Chereads / Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games / Chapter 21 - CH 21: It's time to duel!

Chapter 21 - CH 21: It's time to duel!

(Third person POV)

Dr Crawler looked like he wanted to say something, but he sighed in defeat as he nodded with slumped shoulders:"alright, you can begin your duel anytime you want."

Ali turned around with a mocking and taunting smirk on his lips as he snorted :"whatcha waiting for, little cunt? You scared now? Get your ass over here, motherfucker."

As Pablo walked down while growling, Chazz in his seat snorted :'what a dweeb. You think you can defeat who the great Chazz couldn't defeat?'

"Ali is really handsome, let's see if he really has the skills that you talked about, Alexis." Jasmine told her friend who was resting her chin on her hand.

But unlike the cute red head, the sexy blond had a serious face as she focused :"you will see it for yourself.

Even though this is a newly made deck, with the skill that Ali showed in a single turn, the chances of him losing are extremely low."

As the two stood a few meters away from each other, Ali raised a taunting eyebrow :"you're gonna regret running your mouth, bud."

And the dumbass obviously didn't have anything creative to say, so he just glared :"hmph, I will show you who is gonna regret it."

And the moment he took his deck out, Ali's lips parted slightly with a speechless expression :'the fuck...? I knew this guy is a dumb fuck, but to this extent???'

You may be wondering, why did Ali think that? Well, the reason for that, is because this Pablo guy's deck, was twice the size of a normal deck!

This guy was literally stupid enough to fill his deck completely to the max! A total of 80 cards! What is that besides stupid?!

We can't get the cards needed with only 40 cards, heck, even 20 cards. Yet this dumb fuck had actually put 80 fucking cards in there!

The reason for why Ali was so confident even though he had just built a deck with random cards, was because of having the duel spirits' support.

Basically, he could cheat his way through with the power of luck by having the cards that he needed come to his hand.

Otherwise, he wasn't an idiot! He wouldn't act so arrogantly if he didn't have what he has. After all, the chances of the cards coming in hand was low.

Like, what are the chance of Decoy Dragon and Foolish Burial coming to his hand the first turn?

But apparently, this dumbass was proud :"hmph, you scared now? I have filled my deck with many strong monster that I will take you down with!"

And the moment Ali saw how dumb he was in actuality, all the excitement from before was turned to disappointment and annoyance.

What was the reason for making a new deck? To face a little bit of challenge. The reason for why he trash talked so much and was excited, was because he thought he could have some fun.

But no. This idiot was just pure stupid with a capital s. Ali's disappointment was immeasurable and his day was ruined.

He honestly wanted to end this duel as soon as possible. It seems that Alexis thought the same as she frowned :"sigh, this is just stupid.

With how confident he acted, I thought that he might give a good challenge so that we could see a good show.

But this guy's entire strategy is obvious with how he has made his deck. Sigh, this is just going to be a waste of time."

Jasmine rolled her eyes as she folded her arms under her jiggly boobs :"hmph, you would think he's something with how arrogant he was.

But no, he was just another haughty guy who doesn't know a damn thing. Bet he got here with just money or something."

Back with Ali and the idiot, the said idiot smirked. Clearly he hadn't noticed the disappointment on Ali's face.

Or maybe he was just too stupid to notice :"hmph, are you scared now? I will teach you a lesson!"

And Ali rolled his eyes with another sigh :"uh huh, of course you would say some bullshit like that.

I didn't expect you to be talented in trash talking anyway. The only thing you seem to be talented in is being a clown.

So I think you may have come to the wrong place, bud. You would have a much brighter future in a circus."

And just like any npc, the idiot just glared :"y-you! What did you say to me?!" This guy was really too disappointing for a named character.

Even Ali thought so as he brought his hand up and scratched the inside of his ear with his pinky with a nonchalant look :"I called you a clown.

It seems like you aren't just dumb. Heh, you aren't just a clown, you're the entire fucking circus. Whatever, let's get started already.

I don't want to waste my precious time with you anymore. In fact, I feel embarrassed that the first duel of this new deck of mine is against such an idiot. Let's duel, dumbass."

Ali LP: 4,000

Pablo LP: 4,000

Ali's Red Eyes duel disk wasn't telepathic, so he had to turn it on by himself. Which was by pressing a small button on a ring on his middle finger of his left hand that wasn't connected to the duel disk, but the moment he pressed it, his duel disk came to life.

The bracelet opened up before it seemed to turn inside out and transform into Ali's personal duel disk.

Seeing the appearance of the duel disk, everyone but the few who had already saw it whoaed as they watched with awe.

Stars appeared in Jaden's eyes as they shined with excitement :"whoa! That's so cool! I've never seen such a cool duel disk! Wonder when I can get my own."

The voluptuous blond's sexy friends were also surprised as Jasmine blinked with awe :"whoa! Ali actually has a personal duel disk?!

That's a seriously big deal. Having a personal duel disk means that someone either paid a lot of money, or is a seriously big shot!"

The ditzy black head also blinked :"yeah, and it's seriously convenient. It just came out of that black and red bracelet on his wrist."

Seems like as dumb as this Pablo guy was, he still had a little bit of knowledge. Because he also grew a little nervous at the sight of his duel disk.

Ali actually yawned before he put his deck at where it was supposed to be before it was automatically shuffled.

1st turn: Ali's

But of course, it was shuffled in a way that Ali wanted it to be~ :"come on, bitch, let's get this over with so I can get some DP. I don't normally do it, but I'mma go first this time. I draw."

Ali smirked the moment he looked at the cards in his hand before he snorted :"I activate the spell card, Foolish Burial. It allows me to send a monster from my deck to my graveyar-"

"Pft hahaha! I actually got worried for a second because of your duel disk, but it seems like you're just a fool!

What use is there in sending your monster to the graveyard? That's just a waste of a monster. That spell card is just trash!"

Who else could have said such a stupid thing but Pablo? He was dumb to the point that Ali didn't even bother to insult him :"yeah, yeah, whatever.

Don't fucking interrupt me again if you don't want your jaw ripped off. Anyway, I send my ace monster, Serpent Night Dragon to the graveyard!

And then, I summon Decoy Dragon in attack position. I also set a card face down. That's it for now. I end my turn. Go ahead, stupid clown."

Decoy Dragon: Dragon/ Effect/ Fire/ Lv 2/ 300 ATK/ 200 DEF.

Shock spread through everyone, even Alexis. Jasmine looked at her with a raised eyebrow :"Alexis, why did Ali summon such a weak monster?

I get that he has just built the deck, but shouldn't there be better monsters in his deck and hand to summon?"

With a thoughtful look on her beautiful face, Alexis frowned as she focused on the match :"Ali doesn't just care about the ATK and DEF points of a monster.

With what I saw yesterday, that dragon definitely has more to it than it looks... Maybe something to do with that spell and the combo he just did..."

2nd turn: Pablo

Pablo snorted, trying to act tough as he drew a card :"I draw! Hmph, you're just a trash, summoning such a weak monster.

And your ace monster is the trash Serpent Night Dragon. Hmph, a trash monster for a trash duelist.

I will show you what real dueling is like! I summon Armored Lizard in attack points! With an ATK points of 1,500, your puny monster is nothing against mine!"

Armored Lizard: Lizard/ Normal/ Earth/ Lv 4/ 1,500 ATK/ 1,200 DEF.

Pablo laughed haughtily before he pointed at the cute Decoy Dragon :"Armored Lizard, attack that little dragon!"

The moment the Armored Lizard moved towards Decoy Dragon with razer sharp teeth, Ali smirked :"so you've chosen, death.

I activate Decoy Dragon's effect! When Decoy Dragon is attacked, I can choose one Lv 7 or higher monster in my graveyard and summon it!

And can you guess which monster I'm choosing? That's right, it's the monster that you just called trash, you bitch!

I special summon Serpent Night Dragon in attack position! And guess what, once it's summoned, it becomes the attack target!"

"What?!" Pablo screamed with a look of horror as Serpent Night Dragon appeared in front of Decoy Dragon with a "do we have a problem?" Expression.

Ali, with a demonic smile on his face, swiped his thumb over his neck before giving a thumbs down :"Serpent Night Dragon, take care of that little lizard! Ebony Flame!"

"Begone insignificant lizard!" Serpent Night Dragon roared before his opened his mouth and numerous black lights going at the Armored Lizard!

The Armored Lizard gave a pained screech before it turned into countless little light particles. Pablo's Life Points weren't in that much of a good condition either.

Ali LP: 4,000

Pablo LP: 4,000 -> 3,150

Pablo tsked with an angry face as he bit his lip in nervousness :"hmph, you just had luck! I will definitely show you! I end my turn..."

3rd turn: Ali

Ali smirked as he snorted :"sorry, mate, but this duel, will end in this turn. I draw. Hmph, I activate the spell card, Ancient Rules!

It allows me to summon a level 5 or higher normal monster from my hand. And I use it, to summon Black Dragon Jungle King!"

Black Dragon Jungle King: Dragon/ Normal/ Earth/ Lv 6/ 2,100 ATK/ 1,800 DEF.

A black light shone on the ground, just like Serpent Night Dragon before it boomed and a black dragon with black scales on its back and purple scales on its front.

Honestly, it looked a little... Disgusting with that worm like mouth while it stood next to the cute Decoy Dragon and the graceful Serpent Night Dragon.

Pablo took a fearful step back while clenching his teeth in horror before Ali continued :"and not just that! I also activate, the spell card, United We Stand!"

United We Stand: Equip spell.

Effect(s): The equipped monster gains 800 ATK/DEF for each face-up monster you control.

Ali's smile miraculously grew even more demonic, making everybody present shake as he laughed :"and can you guess which monster I will equip it to? That's right, my ace monster, Serpent Night Dragon!"

Serpent Night Dragon: 2,350 ATK & 2,400 DEF -> 4,750 ATK & 4,800 DEF.


DP: 1,950