Her eyes were needling us, burning through every layer of my skin. My nerves screamed to run, to get as far away as possible from her. But no matter how much I wanted to my body wouldn't move. It was stuck in place, rooted down to the misty ground.
I ripped my eyes away from the darkened woman for a split second to see the same terror on my companion's faces. The horror was mutual between us. None of us could've ever predicted this.
Normally I would say she was at quite a distance from us…but something in the back of my mind screamed that this wasn't enough space. What kind of abilities does this woman posses? Why has she been stalking us this whole time? Questions with no answers gushed through my mind.
Digging through my brain won't help at all. The answer will come directly from the source! (''Wh-Who are you?!'') The last tendrils of my voice thinned out into nothingness. All I could hear was my heart beating in my ear.
(''Who…am I? I am Void. A voidling escaped from the ruins of Caer Folli.'') She answered promptly with no hint of deceit. Not that I could tell if she was lying or not. (''Have you by chance had the honour to meet my brother? He is the same as me, just a bit shorter and fiery attitude.'')
What? A brother? And why was she asking us that so casually after all this stalking? I can't wrap my head around this eerie woman.
First lets confirm one more thing. (''I have a feeling I know the answer you will give. But were you the one has been following us this entire time?'') There. I said it. Regardless of the answer one thing is certain…she didn't show up before us for a good time.
(''Yes'') Her mouth curled into inhumane smile. Bursting at the seams with a dark sludge like liquid. It flowed down covering a large area underneath her feet. The foggy ground between us disappeared and was replaced by a large platform of darkness.
(''Wh-what do you want from us?! Why were you following us?!?'') That's when she snapped. Hugging her arms together and squirm around with a look of pure ecstasy. Her breath was so thick you could mistake it for a dark cloud.
(''To eat my prey! HAHAHAHA'')
A jolt ran up my spine and my legs gave out below me. This can't be the end…my adventure has just started. Though my legs wouldn't respond to my brain's commands, I sprouted up a seat to lift me up. The strength took its time to return and even when it did my legs still shook in fear.
Could this be an A class monster? What was one doing so high up in the region?! This must be some sick joke god is playing on us! That's the only way this could happen.
(''Is there no chance you could just let us go?'') I tried my hardest to project my voice far enough so she could hear me.
(''Oh boy! HAHAHA that has got to be one of the funniest things I've heard. I like you, what's your name?'') Her mortifying voice invited mine forward. (''Abaddon'')
(''Hmmm good. I like it, I'll mention it to my brother if you fight valiantly enough.'') That seals the deal. No more negotiations from this point forward. It is now do or die.
Her long slender arm sprung up in the air and up came torrents of shadow pillars that ascended up to the cloudy grey heavens. (''Let the purge begin!'') Dark slimy creatures crawled from the great pillars. Groaning and screaming while rushing at us.
(''You've got to be kidding me…-'') I gripped my hilt and readied my sword, avoiding action until the very last moment. This was a battle of stamina for as long as the shadow monsters were the only things coming at us. Frin rushed into my body, like a jolt of adrenaline, rushing ideas into my head. The sword is not my only means of fighting, this is my domain!
A dark liquid gushed onto my clothes as I claim the first kill of this skirmish. Zeraf and Ghost followed suit, killing and massacaring the oncoming waves of darkness. I can't lie and say that this doesn't scare me…but to survive, I must persevere!
My blade glided through countless monsters, dancing around. I could feel her icy glare more than the attacks that are smashing against my body. Her bloodlust was nauseating to the I had to fight back the wave of vomit building up in my throat.
I could feel me reaching my limit soon. Every slash felt like pulling a sword from the stone. Maybe magic was the way to go. Just as I was about to sheath my sword it flew out into the fogland. A tentacle lashed the steel sword out of my hand. Void's outreached hand turned into a finger wagging from side to side. (''That's no good boy! Have you never heard of the expression meat tastes better from a skilled person? God, use your magic!'')
Frankly no I've never heard of that expression. Is it something that voidlings talk about? Voidlings are usually low in intelligence. Many times reseatchers have tried to exchange words with them, always ending in a failure. So why can she converse with us? It could be an abnormality…but those aren't common among monsters.
A large wall of roots came between me and the creatures. It was enoug hto block them for a few seconds before they eventually tore it down. Giant spikes of shadow sptrouted up from the ground with the swing of my arm. From them even smaller branches pierced hundreds of creatures.
The battle field was laden with trees of darkness raining down spikes piercing the bodies of anyhting hostile. Some even got near Void who instantly blocked them without lifting a finger. Something like an invisible forcefield was blocking all attacks. She is a formidable foe.
Time dragged on and the last ten minutes felt like an eternity. I can foresee the necessity of a break in the near future. Issue is, how to catch a break from these zombie-like sludge creatures.
Frin endlessly flowed into my body from this domain, so hypothetically I could cast forever. Issue is my frin gland hasn't developed enough to maintain this level of output. I am lacking even in my strongest aspect. Would I ever catch up to the level of Zeraf? At this rate I might even fall short of Ghost.
Even while struggling with weak magic due to the climate, Zeraf is still flawlessly slaying hundreds more. Come on Abaddon! You've got this!
Every pore in body lit on fire as thousands more spikes stuck up from the ground impaling just as many creatures. (''Ghh'') Every cell in my body screamed in agony. My mouth was agape with my shrills corrupting the air.
Huh. What…is this? The soil? Why is it so cold? What is this fiery liquid pouring from my mouth? Is it…blood? Will I die? I don't want to die. I don't want to die. This can't be happening!
Tears slid down the side of my face, filtering through the damp ground. I don't want to die.
I don't want to die.
I don't want to die.
I don't want to die.
I don't want to die.
(''Cool yourself boy. You won't die 'till im satisfied!'') Her demonic yet angelic voice plucked me from my burgundy grave. As if revitalised, my energy rushed back into my body. The bruises and most of the light cuts remained scattered across my body.
What the hell happened?! Wasn't I on death's door-
(''Listen boy. What you did there was impressive. A little advanced for a rookie like you. But still a little too tender for me. I want you to surpass even that. Forge your own weapon of darkness. Wield the power flowing inside you. Show me you have what it takes to become a scrumptious meal!'')
(''You freak!'') I couldn't help to shout what was on my mind. Though I should be grateful for this second chance. I can't waste the luck bestowed upon me. She is right there is only one thing I can do from here…grow. Higher than I've ever dared to venture.
I ran as fast as my legs could carry me towards Ghost and Zeraf who were still holding off waves of creatures. Zeraf's martial arts combined with her flickering embers never ceased to amaze me. Ghost was slicing enemies with her wind blades. If you squinted hard enough you could make out the shapes of the crescent blades.
(''Zeraf! Ghost! Protect me for a bit! I am about to kick some ass!'') I couldn't help but to grin as I voiced my request. They enclosed around me and brought the fight to an even smaller area. I could feel the breeze of every attack. Some sludge even splattering on my already dirty clothes. I erected a cocoon of roots around myself as a last measure.
This is what relying on party members is about huh. I can get used to this. My vision blurred, everything fading to black.
It's time to forge!