Chereads / The Salvetore Daughter / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

The Salvetore Daughter

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Emma Salvatore is the Daughter of Damon Salvatore and Kathrine Pierce. She was born out of a spell that Emily had made for Kathrine back in the 1800s. She waited for the right moment to use that spell. Kathrine used the spell in 1993. The child was born half human and half vampire. Her vampire side is dormant and will not awaken unless she dies. Emma was born in the woods of Mystic Falls. But then left later after she was born.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

It was January 12th, 2009. I had just moved back to Mystic Falls. I never really knew it back then, I was only born here. But it feels good to be back home. I moved to the rural part of town, mostly in the middle of the woods if that's what you call it. My foster parents wanted to give me a fresh start since my old foster family passed away in a house fire. I was at a friend's house that day, they said someone burned the place down on purpose. So they put me with a family that would protect me. They believed I was the target that night but I was not there. My room was the first to be burned to ashes. Before the fire was set my window was broken and the roof shingles were messed with, which means they went into my bedroom. So I feel it was best that we left the mountains of Tennessee and came to the small town of Mystic Falls.

I went to my new school, Mystic Falls High. It will be hard to adjust but it is not impossible. I walk through the halls and look around, everyone is so happy to see each other after a long winter break. But I knew no one here, I had just arrived a few months later than I should have. But it was a last-minute change due to the government telling my family I needed to move for my safety and theirs. I have to say at least I am taken care of quite well now. The old family could care less if I was alive or not, they just want a paycheck. I walked up to my locker, I looked around and everyone was staring at me in secret. They try not to show that they are watching but it is very obvious. I put some of my books away and closed my locker, my first class is on the other side of the campus. I have history first. I am kind of a history buff but I try not to show it. I know I would get made fun of once again for knowing most things about history. I made my way down the long loud halls to the classroom. I go in and sit down next to a girl with brown hair and brown eyes. She was sitting in front of a boy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. They seem nice but I am scared to talk to people. . I will just keep to myself this year and focus on school and getting better. After all, everyone always thinks I am a freak since I'm the foster child.

After history class, I was on my way to the gym. It was cold outside; we were allowed to do what we wanted if we did do anything stupid. I walked over to the cheerleader's group. There was a very perky blonde-haired girl leading the group. As I watched she looked at me, "Are you looking to join the cheerleading team?" She stood there and waited for an answer while everyone stared at me. It made me feel awkward, but I needed to say something. "Yeah, actually I would like to join," I smiled. I was standing next to the girl I had in my history class. She looks at me and smiles, "Hi I'm Elena" I look at Elena and smile, "I'm Emma. Nice to meet you" She looks at Bonnie and smiles, "This is Bonnie. If you ever need help with the cheers, we can help you. Caroline always goes out of her way to make the cheers confusing and hard." Bonnie waves at me and then the blonde girl walks over, "Are you guys ready to show her our first cheer?" They both shake their heads and walk over to the group. "I'm Caroline, our squad is not that hard, you just have to pay attention and you'll do just fine. I watched them as they went through the routine, it was very interesting and very confusing. But I think I can get it after a few tries. Caroline pushes me in after watching it three times.

I was not ready to get yelled at, so I tried my hardest and I did well for the first time, so I think anyway. I walked to the locker room to get changed and Caroline appeared behind me. "You did great on your first day, very fast learner. Just got to work on those elbows. Anyways here is your uniform, practice is every day after school from 3 to 5. And if you ever need a ride home, I can always help." I took the uniform that she handed me and smiled. "Thank you." I got changed and went to my next class; the rest of the day wasn't interesting, so I didn't feel like writing about it. And that is okay with me. I was walking home and passed Elena, she was sitting in a graveyard. I wonder why she is there, maybe family? I continue to walk as the fog starts to roll in, I turn around to see if Elena is still there but she's not, the fog must have weirded her out like it is doing to me. As I am walking through the woods, I come across a beautiful house. Bigger than what I would imagine being out here. But we are out in the middle of nowhere, so I am not surprised that it is out here in the first place. I see a man walking into the house. It was that dirty blonde hair guy from history class, he lives out here too huh? Interesting I wonder why he's out here.

I finally got home; the walk isn't too bad, but it is a long walk from the school. My foster parents work for the police station now and do the night shift and the day shift for the mystic grill. Trying to earn enough money and act like a normal family trying to make a living. I get home and I make my way to my bed. I am exhausted. Cheer practice starts tomorrow after school. I am kind of excited but also not ready for my body to hurt for the next few weeks until I get used to it. I fell asleep around 7 something and woke up around 2 in the morning. Normally I have issues sleeping but I slept well this time. I am glad I slept longer than 2 hours. I get up and go to the bathroom to take a warm shower. It will help my nerves calm down, I woke up very fast for some reason so I am assuming my body has had enough. I get into the bathroom and get undressed. I turn the water on almost to the highest setting for heat. I know that it is hot but I like how it feels. It warms my whole body quickly and makes me feel calm and safe.

I spent the next two hours shocking myself in hot water. It felt amazing, I was reading a book as well while I was soaking. I love reading new books. I buy the ones from the dollar store because they are just getting started. Which means I can love books before anyone else can. I finish the book by the time I got out, I had started it earlier yesterday. I am not a fan of nonfiction books but if I find one that is good enough then I will read it. It is 4 in the morning now, I can start getting ready and eating breakfast before I have to walk to school in the dark again. I put on my favorite outfit, I haven't worn it since 8th grade when I didn't care what I was wearing. It was a blue tank top that was kind of skin-tight, a grey jacket, dark blue jeans, and white converse. I put on the necklace I was left with at the orphanage when I was dropped off. It was a silver coin necklace with a cursive "S" on it, I also had a ring that had my initials on it. I believe this was also my family's crest on the rig as well. I am assuming my parents were killed when I was little because I was left with some family jewelry and photos. I just don't have pictures of my parents. I went downstairs and made pancakes and eggs. after I finished eating it was time for me to leave. It was an hour and a half walk to school. I get my back and water then I started to head out. Halfway through the woods I walk by the house of the dirty blonde-haired boy once again, all the lights are on in the house but no vehicle. I Continue to walk to school. I finally get there with 5 minutes to spare, I walk to my locker and get the books I need. I don't take anything home unless I have to.

I head down the hall and sit down in my seat, in first-period history class. Hopefully, today will be more interesting than yesterday. As I sit in silence waiting for school to start I continue to read a book. The history teacher passes out papers to those who are already in class and sitting in the assigned seats. he looks at me, "Welcome to our school Miss Pierce, How are you enjoying the second day of school?" I look up at him and signed, "it is okay, just a lot to take in since it is only my second day." He nodded, "Yes, I can understand that. A new place and a new school at the same time is a big change in a young teen's life. " I nodded as well, I then started to look over the paper he gave me, it was on the founders of Mystic Falls, and it also had myths and legends of the town as well. Since it is getting closer to Halloween I can understand why we would be going over myths and legends. I started to work on the paper, I know some of the histories of the founders but not so much about the myths and legends of the town, I will have to read about them later. The rest of the students came in and sat down, it was very quiet until they came in. So much for constraining my work for once. I finish the first paper which was on the founders of Mystic Falls, now I need to start working on the myths and legends of Mystic Falls. I just hope someone will work with me. I look around the room for a partner, Elena and Bonnie are working together but I still went over and asked if I could work with them. "Hey guys, um.. do you mind adding another member?" I smiled slightly. Both Elena and Bonnie looked up at me, "You can join us" Bonnie said, Elena, smiled and moved over so I could pull a chair up next to them.

We finished the paper, and I learned that there were once vampires, witches, and werewolves in Mystic Falls. It is crazy to think that the town I lie in has vampires or even werewolves. I mean witches are saner to think about. The bell rings and Elena, Bonnie, and I walk to PE. It was kind of nice out but the sun was too warm, I miss the cold from Maine. We get changed and make our way back outside to meet up with Caroline. We get set up and start practicing, one of our girls got sick and went home. A boy starts to walk over to us, he's the one in the woods by me. He walked up to Elena and smiled. Bonnie walks away and goes inside as soon as he looked at her, i wonder why she left. He looks at me and smiles.