"Were you there - little sister?"
Seol watches Beom with narrowed eyes, without speaking. She watches until the man's smug smile falters, his slanted eyes turns calculative, wondering if he had missed anything. He thinks he keeps it hidden. But she sees that slight crack in his demeanor for what it was.
Beom may resent her father, he may hate her all the more after the incident with Geon. But Beom would not dare to risk the emperor's displeasure, not when he had so much to lose; not when even for the appearances sake, Silla had Seol in their palm, or so they would think.
"I don't hold myself accountable for you," she makes her voice clearly audible and ring with authority. "And neither does his lordship General Kang. If a matter as you accuse of has taken place, my imperial father would intervene. He is the supreme justice after all. Or would you say, this injustice you speak of has taken place with my imperial father's knowledge?"