Chereads / A Kitsune in remnant / Chapter 47 - I have won the battle, but lost the war

Chapter 47 - I have won the battle, but lost the war


As I chased Aiko outside for bullying uncle Qrow, I heard the weird Faunus lady tell Aiko that he couldn't hit me.

I was confused at first, how could he win a fight if he isn't going to hit me? But I threw that question out the window and focused on punching Aiko.

The first time I tried to hit him, a copy of him was in front of me, but the real him jumped outside.

I was mad that he would avoid my punch, so I chased him outside and continued to throw punch after punch, left hook, right hook, and an upper cut.

He just dodged them all, I was getting mad that he bullied my uncle, but seeing him dodge me I felt like I was being looked down on.

I began to bounce on my feet like my dad taught me and took small breaths to calm myself.

'Like dad said, a clear mind is better in a fight, rather than a clouded mind.' I thought, as soon as my feet touched the ground, I rushed forward.

Realing my arm back, I threw a jab towards him, only to make it a fluke and throw a right hook.

It was close to hitting him on the side of his stomach, only to be blocked by a weird metal disc.

I recoiled from the pain when my fist hit the metal disk, I was lucky I had my aura unlocked, or I would have had a broken hand.

"Aiko, what did I just say?!" I heard Sienna shout at him, he just turned towards her with a pouted look.

"What? You said I wasn't supposed to lay a hand on her, so in a technical sense, I didn't touch her with my hands!" He shouted back while showing two metal discs.

"Fine, only dodge her attacks, no defending yourself!" Aiko then rolled his eyes and placed his hands on his back.

"Fine, are you happy now?!" Seeing that he was distracted, I was able to land a hit on his head.

Only to see him disappear right in front of me, I widened my eyes and began to look around me.

He was to my left, nor to my right, and since he couldn't hit me, he wasn't above. I then whipped my entire body around to try and punch what was behind me.

Only to hit nothing.

"Oh, nice punch, nearly got me there." I heard his voice from behind and tried to punch him again, only to miss again.

"That's two, you can do better that that." I heard him say from behind me, I could feel the smug smile on his face, making fun of me.

My blood was starting to boil hearing him make fun of me, I dropped down below and grabbed as much dirt as I could carry in my hands and tossed it behind me.

"W-wha?" I then spun around and tried to punch him as fast as I could, I didn't care if I broke his face, I just wanted to hit him.

In the end, he split in two, one going to the left while the other moved to the right. Soon, bot took a step in opposite directions, showing two Aiko's in front of me.

"Time for a pop quiz, which is real…" The left spoke first.

"…And which is fake." The right finished, the two began to run around me in circles, laughing and calling out to me.

"Come on, hit me, you know you can."

"What's wrong, too slow to hit me?"

"It's not that hard, just swing your arms!"

"Go on, hit me!"

"No, hit me!" Hearing the two of them seek attention to be hit, it was getting on my nerves.

"Shut up!" I shouted and rushed at one of the clones and raised my fist. As soon as I was about to hit him, the clone just split once again.

"Sorry, wrong answer!" The two Aiko's smiled and stepped to the side again.

"Time for round two!" All three copies shouted and began to run around me, one ran straight at me with no signs of stopping.

I was about to raise my arms to guard myself, only to see it to jump over me, with another copy of Aiko jumping passed the first copy.

While the third copy then jumped over me as well, soon, all three of them began to jump over me, they began to use each other as spring boards, changing which way they jumped.

"Now then…" The first copy spoke, standing in front of me.

"…Can you guess…" the second copy stood next to the first copies right side.

"…Which is the real me?" All three copies of him were holding each other by the shoulders, all wearing that same smug smile!

"Woah, that's so cool!" I only stared at Ruby with betrayel in my eyes.

"I thought my semblance was cool!" I shouted at Ruby, who only looked away and whistled.

"Fine then, I'll show you why my semblance is cooler!" I shouted, the ground underneath me cracked slightly, tossing some dirt away.

"Yang stop!" I heard dad shout at me, but it was too late, I rushed at the one to the left and moved my fist forward.

The left copy then ducked in time to avoid my fist, where it slammed into a tree. The a small hole was made when I punched it, causing the tree to crack.

"Look out!" I saw the tree slowly tipping over towards me and froze, my anger vanished, and I was frozen in fear.

The tree was about to land on me, but I then felt someone pushing me away. As the tree landed in the ground, leaves began to float into the air.

As I laid on my back, all I could hear was a ringing noise in my ears, blocking out the voices of everyone around me.

I looked up and began to see dad rushing towards me, Ruby on the porch of our home crying.

While uncle Qrow was with her, trying to cheer her up. Meanwhile, I looked at the Faunus group that were visiting us and saw Aiko's sister.

Who was the first to arrive and passed me, she knelt down next to Aiko, who was smiling at her, trying to reassure her that he was fine.

Sienna on the other hand looked at me with a bit of anger, but held it back. Finally? There was Ilia, what I saw when I looked into her eyes, it made me want to cry.

They were empty, as if she was zoned out and asleep. However, they were aimed at me, staring into my eyes.

"Yang!" It felt like I was being held by invisible hands, I couldn't look away, even if I wanted to.

"Yang!" I was scared at why she was acting like this, why she stared at me with those eyes.

"Yang, can you hear me!" My view was then blocked by Aiko, who was looking at me in concern.

I didn't know why he looked at me like that, I tried to hurt him, he shouldn't be looking at me like that.

"I-I'm sorry…" I then ran away, running into the woods without looking back.


"Yang, stop!" Tai shouted after her, but Yang ingnored him and disappeared past the trees.

"You kids stay here with Qrow, while me and Sienna go find Yang." Tai spoke to us and ran after Yang.

"You heard him. Ilia, keep and eye on them, especially Aiko." Sienna then ran to the woods to follow Tai.

Only to pull out her whip and launch it towards one of the trees. She then pulled herself up, and began to jump from branch to branch until she was gone.

"Well then, let's head inside, we can play that uno game of-." Qrow stopped when he looked at three, not seeing me next to Blake or Ilia.

"Where's the little guy at?" Ruby, Blake, and Ilia looked at where I was, only to see me missing.

"Ilia, Siennas going to kill you." Ilia only knelt down and began to draw circles on the dirt.

"I know…." Was all she said and began to walk inside the house, followed by Blake, Ruby, and Qrow.

Meanwhile, I was already running through the woods at a quick pace, dodging and weaving through the trees.

"Mom, gramps, anything?" I asked while running.

"Nothing on my end, I have my boys checking every nook and cranny on my side, and they found nothing." My grandfather spoke, my mother then arrived, running along side us.

"My men have located her, however, there is a small pack of Grimm approaching her." This made me confused, since this place was separated from the mainland.

"What type?" I asked while having my weapon slither down to my hand and have it split into two chakrams.

"Beowulf, no alpha Beowulf is sighted at the moment, but be cautious." She told me and rushed ahead, leading me towards Yang.

"Well, you heard her, brat, get going before the girl becomes chow." My grandpa then rushed forward, following my mother.

'Hang on Yang, I'm coming.' I thought and began to pick up my speed.

It didn't take me long to hear Yang's voice calling out for help, while the sound of growling was heard.

"Daddy, uncle Qrow, someone help me!" Arriving to where Yang is, I could see her inside a hollow tree, while four Beowulf circled around the tree.

A fifth one was sticking its claws inside, trying to scratch her. Yang could only scream and make herself smaller, moving slightly deeper in the tree.

I didn't take any chance to form a plan, only rushing in to take care of the beowulfs. I rushed to the nearest one and flicked one of my chakram's towards its neck.

As the sharp blade decapitated the Grimm, its body began to disintegrate, only small flakes of its remains flew away.

This caught the attention of the other four, who all snarled at me. Some began to back away when they saw me, but the Beowulf who was close to Yang barked.

'So, he's the head of the pack.' I thought while catching the chakram I threw. I was about to rush to it, only to jump back to avoid a slash from a Beowulf.

"Guess it's not going to be easy." I muttered to myself.

"Behind you!" I heard Yang shout at me and dodged to the right, seeing one of the beowulfs trying to do a sneak attack.

'Oh, I'm fucked.' I thought at the mistake I had made.

'Language, and yes, yes you are. I always told you, make sure to pay attention to your enemies…' Hearing her scold me at the mistake I did, I could only curse myself.

'If not I would be slaughtered like a lamb in a slaughter house.' I finished her sentence, knowing I would be forced to do triple the amount of practice with the longsword.

I then returned my focused on the fight and jumped up, sending my chakrams into the tree.

Once the two of them imbeded themselves inside, I used them as planks to stand on them.

'Well, at least you are being creative with them.' My mother approved on what I was doing.

Now that I was in a high spot, I could see the four Beowulfs placing their claws on the tree, barking at me.

I then pulled out a third chakram and began to spin it on my finger, letting it pick up speed. Once it was spinning fast enough, I wrapped my two tails around the chakrams under my feet.

Pulling them off the trunk, while sending the third one down to the Beowulfs, it latched onto the bark and began to spin on it for a second, then began to travel down the tree towards them.

As it was close to the ground, it jumped from the tree to one of the beowolfs. Passing through its head to toe.

Its arms went limp, and its body began to split in opposit directions before turning into dust. Only three remained, and they all chased me to where I was landing.

As I somersaulted onto the ground, I spun myself around, where I saw one of them about to snap its jaws on me.

Only to be stopped by one of the chakrams I grabbed when I jumped off the tree. It tried to open its jaw, only to stopped by my hands.

"Bad dog, you don't get to have a treat!" I grunted, my flames slipped in between its teeth, where it began to surround the chakram.

Once my flames coated the weapon, it began to spin in between its jaws. The sound of metal against bone was heard, and the Beowulf began to whine in pain.

I gripped its jaw and snout with one hand and pulled back the other, slamming my palm against the nose, causing the chakram to shoot out on the other side, leaving two more Beowolfs left.

'Good, only two left, do not loose sight of either one.' My mother spoke, I then called back the two chakrams I threw, and had all three of them float around me.

The two Beowolfs that remained began to circle around me, snarling and barking, trying to intimidate me.

However, my face showed no fear, only a calm look remained. Seeing that I hadn't falter, both ran straight towards me.

Both jumped into the air, both of their claws were aimed at me and their jaws open wide. I raised both my hands, and two out of the three chakrams flew towards them, first they cut their arms, preventing them from scratching me.

I then moved both my hands to the side then made them curve down, only to bring them back up.

The chakrams themselves followed the same movement as my hands, flying downwards under both of the Beowulfs, then rising to decapitate them.

Once the last two began to disappear, I called all three chakrams back, having them turn back into the metallic liquid again, and hide them up my sleeve.

"Woah." I then turned to Yang, who saw my real body, my white hair and nine tails flowing behind me.

"Can you keep this a secret?" I asked her, easing my finger to my lips.

"Uh, y-yeah, I can keep it a secret…" She nodded her head, and climbed out of the hollow tree.

"Thanks, I don't want anyone to know what I am just yet." I smiled, only to hide my tails and have my white hair turn black.

The sound of footsteps was getting closer, and I slowly turned around. Only to see Sienna, her eyes narrowed at me with anger.

"Aiko, you are lucky that I was the first to find you, and unlucky on what I have to do." She spoke with a low voice.

I could only gulp and nod my head in silence, since I knew she was going to beat me black and blue.

(A/N) hey hey, here's todays chapter, the end was a bit messy, but I can fix it later, for now, send some power stones for support.

If not, I'm not sharing any cookies.

For now, peace.