Chereads / Pokémon: King of Kings / Chapter 9 - Chapter 9: Viridian Forest, Part 3

Chapter 9 - Chapter 9: Viridian Forest, Part 3

(Viridian Forest, Viridian City, Kanto Region, Pokémon World)


(Cobalt POV)


Finding the Scyther was easy enough, or rather finding it's lair was.

What the didn't expect was the shit they came across.

''Dear Arceus, what has happened here.'' Acerola asks.

''This Scyther is half-dead. Rapooh, go grab Nurse Joy and A couple Chansey.'' Says Cobalt as he begins to try and clean the Mon's wounds.

''Acerola, go into my curry bag. I need sample number 17, and grab me some moomoo milk, we may need to heat it.'' Says Cobalt.

''On it.'' Says Acerola.

''Scyther, what happened to you?'' Cobalt asks.

''Ther, Scy.'' Says Scyther weakly.

''Just wait a little longer, help is coming.'' Cobalt says as Acerola brings him Sample 17.

''Here!'' Acerola says.

''Scyther, eat this. It's not going to save you, but it will ease your pain and help you get some vitality back.'' Cobalt says holding a spoonful of curry before the weakened and injured warrior Pokémon.

''Scyther.'' The Pokémon takes it gratefully as Cobalt feeds it.

''Samurai, search the perimeter, try and find out what happened here. Acerola, send Mimikins and Shuppet out searching. Pidgey, Rockruff, you too!'' Says Cobalt.

''Well, well, what do we have here? I thought we finished that Scyther off. Now it seems we get to make sure and capture a few strong and rare Pokémon.'' A voice calls out, dripping with malice.

''I'm going to take a wild guess and assume your not some isolated incident and likely part of Team Rocket, so why don't we skip all the mysterious bullshit, and the creepy intro's and get on with it.'' Says Cobalt.

Silence is his answer.


''Fine, we don't exactly have a lot of time to spare anyway.'' Said another voice, this one female.

And stepping it not Jesse, James and Meowth.

''I'm Butch, this is Cassidy. We're Team Rocket Elites!'' Says the male of the alternative TR team of Fuck ups.

''That's like saying your going to win fifteen consecutive pokemon leagues, no ones going to give a shit because they don't believe you.'' Says Cobalt.

''I guess we can't blame you for such ignorance, we are after all, usually covert operatives. But don't think we will take it easy on you.'' Says Cassidy.

''This conversation is heading nowhere so either put em up and get fucked up, or send out your Pokèmon and get them fucked up, it's your choice.'' Says Cobalt, sizing his Pokèball's to normal size.

''I'm going to enjoy wiping out that arrogance.'' Says... Buster? Benji? What was his name?

''Well, we've talked enough, time to battle. Let's kick it into Overdrive! Everyone come on out!'' Says Cobalt as he releases all his Mon's except Snorlax who was currently at Viridian City PC as he'd exceeded his carry limit of Six.

''Listen up you lot, these pricks are thieves and criminals, they fucked up Scyther here, so let's make sure, that if we can't save him...we can at least avenge him by sending these assholes to Giratina itself!'' Cobalt says with a Savage Grin.

''It's not going to be that easy! Primape, Hitmontop lets go!'' Says...Buzz?

''Raticate, Drowzee come on out!'' Says Cassidy.

''Drowzee use Psychic and Raticate use Super Fang!'' Cassidy orders, pointing at Bulbasaur.

''Primape use Fire Punch!'' Bosco says to his Primape, pointing at Weedle and turns to Hitmontop. ''And Hitmontop use Triple Kick!'' He says, pointing at Rockruff.

''Dodge it all of you! Bulbasaur use Vine Whip to ensnare Primeape, Pidgey then use Steel Wing on Primeape, Meowth use Shadow Claw on Drowzee, and Weedle use Bug Bite Drowzee too! Everyone else look out for an opportunity to attack!'' Cobalt says rapidly giving orders.

''Teleport!/Dodge it!'' Cassidy and buzzard command simultaneously but in so doing they forget about a crucial detail...

Acerola is there.

''Use Brick Break, Psychic, and Shadow Claw!'' Acerola calls out as her Mimikins, Shuppet and Dusclops attack, and because of both their own typings and those of their moves damage is done to the Rocket Mon's.

''Quickly, use your strongest attacks!'' Cobalt orders.

Bulbasaur launched a Solar Beam after a short Synthesis, Pidgey launched Heat Wave, Weedle fired Bug Bite, Rockruff and Eevee both used Iron Tail, and Meowth should have used the move Gunk Shot, but instead spread it's Arms wide, which then glow an ephemeral white and begins rushing towards Team Rocket Mon's.

''That's Aerial Ace!'' Cobalt realizes.

The attacks combine, but then a Massive Dark Pulse comes out of nowhere.


''Glad you could join the party, Greedy Rapooh.'' Cobalt says as Rapooh releases Nurse Joy and three Chansey.

''Sorry for the nurse-napping, but Scyther here needs help.'' Acerola says.

''Those Bastards nearly did him in.'' Cobalt adds.

''Oh, Scy.'' Nurse Joy says, administering painkillers and a light sedative. ''I'm afraid there's not much that I can do for him, your Gengar managed to snag some medical supplies with me, but even with what we have at the Pokèmon Center, I don't think I could save him.'' Says Viridian Joy.

''Damnit! What we need is a miracle.'' Cobalt says regretfully.

''Bulba.'' Bulbasaur, noticing Cobalt's mood approaches and slips a Vine around his hand tightly.

Turning to his first partner, Cobalt sits beside her, and pets her gratefully with his free hand.

''Meowth. Come here please.'' Cobalt says as his Meowth approaches.

''Owth?'' It asks tilting it's head to the side cutely.

''You learning Aerial Ace like that, you deserve something. All of you, know that from now on you'll be getting a name eventually. Starting with you Meowth. I'll call you...Ace.'' Says Cobalt, petting Meowth as he does so.

''Ther. Scyther!'' Scyther says pointing a damaged Wing-Scythe towards the damaged shelter it had in it's clearing.

Going to the hollowed out tree, Cobalt carefully lifts out the debris and finds three things. A Pair of Eggs and what looks to be a Mega Evolution Stone.

Cradling the Stone, Cobalt, gently picks up both Eggs and approaches Scyther.

''Your eggs are safe, as is your Stone.'' Cobalt tells the Scyther.

''Scyther.'' It says gratefully, and Cobalt sighs as he simply sits next to Scyther, stroking it's undamaged wing affectionately.


(POV Switch: Acerola)


Scyther had died.

And looking at Cobalt, Acerola knew he was furious.


Outwardly he was a wall of stoicism, but Acerola could tell he was black with rage on the inside.

Greedy Rapooh knew it too, because he tried to remove Cobalt's negative energy.

''Nurse Joy, we'll take care of eggs.'' Cobalt says, as they finish preparing the funeral pyre for Scyther.

Bug-Types liked two things for their deaths according to Nurse Joy, being buried or cremated and their ashes spread through the place they called home.

''I understand, but please, let me return to the Pokémon Center and perform several checks and provide you with two incubation pods.'' Says Nurse Joy.

''So be it, I'll be spending at least one more day here anyway. Look at them all.'' Cobalt agrees before turning to all the Pokémon around them all.

''Scyther was their protector, he provided for them.'' Nurse Joy says, watching Cobalt walk before the assembled Pokémon.

''I won't pretend to understand how you all felt about Scyther. But trust me when I say I'm going to make Team Rocket Pay for this. It might take me my entire life but I will see it done.'' Cobalt says, nodding to Pidgey who used Heat Wave to ignite the pyre.

Watching her boyfriend clench his fists, Acerola approaches him. She locks arms with him and leans against him.

''I'm here.'' She tells him, and she feels some of the tension leave him.

''I will make them pay Acerola...all of them.'' Cobalt promises.

''That will happen later, for now, just hold me and know that I am here with you.'' Acerola promises him.

''Hnn.'' Cobalt just grunts.


(POV Shift: Pikachu of Viridian Forest)


The Protector was gone.

Pikachu did not understand, his friend was killed by bad humans, and now good human's we're upset?

Weren't all human's a little bad and a little good?

Pikachu wanted to know, wanted to understand. How were these humans different from the ones who took Scyther? Pikachu wanted some Answers, and by Arcues he'd make sure that he would get those answers, on his honor as a Pikachu of the Viridian Forests!

Whatever it took!


Pokémon Stats:

Bulbasaur (Female):

Abilities: Overgrow, Chlorophyll

HP: 45

Attack: 49

Defense: 49

Special Attack: 65

Special Defense: 65

Speed: 45

Known Moves: Bullet Seed, Sludge Bomb, Vine Whip, Synthesis, Solar Beam, Razor Leaf.


Pidgey (Male):

Abilities: Keen Eye, Tangled Feet, Big Pecks (Hidden).

HP: 40

Attack: 45

Defense: 40

Special Attack: 35

Special Defense: 35

Speed: 67

Known Moves: Twister, Toxic, Steel Wing, Hidden Power, Heat Wave, Tackle.


Weedle (Male):

Abilities: Shielf Dust, Run Away (Hidden).

HP: 40

Attack: 35

Defense: 17

Special Attack: 42

Special Defense: 41

Speed: 30

Known Moves: Electroweb, String Shot, Bug Bite, Poison Sting.


Rockruff (Male):

Abilities: Vital Spirit, Keen Eye, Steadfast (Hidden).

HP: 45

Attack: 65

Defense: 65

Special Attack: 45

Special Defense: 40

Speed: 60

Known Moves: Earth Power, Iron Tail, Thunder Fang, Zen Headbutt, Crunch, Protect, Fire Fang.


Ace the Alolan Meowth (Female):

Abilities: Technician, Pickup, Rattled (Hidden)

HP: 40

Attack: 35

Defense: 35

Special Attack: 65

Special Defense: 40

Speed: 110

Known Moves: Dark Pulse, Gunk Shot, Icy Wind, Bite, Shadow Claw, Water Pulse, Throat Chop, Aerial Ace.


Shadow The Eevee (Female):

Abilities: Run Away, Adaptability, Anticipation (Hidden).

HP: 55

Attack: 55

Defense: 50

Special Attack: 75

Special Defense: 85

Speed: 50

Known Moves: Toxic, Swift, Body Slam, Iron Tail, Detect, Dig, Focus Energy, Stored Power, Tackle, Protect, Helping Hand.


Snorlax (Female):

Abilities: Immunity, Thick Fat, Gluttony (Hidden)

HP: 175

Attack: 145

Defense: 95

Special Attack: 130

Special Defense: 125

Speed: 45

Known Moves: Bubblebeam, Ice Beam, Thunder, Flamethrower, Body Slam, Belly Drum, Belch, Crunch, High Horsepower, Outrage, Rain Dance, Seismic Toss, Snore, Yawn, Shadow Ball, Water Gun.


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