Chereads / A Kitsune in remnant / Chapter 45 - Cookies for days

Chapter 45 - Cookies for days

As we all got to know both Ruby and Yang, we found out they were like us. Yang was like me, more social and got along with some people.

While Ruby was like Blake, quiet, timid, and spoke little to anyone. The only way she would be more social, is when someone talked about weapons.

Meanwhile, their dad was, interesting. And I don't mean in a bad way, but he told the worst puns in front of us.

The only one who laughed at them was Yang, who also told bad puns. In the end we all agreed to meet tomorrow to have a play date.

As they left, Glynda turned to look at me and Blake with a smile on her face. She nodded her head at our actions to make Ruby smile, then began to guide us back to the docks.

"Not bad Aiko, guess you're good at making friends, even if they're human." Sienna ruffled her hand against my hair, causing it to become messy.

"Hey, it's not easy combing my hair, let alone my tails." I hissed, slapping her hand away, Sienna just chuckled and slapped my back.

"Yeah, it's annoying to deal with the fur that flies off your tails." Sienna rolled her eyes and walked passed us, leaving me, Blake, and Ilia.

"D-don't worry, I'm sure she doesn't mean it in a bad way." Ilia tried to cheer me up, but I was unaffected by Sienna's words.

"It's fine, no one can understand my pain." I slumped forward, remembering the piles of fur I had to burn at home.

"W-well, at least you have us to help." Ilia reassure me with a smile, I could only nod at her attempt and followed Sienna to the docks.

"Miss Goodwitch, why is it that Yang and Ruby look different, but they have the same dad?" Blake asked.

"Well, both of them were from different mothers, Yang's mother was a woman called Raven, while Ruby's mother was called Summer."

Hearing Ravens name made me have conflicting emotions. On one hand, I felt guilt for beating Yang's mother, but on the other hand, I was confused.

Why was Raven a bandit, why was Yang here in Vale?

"Oh, so they're half-siblings." Hearing this, Glynda nodded her head at my comment, gently patting my hair.

"Yes, however, Summer was the one who raised both of them." She smiled sadly.

"What happened to her?" Blake asked curiously, however, me, Ilia, and Sienna already knew the answer.

"Summer Rose was asked to go on a mission, and you know the risks when one becomes a huntsmen or a huntress." Blake widened her eyes in realization and looks down.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry." Glynda placed her hand on Blakes head, gently rubbing her hand between Blake's ears.

"It's alright, you didn't know." She smiled sadly, reminiscing about something, but neither of us didn't want to make it harder for her.

"Now then, let us return, we don't want the girls to wait for you, do we?" Hearing this, me and Blake could only follow her back.


The five of us were heading towards the docks to board a bullhead, one that was specifically taking us to Patch.

It was an island to the west of Vale, looking at it from above, it was like a small version of Vale.

The only difference that Patch had, was that the people seemed more like a family. At least that's what it looked like from above.

Once we landed, the five of us made our way inside the city. And my assumption that the people here acted like a family was correct.

People were greeting one another like distanc cousins, others were working with each other with ease.

"Does patch have farms?" I asked Glynda, who nodded at my question.

"This place is far from the mainland, little to no Grimm can be found here, and we do buisness with this city for food and supplies."

Both me and Blake nodded at her explanation and expected to meet Ruby and Yang, only to see that we were heading outside the city.

Seeing this, Sienna and Ilia grabbed their weapons, but didn't draw them. The tension was growing slowly, but neither of them said anything yet.

Soon, we arrived at a small clearing, at the center of it was a wooden cabin. Where Tai was outside tending some flowers that were in front of the porch.

As we got closer, his head rose up and glanced over his shoulder. Seeing us, he stood up and dusted his shorts.

"Girls, Aiko and Blake are here!" He shouted, as he finished shouting, both me and Blake widened our eyes in shock to see a red blur fly outside and slam into me.

"Aiko! Imsohappyouarehere!" Hearing her speak quickly, i was confused on what she said.

However, Ruby was pulled off me by Blake, who stood in between me and Ruby. Her eyes were narrow, and she had her arms spread out.

"Stay away from my brother!" Seeing this, Ruby began to tear up, causing Blake to panic.

"I-I'm sorry, p-please don't cry, h-here I have some cookies." Hearing this, Ruby's tears flowed back and she instantly disappeared with the cookies.

"Blake, that was mean." I frowned at what she did, she only looked away in shame.

"Sorry, I just don't like it when someone acts like that with you." She whispered, I o my smiled and held her hand, causing her to look at me.

"It's fine, just don't let it happen again, okay?" Blake nodded her head, soon Yang and Ruby came out.

However, Yang looked at Blake with anger and was about to walk up to her. Seeing this, Blake stood behind me and whimpered, closing her eyes.

"Yang, it's okay. Blake will apologize." What surprised me was Yangs eyes. Instead of lilac, her eyes were red, with small flames flowing from her hair.

Hearing on what I said, Yang wanted to say something. But a loud cough was heard, looking at the source, we saw Tai, Staring at Yang.

"Fine, I'm sorry for scaring your sister." She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest and stepped to the side.

I also stepped to the side, letting both Blake and Ruby face one another, the two were shy and could barely look at one another.

One was guilty for being overprotective, while the other was scared to lose the chance to make a new friend.

"I'm… sorry for hurting your feelings and scaring you." Blake spoke first, looking at the floor.

"N-no, I'm sorry for hurting your brother." Ruby replied and pulled out a tuna for her. Seeing the fish, Blake's eyes widened, her mouth open.

I could see stars twinkling in her eyes at the sight, and drool began to drip from her mouth at the sight.

To be honest, I was holding myself back at the sight of it as well. Only to feel Sienna's hand gripping my head.

"Aiko, that's for Blake, even if…" Looking up, I could see her drooling as well, her ears twitching while she took deep breaths to smell the tuna.

"Both of you, stop it." Ilia pinched the both of us, snapping us out of our stupor and we quickly composed ourselves.

"Right, I knew that." I coughed and looked away, while glancing at the tuna in Ruby's hands.

'I want it so bad!' I could only cry silently as Blake held it like it was sacred. Once she stored it in her bag, the tension that was in the air disappeared.

"Now that apologies are out of the way, Ruby, Yang, why don't you two show them the cookies you two made?" Hearing this, both Yang and Ruby grappled our hands, pulling us inside.

"You'll love it, me and Yang made chocolate chip cookies!" Ruby was pulling Blake with a smile.

While Yang stared at Blake with annoyance, I could understand why. If anyone tried to hurt Blake or make her cry, I'd protect her and scare the person who did so.

"Hey, Yang." She focused her intention on me with that same look. However, I knew how to make her forget about the tension.

"I never trust stair's they're always 'up' to something." The two of us stood still, neither saying anything.

"T-there always…heh…up to something." Yang tried to keep her annoyed look, but hearing the pun, she giggled.

"They're always… up to…. Something!" Tai soon slapped his knee, laughing at the pun that I told.

While Ilia and Sienna just looked at me with confusion. I just smiled and began to pull Yang into the house, all the while she was giggling at my pun.

"Aiko, Aiko, Aiko, you have to try this!" Blake shouted from the kitchen; she soon came running towards us.

Her cheeks puffed with cookies and crumbs surrounded her mouth. In her hand was a glass of milk to make it easier for her to swallow, and she held a cookie in her hand.

"Here, ish good." I grabbed the cookie and took a bite, I could taste the cooked cookie dough and the sweet chocolate.

Once swallowing the cookie, I hummed in delight. Taking bite after bite, until I ate the entire cookie.

"Hehe, how does it taste? This is the recipe that our mom taught us." Yang held her head high, with Ruby nodding behind her.

"Yeah!" In Ruby's hands, a plate full of cookies, while Yang left with a pitcher full of milk.

"And we got more to spare, so let's eat!" The four of us began to enjoy the cookies, the sweet taste of chocolate with the cold refreshing milk.

"So… I wanted to ask." I spoke while sipping some milk.

"What kind of weapon do you want to use, Yang?" Yang swallowed the cookie she ate and smiled.

"I want to use a pair of gauntlets, with some shotgun shells to blast the bad guys." She smiled and raised her arms, punching the air.

"Bang, bang bang!" She said the same word as she punched the air.

"What about you two, do you already have a choice in mind?" Ruby asked with stars in her eyes, Blake and I stared at each other.

"W-well, we don't know yet." Ruby gasped at Blake's answer, rushing forward and grabbing her arms.

"What… do… you… mean… you… don't… know?!" She spoke each word while she shook Blake, who began to feel dizzy.

"I… mean… I… don't… know! Please… stop… shaking… me!" Blake pleaded, after a few more shakes, the four of us began to laugh at what had happened.

"Alright you four, I got some more cookies, fresh out of the oven." Tai called out, bringing out a tray of cookies.

"Yay, more cookies!" Ruby was about to run towards Tai, I grabbed her hand, causing her to look at me in confusion.

"Huh? Aiko, why did you stop me?" She tilted her head in confusion, and for a moment, I thought I saw question marks floating above her head.

'Am I just seeing things?' I thought, soon the symbols disappear and I was left looking at the empty air.

'No, I saw them to brat, I'm just as confused as you are.' I heard my grandpa say, which made me glad I wasn't going crazy.

"Aiko?" I was brought out of my thoughts by Ruby, who was still tilting her head.

"Ah, Tai said the cookies are fresh from the oven, meaning, the cookies must be hot." I explained.

"Ohhhh, that makes sense, your really smart Aiko." Her eyes sparkled in amazement at what I said, while kneeling in front of me.

'Not really, but I'll take what I can get.' I thought and pulled out a deck of cards. Seeing the deck, Blake widened her eyes and jumped away.

"No, I won't play that game again!" She hissed and ran behind Sienna, who came in with another pitcher full of milk.

"Wha? What's wrong Bla-." As Sienna turned to look at me, her eyes landed on the deck I held in my hand.

As Sienna was about to stop the pitcher, my mother slipped away from me, using my leg as an exit to sneak up behind Sienna.

Casting a quick illusion, she formed right next to Sienna and placed her hand on top of Sienna's hand.

"Careful dear, we don't want to make a mess here." My mother whispered, hearing my mother, Sienna calmed down and gave a subtle nod to my mother.

"Ohhh, I never saw that game before, what's it called Aiko?" Yang asked with interest, the same could be said for Ruby.

I could see my mother giggling silently to the side, while Blake looked at the two sisters in pity.

Even Ilia, who was standing next to Sienna just sighed and smiled in exasperation.

"Well, it's a game I made up." I smiled innocently, but my shadow had two red eyes, and a grin that passed them.

"It's called Uno."

(A/N) Hey, hey, sorry for the late post, I had problems with this, since my Pc crashed and defeated the chapter, so I had to write everything again.

Besides that, if you enjoyed it, send some power stones to show support. If not, Sienna is domming you.

H-hey who the hell are y-?!

[Sorry dear author, but I'm taking over.]

[Hello beings of the higher dimension, wow, there's so many of you!]

[lt's nice to see you all again, oh? All of you speak a different language? Huh, guess the gods who made me must have spoken something different. Oh well]

[Anyways, back on topic, Im not exposing myself, well, not in this story at least, whoops, I said to much. Tee hee~!]

[But don't worry, the author is cooking up something real special, for now, you'll just have to guess what's it about~!]

[Oh, I almost forgot, me and my world and the new world I'm heading to are not owned by this author, so no lawyers won't be involved.]

[Uh-oh, looks like my time is almost up, I'll see you higher beings later~! Oh chief your lovely little error is on her way! Wheeeeee~!]

I'm back, she didn't tell you to much did she?

No? Good, well, I was saving this a little later, but fuck it, you'll just have to wait and see.

For now, peace.