Chapter 7 - Friend

Meena just took a step or two leaving just after Nurain left when someone spoke up making her halt her steps.

"Look at that, you created such a huge scene in front of everyone and you are leaving without an explanation, if not for anyone then for the king but you are leaving as if nothing happened? what example are you giving to the subjects as the future Queen Huh?". Asked Ateefa, Meena's elder stepsister.

But Meena just continued to her room without waiting for anyone to put forward there views anymore making Ateefa to fume while Nabeela tried and Afreen tried to coax others back to their work.

Ateefa is the third child of the king only a few a month older than Meena, she's always tried to compete for love and favours from there father.

" Father did you see that?, just today everyone one agreed that she would be the queen and she did this?, think of what would come when she becomes the qu....". " it's ok, Meena is probably stressed thinking of the responsibities that will come with being the future queen, now you all should go and make arrangements for the celebration this evening and come with ideas to cheer her up". The king said and everyone left making the area to quiten as if nothing happened just a while ago.

Meena stood in front of a window in her chamber, outside the window stood a huge flower tree housing alot of colouful birds, she was staring and listening to the birds sing while trying to distract herself to forget what just happened but she couldn't as she just kept remembering that annoying face.

" Are you ok my princess? ". asked Nabeela who just came in with a bowl containing blue berries.

" i'm fine, where is Father?" Meena asked?

"He went to queen Hamida's chamber".

" Did he seem angry?" Meena asked and turned to look at Nabeela to make sure she won't lie to her when she saw the bowl in her hand.

"Blue berries!" She exclaimed and stretched her hand forward to get it. " where did you get this from?" She asked as she popped one in her mouth.

Nabeela hesitated but decided to just tell her. " Actually, His highness Nurain sent this for you "

Meena who was now sitting on the window rose a brow as she looked at Nabeela to confirm she wasn't joking.

" He really sent this? " she asked again.

"Yes princess".

" And His Magesty isn't angry at all, he even defended you when Ateefa tried to accuse you".

"What did she say?" Meena asked curiously even though she had an idea what she might have said and Nabeela narrated and Meena hummed as she ate her blue berries.

" i should ask that annoying Nurain from where he got this blue berries from, so big and sweet hmmm, he isn't that stupid after all, bribing me after he just offended me, why do i feel that he's afraid that i might do to him after been crowned in a forth night from now?". She asked with a small smirk as she dragged her gaze from the tree to look at Nabeela who kept shut with her gaze lowered making Meena a little angry with that little action.

" Have some " Meena said as she stretched her hand out with the bowl but Nabeela shook her head while Meena narrowed her eyes and asked in disbelieve.

" why are you suddenly like this, did someone say something to you, oh...oh now i know, it's because i'm going to be the next queen right?".

"Well your Highn..." Nabeela started but was interrupted.

"Nothing and no one can change our relationship Nabeela, you are my friend, but if you continue to act otherwise i'm going to get you a groom and have you married that way you will never be beside m.."

"No princess pls you can't do that, i will always stay with you, always"

"Sure, and stop addressing me as princess" Meena eyed her.

"Ok princess" Laughed Nabeela and Meena gnashed her teeth as she glared at her.