We were currently hiding from Mr. Gerald. We saw him chase after us before we took a sharp turn, so I know Kate and Rena were safe. Kate's ability was something that I was sure would be able to buy time and escape Mr. Gerald as long as we were the bait, so the first part was a success.
Now I just need to escape with Yang, and buy enough time for Mr. Froil to defeat Pleis. It wouldn't take too long, as Pleis's ability was literally just change appearances, while Mr. Froil had every single thing in the world. Even if he rolled the trashiest ability, his battle intellect would ultimately win him the fight. It just depends on how long he would take, so I'm hoping he gets an incredible ability.
" What now… " Yang who was trying to calm down as he breathes heavily, looks at me. He was asking for my plan.
It seemed like it became regular for me to have a plan now, isn't it?
Regardless, he was right.
" Let's gain some energy first, before we continue. We're going to run again, a hundred percent. " I sit down, for a bit, trying to rest for at least a few seconds. It was more likely for Mr. Gerald to find us than to find Rena and Kate, so it was fine to hide for a bit.
I don't know where the other half of the class is still, at this point in time, but I know they would've realized there's something wrong by now. They were probably hiding in buildings, and if not… hopefully they aren't cold lifeless bodies yet.
" Alright… let me pitch you in with the plan. " After a few seconds of rest, I started to lay out the plans for this escape. When I was thinking of ways to escape, Yang didn't speak out on joining me, so I made quite the difficult and dangerous strategy. Thankfully, although I was not forcing him to join me, Yang volunteered himself and joined me for this expedition. This opened a safer route, and that's what we'll be doing right now.
" You know where we're at? " I ask him.
" The sector? "
" No, the building. " I say while pointing upwards to a bunch of noise occurring up top.
" Oh… is this where Mr. Froil and that weird Inter are fighting? "
" Yeah… "
" Alright, I'm listening. " Yang seems to have calmed down. He still looked nervous, but that was something that you can't remove in this situation.
" We're going to do that again. "
" What? "
" Your ability. We're going to use that again. And you'll be copying the weird Inter. "
As I say so, a look of extreme anxiety flashes on Yang's face. He was scared, but it seems like the added pressure made him even more nervous. Seems like all that calming down was for naught.
" Tsk, look, I believe in you. I wouldn't even recommend this plan if I think we'll fail. When did I ever fail you? You might think your ability was useless, but believe me, no ability is useless in this world. It just depends on the person using it. And I know you can use that ability of yours, Yang. "
I had to calm him down, before we could do all of this. You are more prone to mistakes if your emotions aren't stable, and that isn't exclusive to normal humans. Even the strongest Guardians fall victim to their minds, and although Yang is a brave individual, he's someone who looks down on his ability.
" Ha... You're right. I joined you in this, so I could help everyone. I can't fall short when nothing started yet. " Yang says with a firm look in his eyes. It seems like he finally calmed down, and although he most likely still have his doubts, I hope he doesn't fail here.
" Alright, with that being said. I chose this building not only because it's the last thing he'll check, as it's right under that Inter after all, but it's because of you. The only time you can't mimic someone's voice, is when the person you're trying to mimic is known to be in an area far from where you're trying to mimic him. Or, in this case, Mr. Gerald knowing that the Inter is on this building. If we used your ability far away from where he's at, it would not only make it obvious, but we would be ultimately caught by him instantly without fooling him. "
" That's why we're going to use that. " I say while pointing at the stairs which seemed to be in perfect condition.
" I went in here earlier, before I met you in the kobold Lair. And all the doors leading to the stairs were shut tight, except for the one in the topmost floor. "
It's a massive megaphone ingrained in the building. Well, not really, as we still need to use this.
A plastic cone sitting in the corner of the room. It was probably the case of something, but now it's just a small megaphone.
We'll use this, and we could buy a lot of time, and hopefully Mr. Froil is done by then.
" Alright, let's do this. "
About half a minute passed, and we've finally rested. It was pretty quick to recover small amounts of stamina as a Guardian, but it was still detrimental to rest as even a second would cause your death in a world filled with super monsters, and super humans alike.
Regardless, it was time for us to cause a distraction, as spending too much time might cause unnecessary deaths.
" Alright. Act like that thing. Don't call Mr. Gerald by his name, and treat him as a disposable. "
" Okay... okay... I'll do that then. " He was still a little nervous, but he should do fine now. This ability of his needs some acting skill, but we don't have the time to practice right now.
We just have to depend on his innate talent and hope he could do this flawlessly.
Yang walks to the stairways with the plastic cone on his hand.
" Count down for me. " He says before bring the plastic cone next to his mouth.
"Alright, Let's go... 3 "
" Do it... "
" Oi! You fucking useless servant! I ordered you to grab those kids, and you can't even do it quickly?! Come back here and help with this bastard, you useless prick! " Yang screams in such a convincing tone, that even I thought he was Pleis for a second.
" Hah.... That felt fucking good. "
It seems like he let out some of his anger towards Mr. Gerald with that scream, huh?
" Let's not waste a second. We have to run. "
This distraction isn't really reliable for time. There are a few scenarios that could happen, but most likely it would be just Mr. Gerald falling for it, but will most likely be told off by Pleis the moment he shows up. So we won't be buying much time with that.
With that being said, this was just a distraction so that we could run in the streets freely for a few seconds. As if we just ran without doing this, the B rank Mr. Gerald would catch us without breaking a sweat and ultimately ending our lives there and then.
With that in mind, we immediately ran outside the moment we cleared the area. He was on his way to the top of the building, that's for certain, and we have a few seconds to go to the next stop.
" What now, Mon "
We were finally in the middle of the street. I can't say it was more comforting than inside that building as we're exposed right now, but it was definitely a step in the right direction.
" We're heading to the mall. "
" The mall? Isn't that? " Yang knew where and what the mall was, but he can't seem to find the reason why they need to go there.
" Yes... The Lair. "
Yang looked confused, but he didn't ask anymore. He seems to trust my judgements now.
As we run through the streets, we could hear the battle that was ensuing between Pleis and Mr. Froil.
" Are you stupid, huh?! " Pleis with an extremely angered voice, shouts.
A loud sound suddenly erupted in the middle of their conversation, as if someone flew straight to a wall.
" You got fooled by some fucking kids?! " Pleis shouts again.
At this point, I figured out who he was talking to and what made the loud sound a second earlier.
I expected Pleis to be mad, but damn, I underestimated his insanity. I thought this would stall a few seconds at best, but it
" Well, at least it seems like Mr. Crazy over there is finally focused on our fight. Did this slave being here relaxed you? No one can harm your dear students now, huh? "
" Alright, since you're so fucking useless. Let me give you some use. " With his usual smirk, Pleis slowly approached the unconscious Gerald, who was currently planted to the floor, most likely due to an attack from Pleis.
Mr. Froil raises his awareness, as Pleis was an entity he had no clue about.
" Let's reawaken those boys, shall we? "
With a punch straight to Gerald's gut, he gasped for air the moment he got hit. The punch was so strong that it buried him to the ground even more, knocking him unconscious in the first place.
' What's he going to do? ' Froil stares at Pleis, confused by his actions, but ready to retaliate in case Pleis attacks him.
" Since you can't even kill those children. I'm sure someone's going to perish with a bunch of crows running amok, right? " He smiles, before holding the unconscious Gerald's face with his palm.
At that moment, Mr. Froil seemed to have realized what Pleis was trying to do, as the familiar yet unknown energy escape his calm.
" KILL EVERYTHING! " Pleis shouts out loud, relaying his orders to the Shriekers roaming around the Sector.
" What are you going to do now? Cute little children? "