"Enjoy your stroll master Li," Seo bids him a tenacious goodbye. "We ride early tomorrow."
"We do?" Seol's eyebrows raise. "Are you in a condition to ride?"
They have left the envoy so far behind them that the old man could no longer hear this exchange. Apart from the trees that rustled over head and the swinging beam of light from the lantern Seo carried, the night is unremarkable.
"Your highness handled that well," Seo tells her instead. "In Songak falling into a treasonous trap is as easy as falling asleep - especially when there are so many people intending to pit you and donggunnim mama against one another."
"I have no intention of usurping Yong," Seol sighs. "I don't want the throne. For so long, I've always believed if I live like that, if I remain loyal, hold up my end of duties - I won't be betrayed or hurt."
Seo pauses on his tracks, examining her face. The hurt wouldn't be apparent to someone who did not knew her the way Seo did.