Chereads / Pokémon: King of Kings / Chapter 5 - Chapter 5: Viridian Cities Underground

Chapter 5 - Chapter 5: Viridian Cities Underground

(Viridian City, Kanto Region, Pokémon World)


(Cobalt POV)


Cobalt had a slight limp, but otherwise his punishment was pretty light. Acerola was smiling happily, which Cobalt chose not comment on.

The first order of business was transferring ownership of one of the Meowth to Cobalt, something accomplished at the Viridian City Pokémon Center. The second was stocking up on Pokéball's and Potilns.

His Third important matter was the buying of some Berries from the Grocer alongside Moomoo Milk, flour, Honey, etc.

Cobalt needed to start producing test samples for his Pokémon Food, and that required ingredients. Too that end, Cobalt had what he needed.

His Fourth matter was having a private space reserved for him where he could begin producing those aforementioned test samples. Something that Nurse Joy was all to happy to provide to him alongside a Chansey.


''Alright, we have our first few Samples, here Pidgey, try this one.'' Says Cobalt watching as Pidgey tries it before sqeaking something ti Greedy Rapooh, who chatters to Acerola.

''Rapooh says Pidgey told him that he felt his stamina grow.'' Acerola says in translation.

''Increased stamina, hmm. Chansey, please make a note of that.'' Says Cobalt thoughtfully.

''Chansey!'' Chansey says, before dutifully making a note.

''Next we'll test the HS batch, or after least what should be the HS batch. Here Greedy Rapooh, try this, it should help improve your health.'' Says Cobalt, handing a small bag of Feed to Rapooh.

''Gengar....Gen...Gen.'' Greedy Rapooh Munches thoughtfully, clearly analyzing the Feeds texture, flavor, and overall benefits.

''Gengar!'' Says Greedy Rapooh with stars in his eyes.

''Greedy Rapooh says he feels his body regenerating, and that the Flavor is a perfect clash.'' Acerola says.

''I'll need to test it further, but it looks like we have a winner. Chansey, please compile the relevant information. You know the portions of ingredients, time of addition, how long we stored, the level of heat, the usual statistics. Once you've done that, please hand the notes to me or Acerola, and then take a portion of the Food and feed it to several injured Pokémon with Nurse Joy's Supervision. The Notes plus the remaining food will be delivered to professor oak for additional testing.'' Decides Cobalt who is quite pleased with the outcome.

If Nurse Joy and Professor Oak agree that the Food is what he hopes, then he can begin marketing it, Nina owes him a favor and could sell it in her restaurant, providing him an Alolan Customer Base, and if Tapu Bulu was willing to protect a small but sizeable plot of Berry Fields, then he could have an Alolan based production line in Alola.

Especially if he sourced the Moomoo Milk locally.

He'd have to look in to filing a patent on the Blend and marketing of a name and company, something eye catching but not too extravagant.

Either way, once these small maters were settled, Cobalt would head into the Viridian Forest for some additional training before he decided to challenge Brock. He needed at least one more Pokémon to cover his bases before heading to Pewter City, and right now even if he ended up giving it to Acerola, a Pikachu would help him immensely. Rockruff might know Thunder Fang, but that was one of the few moves that could help him at Cerulean City, the trouble was finding a way for Rockruff to use it, so an Alolan Raichu was a very very viable option for Cerulean City.

It might not be his kind of Pokémon, but he really didn't have many options, since the Cerulean City Gym's Terrain didn't help him none, and unless he got his hands on a Gyarados and taught it Hyperbeam, Ice Beam, and Thunder, he'd be up Shits Creek and he'd be up said creek without a paddle.


Cobalt was handing his Excess Feed to Acerola, when something jumped in his way and swiped it before running off.

''After it Rockruff!'' Cobalt orders.

''Greedy Rapooh, you too!'' Acerola says.

Rockruff quickly grabs the scent and begins tracking it, Rapooh on the other hand begins a search of the surrounding area and steadily closes the search area as he clears each section of the area twice. Between the two of them they should be able to narrow down the search area, and close in on the thief if Rockruff somehow loses the scent.


(POV Shift: Viridian Joy)


Joy was a tough position, she knew whk stole the food and why. But she was not in a position to reveal it without incriminating herself in a crime, and thus there was only one person she could call.

Sitting at the terminal Joy turns the shades and seals the room.

''My lady, we've a problem. The Sanctuary is about to be discovered.'' Says Joy.

''Shadow?'' The distorted voice asked.

''Yes, she broke in and stole dome Pokémon food from a trainer. The food seems to be a special recipe which from my observations has improved the conditions of several Pokémon in PICU.'' Says Joy.

''Who else knows about the recipe? Could we replicate it?'' Asks The Lady.

''The Trainer, his Girlfriend, and Professor Oak. But from what Chansey says, the Trainer intends to market it, perhaps a deal could be reached.''

''Either way, I'm on my way to the Sanctuary, time to see this Trainer for myself.'' Says The Lady.

''Is that wise?'' Asks Joy.

''Between the two of us, I'm the only one who won't get arrested if this becomes public, so it's better if I'm the one discovered.'' Says The Lady.

''As you wish my Lady.'' Says Joy.


(POV Shift: Cobalt)


''This should be the place, stay behind me Acerola. If we get attacked, better for everyone if I catch the brunt of the attack.'' Says Cobalt as he releases Bulbasaur and Pidgey from their Pokéball's.

''I'm not a small child Cobalt, even without my Pokémon, I know how to defend myself.'' Acerola says as Mimikins and Rapooh stand in front of Acerola protectively.

''Greedy Rapooh, if I start getting overwhelmed, grab Acerola and run.'' Says Cobalt sternly.

''Gengar!'' Rapooh stands at attention and salutes Cobalt. Acerola's commands will always come before Cobalt's, but this was the only command Rapooh will obey over any and all of Acerola's protests, because they both place a premium on Acerola's wellbeing.

''I don't get it.'' Says Cobalt.

''Pardon?'' Asks Acerola.

''Why did the thief specifically target my food? It could have just asked and I'd have provided some. But the bigger question is why it didn't target easier food supplies where it wouldn't be immediately caught. I mean, I doubt Nurse Joy keeps it heavily guarded, so why me specifically?'' Asks Cobalt.

''That's a good question.'' Says Acerola.

''My best guess is it's a wild Pokémon with injured friends, it's the best guess I have, but again, why my food?'' Asks Cobalt.

Cobalt and Acerola pass a doorway and vomd to a wide space, before them are many Pokémon of various types and regions, but their conditions all have one thing in common.

They all be signs of long-term abuse.

''Oh shit.'' Says Cobalt.

''What?'' Asks Acerola.

''This is a Secret Sanctuary. Tell me I'm wrong, or are you too much of a Bonsly to show yer face.'' Says Cobalt as his posture and demeanor changes, with Greedy Rapooh, Bulbasaur, and Pidgey taking a combative stance.

''How long did you know I was here?'' An old and widened voice asks amused.

''Wasn't sure until I saw the Pokémon. That fragrance of Lavender and Sitrus Berries was informative, but the Pokémon here sold it.

''A rather common perfume admittedly, but it's known to put people and Pokémon at ease.'' Says the Voice.

''You've got thirty seconds to come put, or Greedy Rapooh is going after you.'' Acerola says.

''Rockruff too! And they don't miss their targets.'' Says Cobalt.

''Very well then.'' The voice says, and the sound of heels reveals the presence, but the woman that the voice in question belongs to, makes Cobalt's jaw go slack.

''Lady Agatha!?'' Cobalt says in pure unfiltered shock, because before him is Agatha, the Oldest and wisest of Kanto's Elite Four, and the Woman who would go on to replace Giovanni when he resigned as the Viridian City Gym Leader!


Pokémon Stats:


HP: 45

Attack: 49

Defense: 49

Special Attack: 65

Special Defense: 65

Speed: 45

Known Moves: Bullet Seed, Sludge Bomb, Vine Whip, Synthesis, Solar Beam, Razor Leaf.



HP: 40

Attack: 45

Defense: 40

Special Attack: 35

Special Defense: 35

Speed: 67

Known Moves: Twister, Toxic, Steel Wing, Hidden Power, Heat Wave, Tackle.



HP: 40

Attack: 35

Defense: 17

Special Attack: 42

Special Defense: 41

Speed: 30

Known Moves: Electroweb, String Shot, Bug Bite, Poison Sting.



HP: 45

Attack: 65

Defense: 65

Special Attack: 45

Special Defense: 40

Speed: 60

Known Moves: Earth Power, Iron Tail, Thunder Fang, Zen Headbutt, Crunch, Protect, Fire Fang.


Alolan Meowth:

HP: 40

Attack: 35

Defense: 35

Special Attack: 65

Special Defense: 40

Speed: 110

Known Moves: Dark Pulse, Gunk Shot, Icy Wind, Bite, Shadow Claw, Water Pulse, Throat Chop.


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