Chereads / Crazy 'Bout You / Chapter 31 - Chapter 26 - Jay

Chapter 31 - Chapter 26 - Jay

We are cuddled up on the couch when Camilla opens the front door. She chuckles when she sees us and drops her keys in the bowl that is on the table next to the door.

"What?" Charlie says, wrapping her arms better around me.

"Nothing." I hear Camilla says as she walks towards the kitchen. "I thought I would never see you lying on the couch with your girlfriend like this."

I laugh in the crook of Charlie's neck when she gags.

"First of all, ouch, second of all, that's gross." Now Camilla and I laugh in sync. "Stop laughing." Charlie mocks, punching me softly in the side.

"Stop." I laugh, getting a hold of her hands. "Please!"

Finally she stops tickling me. "Fine." She turns her head away. "What are we eating, mom?" I try to tease her by giving her slow kisses in her neck. It works every time.

"Something simple, I'm out tonight to Jennifer's." Camilla yells back. I hear cabinets open en close and rumbling with pans. "I will make some pasta pesto." Our favorite.

Charlie tilt my head so my lips don't touch her neck anymore. "Stop it." She hisses. She groans when she feels how my hands travel over her body. "Jay, please."

I grin and pull my hands away. "Fine."

"Do you need some help?" Charlie yells.

"No, enjoy your movie, eating in 20." Great.

I snuggle up against Charlie again and look at the tv screen. I don't have a clue where we at in the movie. We're watching fear street part 1. It just came out on Netflix and we where pretty stoked about it.

"I think I missed a couple of minutes." Charlie says.

I chuckle. "Same."

"Do you want me to go back?"

I shake my head. "I don't think we missed the juice parts." I say watching how a steamy scene comes up.

"Couldn't agree more."

It isn't long before we sit down at the kitchen table, my stomach growls when Camilla set down our plates in front of us. This women can cook, mm-mm-mmm.

Camilla chuckles when we dig in almost immediately. "I guess you two were hungry." She looks from Charlie to me.

"We skipped lunch to learn." Charlie says. "I think we just forgot about it until you came home."

Camilla shakes her head. "I'm glad you do more than watching movies all day."

"We do actually learn, you know."

"I was surprised too." I grin when Charlie gives me a look. "I thought you were a type who didn't learn and just got straight A's."

"In her dreams, maybe." Camilla teases.

"Ha ha." Charlie says. She stuffs her mouth and shakes her head.

I have to hold my laughter and lay my hand on her thigh. "You're kind of a nerd."

She drops her fork and looks at me. "Are you kidding me?"

I bust out laughing I try to swap her hands away. "I'm joking!"

Camilla laughs at us and a big smile breaks over her face. That's what I noticed a few weeks ago. She seems so proud of Charlie, for who she is today. For letting someone in again. She enjoys it when we are happy, just like my dad.

Although Charlie doesn't like my dad that much still, she stays over for dinner quit a lot actually. Sometimes when they are talking I look at him and I can see that he's proud and happy, just because I am.

Speaking of my dad, he really is doing better. There are still some trust issues from my side, but my therapist told me that that's normal and she's says it's good that I notice them. I'm working on it and It's okay that it takes a while.

"Did you run this morning or...?" Camilla looks at us. She must have noticed that Charlie left early today.

"Yeah, we did a small run with the boys, got some ice cream and then we both got here to learn." Charlie says, trying to act neutral. Yeah the first things we did, but she kept some details for herself. We didn't exactly learn when we first got here.

"You left quit early." Camilla looks up from her plate tp look at her daughter.

"Yeah, Andrew was whining that he wanted an early run." Charlie sights.

"He was real mature, uhum." I say, making Charlie laugh.

We had a game last night and since Keith is at his dad's Andrew didn't had his wingman and got drunk, so he wanted to run the alcohol out of his system.

"Well at least you did run." Fair point.

I smile and take another bite. This is delicious. "The food tastes amazing, by the way." When a smile appears on Camilla's face I know I made the right decision to compliment her.

"Thank you, Jay."

Charlie looks at me when her mom takes a sip of water. I have to hide my grin and quickly stuff my mouth again. This is great.


Oh my god. I throw some monopoly cash at Charlie and shake my head at her. This is the hundred time that I land on her property.

Camilla laughs and takes over the dices. "Is this going to be the first time I don't become last?"

I sigh. "I think so."

We are playing monopoly, Camilla suggested it after we had a conversation about little Charlie. She was embarrassed the whole conversation and I just laughed at her. Don't worry Camilla didn't showed me a photo book. She just told me about the dumb shit Charlie did as a kid.

After a while we ended up talking about monopoly because Charlie is some kind of master in the game. I don't know how you could be good in monopoly because it's just about luck. But now I know why.

I do think Camilla forget about Jennifer because it's already 10 pm.

"Mom don't say that too loud." Charlie says grinning when her mom comes up orange where Charlie has built an hotel.

Her mom sighs. "Every time." We all laugh. "Well It's good that I'm bankrupt, because other wise I'm never gonna end up by Jenn, so girls have fun. I will be back tomorrow afternoon."

"Well what the hell are you guys going to do?" Charlie asks confused.

"I'm staying the night there, because I have to work tomorrow and I'm drinking tonight." Camilla grins. "Don't break anything." She says before walking upstair to change I think.

I giggle when Charlie pulls my chair to hers and wraps her arm around. God I still hate giggling. "I want to try something new tonight and I think you will like it."

When I see the look in her eyes, everything inside me burns. I tilt my head so are lips are almost touching. "I would like that."

"Mmm." Charlie kisses me, slow and steady. Her hand drops from the table right at my thigh. We are playing a dangerous game and it only turns me on even more.

I have to hold back a moan when our kiss is getting heated and her hand glides further up my leg. Oh god. I bite her lip to calm down a bit.

Charlie gets a hold of my throat, choking me lightly. Oh my god, we really have to stop. With everything inside me I pull away so I can breath. "Charlie." I whisper. "We can't."

"It takes hours for my mom to change." She says hoarsely. Her raspy voice almost convinces me.

I shake my head at her. "We really can't, you know that we are bad at holding back." We really, really are.

"Just 5 minutes, you know it won't take me long." She pleads.

"Babe..." I groan. "Don't make this hard." Oh my god, I can't say anything to her when she's like this. "You are terrible."

"My mind is in an other world right now, you can't blame me." My mouth falls agape when she grabs my hips with a soft growl.

"Charlie." I say it stricter this time, making her look me in the eye, she seems impressed.

She sighs loudly, giving in. "Fine."

I stand up before she changes her mind and begin to clean up the dinning table.

"I will punish you for this later." She says after a minute.

I give her a look before walking towards the kitchen. "I know you will."

"Oh yeah?" I laugh. She's so bad at this sometimes. "Oh my god, that's just what you want." Finally. I laugh even harder now. "And you call me terrible."

"You are."

"Is that so?" She wraps her arms around me from behind. God I love it when she does this. She kisses me on my cheek. "I love you."

I grin. "I love you too." We just stand like this for a few minutes, enjoying the embrace.

When we hear the stairs Charlie lets go of me and grabs two glasses to fill with water. I turn around to look at Camilla. Well, I'm almost thinking that she's going on a date.

"You sure you're going to Jennifer?"

Camilla gives Charlie a look. "Can't I dress myself up?" Charlie rolls her eyes.

"You look nice." I say, swatting Charlie.

"Thank you again, Jay." Camilla looks around. "You two actually cleaned up."

"Mom could you please stop acting surprised." Charlie leans against the counter.

Camilla grins. "Alright, alright, have fun, I'm going." She does a quick wave and walks towards the front door. "Don't stay up too late."

"We are not 5 years old -" Camilla cuts her of with a laugh and closes the front door. "Is she kidding me."

"You really need to stop acting up, she just keeps teasing you." I say laying my arms around her neck. "You get worked up so quick."

Charlie sighs. "I know, sorry." I chuckle and pulls her in my arms. "But now she's gone."

"Charlie, no." I let go of her quickly and before she can pull me back, I start running. This is going to be a long night.


Gaping I roll over, I keep rolling and rolling and then I'm on the floor. What? I look up with a groan, I see that Charlie is gone. I groan again and put my head back down.

"Charlie..." If she doesn't respond, I lift my face again. "Charlie." I sigh, if that bitch went for a run without saying anything, I'll kill her.

I drag myself towards the hall and make my way to the stairs. I can already hear rumblings in the kitchen from here, an exasperated look land on my face and I lean against the couch. I already know she knows I'm there.

"Good morning, baby." I said it. She turns towards me with two plates. I want to stay angry, but breakfast looks way too good and she's too cute for words.

She puts the plates on the coffee table and walks over to me. "Don't be mad, you know I can't handle you being mad at me." She pulls me against her and bows her head towards mine. "Jay..."

"You know I hate waking up without you." She smiles on my lips.

"But then I can never surprise you with breakfast." She caresses my cheek.

"I do not care." This makes her laugh and tilts her head back. "I'm serious Char, I want to wake up next to you."

She tilts her head back to look at me. "I know, to be honest I want to watch you until you wake up, but I have to spoil you once in a while." I roll my eyes and pull her lips towards mine.

"Do that in a different way, so you'll be right next to me." I scream softly as she picks me up and presses her lips hard against mine. "Charlie!"

She chuckles and drops me into the couch. "You are just perfect."

"Stop." I pull her face back to mine, grinning as she murmurs softly to the radio. I laugh when she starts to sing louder and takes her fork to use as a microphone.

"That's how you know you fucked up!" She jumps up and dances across the living room. "Oh how, oh, how."

I shake my head and get on my knees to eat my breakfast. Let her do her thing, knowing she'll stop in a minute or two.

Of course I am right, I release a satisfied sigh as she wraps her arms around me from behind and puts her chin on my shoulder.

"Did you sleep well?" She kisses my cheek and brings her sandwich to her mouth.

I bite my lip when I feel her hand on my leg. "After last night... I had a great night's sleep." I raise my eyebrows as she hides her grin. "What?"

"Nothing." She kisses my cheek again. "I knew you liked it."

"Mmm," I mumble as she lets her hand slide over my thigh. "I'm going to take a shower," I tease. I get up quickly before she can pull me back and wink.

"So you let me do the dishes now too?"

"Who says you have to do the dishes?" I run up the stairs laughing. She dumps the plates in the sink and then she comes, mark my words.

I turn on the shower and undress, well, I kick my thong off my legs and swing Charlie's shirt over my head.

This weekend is great. I let everything float through my mind a few times as I step under the beam. Everything has been top notch so far.

"Why did it take so long?" I teasingly ask when I finally hear the door open and close.

She does not answer. Just as I want to turn over to her, she pushes herself against my back and kisses my shoulder. "I love you."

I turn in her arms, her eyes are warm and let the butterflies tickle inside me. "I love you."

She smiles and leans forward to kiss me. "You're so beautiful, Jay." Our foreheads rest together and I stare at her closed eyelids.

"Maybe you want to do what we did, um... last night."

Charlie opens her eyes with a grin, she already lifts me up and her lips are inches from mine. "I want nothing more." And with that, her lips are on mine and my back is pressed against the glass wall of the shower.

After a while we both can't hold it anymore, I don't because I cramp all over and Charlie keeps lifting me up again and again.

I turn off the shower and push us back until her back touches the cold bathroom wall. "We're going to the bedroom," I mutter to her lips.

"That is a very good idea." She sounds hoarse and can't take her eyes off me anymore. My cheeks glow when I break away from her.

I pull her after me, smile as she puts her arms around me and turns me around. Just as our lips touch, we fall onto her bed and get caught up in each other's limbs and the sheets.

We help each other to our climax, we never stop. It's like ecstasy. Drops of sweat bead over my forehead just like her and although I'm getting exhausted I'm not done yet.

I push her against the mattress and kiss my way down. Her moans get louder and I let them lead me.

"Jay..." Her hips pound up, and it takes all my strength to keep her in place. Fold my arms around her legs, kick the sheets off my legs, and increase my pace. "Fuck!"

Her legs start to shake and her breathing starts to hitch in her throat. When her hand lands in my hair, I know she came and I lift my face. With a satisfied sigh, she lets her head fall back into the pillows. A smile rolls over her lips. I use this moment to kiss my way up.

I take my time, soon another groan rolls over her lips, especially when I reach her breasts.

"Jayden." She leads my lips to hers and kisses me. "That was amazing." Our lips move in sync, our tongues fight for dominance even though I know Charlie is going to win and our hands slide over each other's bodies. God I could never get enough of her.

"I love you so fucking much," she mumbles between kisses. I tilt my head back when her lips find my neck.

"I love you even more," I answer, I bite back a moan and tilt my head towards hers to reunite our lips.

Out of nowhere the door flies open and we are both too late to shy away.

"What the fuck!" My eyes widen and in panic I look at the doorway. Keith drops his bag and stares at us in shock.