strange! I continued my walking, but I felt a movement again.

I turned around again, only to see the same person...but this time has changed from the spot he was previously, he had moved forward but still randomly stretching?.

That felt weird, and so I hurried my pace, the last thing that should happen to me right now is to be kidnapped.

"Riley! Hey Riley!" I could hear someone call me from behind, probably the guy....did he know me? But that only made me fasten my pace

I could sense him increasing his pace as well, going after me, "Hey Riley! It's Nick!" I stopped, he introduced himself. That means he wasn't a bad guy right?

I turned to face his direction and by then he had already reached my spot and so we collided into each other.

I flustered and looked away.

"Hey Riley!, did I change much? You failed to recognise me from the distance?". The guy named Nick said, he was smiling, showing off his dimples.

I raised my head to look at him, taking in his features "uh..." I tried to speak.

"It's okay, I know I look more handsome" He said licking his lips and using his hands to stick his hair down.

"I'm sorry, I don't recognise you" I finally said, mustering up all of my courage, I swear I could see his face drain of colour but just for a while though, before he bursted into a laughing fit.

I felt embarrassed, he probably sensed that and then he stopped laughing as he steadied his breath.

"You're kidding right? Come on! I only spent eight months in Canada, and if I had your number I would have kept in touch. Maybe the weather did change me a little but can't recognise me?". He asked in disbelief.

I didn't know what to say to this Nick guy, should I go about narrating how I had an accident and lost my memories. This is so pathetic!

"I...." I tried speaking again but this time, got interrupted.

"Hey pal!" Nate arrived and exchanged greetings with Nick.

"Bro, when did you return?" Nate asked as they both shook hands.

"Last night bro". He responded with a smile.

"Cool!, welcome back" only then did Nate's gaze land on me and I guess it finally dawned on him what was happening as his mouth closed and opened in an 'O'.

"And, you've met Riley too" He cautiously asked.

"Yeah, but something weird is happening right now" he replied as he scrutinised my face that was so clouded with confusion.

Nate looked between the both of us before pulling Nick aside, "Come on bro, let's catch up before Riley steals you from me, you guys can do your reunion some other time" and with that he dragged him away.

Nick still wore a confused look, poor guy!

I sighed in relief, 'thanks Nate'. For coming to my rescue. I watched them till I saw them make a turn, then I continued on my journey back home.

I must definitely ask Nate about him tomorrow at work.

What a strange encounter, I wish I could remember exactly who he was though, it seemed like we were well acquainted.

Or was he my boyfriend? No. It can't be, if he was....he wouldn't mention that he didn't have my number.

I threw the thought of Nick out of my mind and just silently hoped that soon my memory would return, I don't want to live the rest of my life thinking my life only started six months ago.

I arrived home, opened the door and took my shoes off at the entrance before slipping on my flops.

"I'm home, Mum! Dad!" I called as I got in, a routine they made me practice.

I had to always mention when I'm leaving home and when I got back in.

The lasagna aroma that was coming from the kitchen filled my nostrils up, in turn making my stomach grumble. 'Mum was cooking up a storm for dinner again'

"Welcome home hun" I heard her voice from the kitchen.

"I'll be in my room" I responded as I climbed up the stairs that led to my room.