C'mon, guys, give this book some reviews, dang it ಠ︵ಠ!
(Third person POV)
Serpent Night Dragon appeared on the field with a loud roar, sending a shiver down the bug's spine.
Seeing the beautiful dragon that was looking down on him maliciously, the bug shivered as he gritted his teeth :"damn it..."
It happened way too quickly. One second, there was only a weak monster with only 100 ATK points on Ali's side while he had summoned such strong monsters.
The duel was completely in his hand. But who would've guessed that the same weak monster could bring such a strong monster to the field.
Serpent Night Dragon is by no means a weak monster. The only reason for its trashy reputation is because of being a level 7 monster that needs two tributes.
And because of that, Rex Raptor who couldn't summon it after season one put all the blame on the card.
But in Ali's hands, who could summon it in a matter of seconds, it's power was terrifying. Just like now, its power was obvious as it looked down on the Curse Of Dragon and Parrot Dragon.
The bug looked at the only card in his hand, but it seems like the card was of no use for this situation.
So he clenched his fist in anger as he snorted with a determined face :"hmph, I end my turn. But don't think that you've won."
Ali, with a crookek, toothy smile on his face, snorted as he drew a card :"oh, buddy, there's no need for me to think about it.
After all, it's going to happen in a few seconds. I activate my face down card! The Quick-Play spell, Revived Serpent Night Dragon!
{Revived Serpent Night Dragon: Quick-Play spell.
Effect(s): Tribute 1 monster on the field, then special summon 1 "Serpent Night Dragon" from your hand, deck, or GY.}
By tributing one monster on the field, I can special summon one Serpent Night Dragon from my deck, hand, or graveyard!
And I choose to sacrifice, your Lord Of D! I would've chosen another card, but Lord Of D's effect doesn't allow it."
The bugs eyes went wide in shock :"what?! My Lord Of D!" A tornado like black light surrounded Lord Of D before a red dragon got out from the top of the tornado and came to Ali's side of the field before transforming into a Serpent Night Dragon!
Ali's smirk grew even more deadly as he gave a low, deep chuckle :"but it doesn't end there, bud. I activate, my second Revived Serpent Night Dragon!
Which allows me to tribute another one of your monsters! And this time, I'mma choose your Parrot Dragon."
And once again, a tornado like black light rose, but this time, from under the Parrot Dragon who gave a pained roar which was a mix of dragon and bird.
And just like before, a red dragon got out of the tornado before it transformed into a Serpent Night Dragon on Ali's side of the field.
The bug clenched his fists even harder as he awaited the inevitable. Although he acted cocky, it seems like he wasn't too dumb.
After all, it wouldn't take a genius to know that he is fucked when he has no usable cards in his hand and only has a monster with 2,000 ATK points while there are three monsters with 2,350 ATK points each on the opponent's side.
Ali snorted with a simple smirk as he snapped his fingers nonchalantly :"Serpent Night Dragon in the center, take care of his Curse Of Dragon please."
"With pleasure, master." Serpent Night Dragon said before he gathered his energy and released it in the form of hundreds of black lights which were shot at the Curse Of Dragon.
Ali LP: 3,500
Bug LP: 3,650
As the hundreds of lights shredded Curse Of Dragon to pieces, the bug's Life Points also took damage as they went down to nearly Ali's level.
The said bug took a deep breath with a frustrated look as he closed his eyes and awaited the next two attacks of the monsters that he had trash talked.
The same monsters that Ali ordered as his smirk disappeared after a snort :"Serpent Night Dragon on the left and right, attack. And you, bug, sihdir (Turkish word for fuck off or piss off)."
The two Serpent Night Dragons followed the actions of the Serpent Night Dragon in the center as they gathered their energies before firing their unique attacks at the bug!
The bug gritted his teeth as the holographic attacks hit him, but he didn't scream like the other cringe student, just gave :"ugggghh!" Through gritted teeth before his Life Points were reduced to 0.
Ali LP: 3,500
Bug LP: 0
Ali snapped his fingers with a smirk and a wink as the Serpent Night Dragons disappeared:"taamom (it's done, or just done). Thanks for the DP, buggy."
Seeing that the duel is finished, Zane walked towards Ali with an approving smile :"good job, Ali. That was an impressive duel."
Ali shrugged with a nonchalant smile on his face before he took out his DPA :"just another ordinary duel for yours truly."
Obelisk Blue Ali Ashborne VS Obelisk Blue ****
Winner: Ali Ashborne.
Winning against an Obelisk Blue
2,000 Win a duel against an Obelisk Blue.
Quick Victory
2,500 Win a duel within turn 1 - 4.
Comeback Victory
500 Win the duel when your LP is lower than your opponent at the start of your turn.
Perform a Special Summon
100 Conduct at least one Special Summon.
Activate a Spell
100 Use at least one Spell card.
2,000 + 2,500 + 500 + 100 + 100 = 5,200
5,200 ÷ 2 = 2,600 DP
Total DP: 0 -> 2,600
Ali turned the screen of his DP off after checking his DP out and smiling :"nice, 2,600 DP in the pocket. Well, PDA to be exact."
Everybody present watched in amazement at the duel that was so short but with so many twists and turns.
Yeah, for this era, that was a hard core duel. Not like the time where Ali is from, with people taking a shit load of time to finish their fucking turns.
In the end, he summoned a link D/D/D monster and nearly filled the whole field. But fortunately, ya boy went big brain while using the Blackwing deck. As you know, I'm not good with remembering names. So basically, I synchro summoned that Blackwing monster which allows you to destroy as many cards as you the Blackwing monsters that you control. Then I synchro summoned the level 5 Blackwing monster, the using both synchro monsters, with the first one being a level 7 tuner, I synchro summoned the level 12 Blackwing monster with 3,000 that would gain 3,000 extra ATK points at damage step. Needles to say, him or her being a D/D/D player, had already brought his Life Points to 3,000 or something. And so, ya boy attacked the Link monster with 1,800 ATK points and took the victory before cursing the hell out of the ass hat! No offence to D/D/D players though. But you can seriously just play with my Dick, ass faces ಠ︵ಠ> Just when Ali finished taking a look at his PDA, the door was opened once again and two people walked :"oh? Why is there a crowd here?" "I don't know. Hey! That's Ali, and Zane's with him too! Let's go, the crowd seems to be surrounded them." As the two walked forward, the Kuriboh headed boy waved at Ali who noticed him :"hey, Al, Zane! What's up? And why are you surrounded by so many people?" Ali snorted with a smirk :"my DP, what else? And for your second question, well, I had a duel with this guy here. And of course, yours truly won flawlessly." Jaden was shocked as he whined with slumped shoulders :"aww, shocks. I just missed a sweet duel!" But just as Ali chuckled at his friend's childishness, the bug walked to him with a solemn look on his face :"hey, why didn't you do it earlier?" Ali cocked an eyebrow at him with confusion as he tilted his head :"what??? What you on about, buggy?" And buggy growled with an annoyed look :"quit calming me that. I asked, why didn't you use it earlier? That card that you used to special summon Serpent Night Dragon was a Quick-Play spell, wasn't it? That's why you set it face down. You can use Quick-Play spell cards on your opponent's turn if it's face down. You knew that's that's why you set it down. Do why didn't you use it to tribute my Lord Of D when I just summoned it? If you did that, you could've completely left me defenseless because I would've already summoned for my turn and couldn't do anything else. So why didn't you do that? Don't tell me that you didn't know about the combo of Lord Of D and Flute Of Summoning Dragon." He clenched his fists as he frowned his eyebrows and glared at our handsome Ali :"were you looking down on me?" Gotta say, this guy ain't bad. Although he is a little arrogant like the other Obelisks, he still has a good brain. As we all know, there is "someone" who didn't even know what a Field spell is. So you should've figured out that every bit of knowledge in here is impressive. And besides, not many people know that you can activate Quick-Play spells on you opponent's turn like a trap card. And that statement was proven by Jaden who scratched his head with a confused look :"huh? Really? You can actually use Quick-Play spells like that? But aren't trap cards just supposed to work like that?" The light blue headed boy also blinked in confusion as he looked at them, causing Ali to chuckle :"yeah, J, Sy. You can use Quick-Play spells like that. But the condition is that you must set it first, just like a trap card. And for you, buggy, I have to say, I'm impressed. I thought that you were just like the other few Obelisks that I had met, arrogant and foolish. But it seems like you have studied and know your stuff. That combo was also pretty good. And no, I wasn't looking down on you and neither was I underestimating you. That is a fools actions. I might act like how I do, but that's only because I'm confident in my ability. I'm not arrogant, so I don't look down on my opponents, that's why I always give it my all. Yes, I knew that I could do that. But I also want to enjoy the duel and see different types of strategies. That's why I gave you the chance to make your moves and pull your combos. And besides, the whole point of this duel wws to show you the might of my Serpent Night Dragon. The DP was just cherry on top. If I were to defeat you when you hadn't even summoned your monsters, you would've just made some bullshit excuses. That's why I gave you the chance to summon your monsters before I used my Serpent Night Dragon and took you down. But seriously, that was a pretty good duel. A lot better than the one I had this morning with an ass face. Hahahahaha, I guess the reason why you were so mad is because I flirted with Sadie, eh, buggy boy?" Buggy blushed, but fortunately for him, Ali whispered his last sentence. So no one but the small group heard his words. He quickly reached out and covered Ali's mouth with a blushing face while gritting his teeth :"shut up, you idiot!" Causing Ali to chuckle with a covered mouth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DP: 0 -> 2,600