Chereads / Parallel Cosmos / Chapter 16 - Dragonkin (2) (Remastered)

Chapter 16 - Dragonkin (2) (Remastered)

(7 years after Reincarnation)

[Kyrielle's POV]

(Next day)

"Are you ready?" Said a nun as she looked at me with a really concerned face.

I nodded my head to her.

I'm now inside the chapel of the church.... Sitting on a chair, right in the middle of a large magic circle that is a miracle granted by a God.

My family members sat on a bench in the chapel as well. Looking at me with concerned faces.

I looked at them, and flashed them a smile to say I am okay.

Bishop Francis stood just outside of the magic circle, with seven priests alongside him. This seal requires a large amount of mana, and more importantly interference from the gods, who will grant the seal "Binding Vow" to my body.

"Good luck, young sister. May the fortune of the divines grant you salvation.... For the ritual, I want you to chant alongside us, do you understand?"


"Then let's begin the ritual."

The seven priest and priestess kneeled down onto their knees, and pressed their hand on the magic circle. They closed their eyes and started to pour mana into the magic circle, the circle glowing brightly blue with me in the middle, making it almost difficult to see clearly.

I closed my eyes as well.

"Our founders in heaven," (8x)

I repeated after them.

"Our founders in heaven,"

"-hallowed be your names," (8x)

"-hallowed be your names, your will be done on this land as in heaven, give us this day our blessings and forgive us for our debts, as well as grant us salvation from our sufferings...."



It was then.... I felt that inside my body, something bounded me. I can't tell what was bounded, or what is binding me, I just know it.

In my mind, the image of a goddess flashed before me. A woman with long black hair, white and red miko robes, and a wearing a crown with a star in the middle.

That is Amaterasu Oumikami, the Sun Goddess.




When I first came to this world, I was actually overjoyed.

Back on earth, I was a nobody. A random japanese teenager who doesn't have a single talent in his life. A scumbag who blinded the eye of a girl in his class, forever ruining her life. A despicable villain in the highschool, a useless good-for-nothing son to two normal parents.

I was exactly the miserable display of a high school bully turned into a trash of society.

I don't deserve to live.

Reincarnating into this world gave me a new start at my life.... A loving family, new talents, and a younger body in a different gender. A new game plus to my life. I was extremely lucky!

But even so.... Not everything in life is rainbow and sunshine. Looking back on it, I was just indulging in myself for the seven years of my life.

No matter how hard I try to change myself, I don't think I've actually changed into a better person. In the end, even with the new start of this life in the body of a little girl who I think is actually quite cute, I am still me, a scumbag who ruined the eyesight of a person because of a "silly" prank.

So then.... Why? I sometimes really wondered why exactly was I, of all people, granted a second chance?

I don't deserve all of this. I don't deserve to have Thomas and Katherine as my parents. I don't deserve to have a smart and mischievous little sister called Marielle who's just as cute as myself. I don't deserve to have a great mentor and aunt, like Gondur and Ghyse.

I don't deserve to be reborn as a beautiful girl. I don't deserve to be reborn with my talent for fire magic. I don't deserve to have a second life at all....

So then.... Why? Why was I given a second chance? Why was Thomas, Katherine and Marielle so concerned over my well-being?

Why.... Why has a goddess granted to me a ritual to seal away the dragon inside my body?

There is no way I can know... Other than to ask the goddess myself.


"Zzz.... Mmm...."

I opened my eyes again... and found myself in my bedroom, hugging the fat seal plush toy in my arms.

"....A dream?"

"Oh, you're awake now big sis!"

From besides my bed, Marielle immediately jumped onto my bed and started to hug me.

I said hug, but even though this little girl is so small she's insanely strong. She's choking me.

"Grk!... Marie! You are choking me!..."

"Ah! Sorry!"

"Gah hah... Are you seriously trying to kill your elder sister the moment she woke up?..."


"Sigh.... So what happened?"

"You passed out after the ritual was finished. I was so worried about you!"

"I was passed out huh?..."

"Also, you mumbled something about "Sun Goddess" right before you passed out, did you saw something?"

"....Nope, I have no recollection."

"Hmm.... Well, if you say so. Anyway I must tell mom and dad about this!"

"Mmm. I'll get downstairs soon as well."

Marie cheerfully ran out of my room and headed downstairs as I slowly sit up on the bed.

So that wasn't a dream....

....Maybe, just maybe.... I was given a second chance not because I was special.

No... I wasn't special at all. My dragonkin body, my magical talent, my loving family, they all just happens to be a coincidence. My second chance in life is just a coincidence.

But what isn't a coincidence is that I wasn't given love from my family.... it is mutual. I give them as much love as they give me. I can't just give up on life because they need me to be there for them, just as they are here for me when I was in trouble.

Mom immediately barged in on the room, and rushed over to my side. Dad followed closely behind her. "Kyrie! You're awake! Are you fine?!"

"I'm fine-"

"Thank god you weren't hurt! Do you have any idea how worried we were when you passed out during the ritual?!"

"I know, Marie told me. And it just sort of happened.... I don't know why."

"Isn't it obvious? It was divine intervention." Said dad who is resting his shoulder on the doorway.

"Is that... so?"

"I'll have to give my thanks to all twelve gods then! I haven't prayed in such a long time after all."

Upon hearing the news yesterday, mom were extremely shocked and downed. Right now, she seems much happier.

".....Thank you, mom, dad."


"What's this all of a sudden?"

"Nothing.... It's just that you two were there for me during the ritual and carried me all the way back here safely.... I'm grateful for that."

"Isn't it all natural? We are your parents after all." Said dad with a proud look.

"Thomas...." Mom stared at him with a stinging glare, to which dad averted his gaze over.

....Something definitely happened while I was passed out.

"Ouch...." Right as I try to stand up, a small amount of pain appeared on my knee like I had grazed my leg or something....

Looking at my knee, there is nothing over there though, but the pain is still there.

"Sigh.... Your father was carrying you on the way back home when he stepped on a banana peel and dropped you on the ground. I healed the cuts to your legs but it'll still be painful for a while...."


"....Sorry, my leg slipped." Said dad as he averted his gaze again.

"....Hahaha! You are such an air head, dad!"

I don't feel angry at all... It was actually really funny to learn that even the perfect father figure to me will mess up sometimes.

Yep, I love them just as much as they love me.... This is no coincidence, this is what I was given a second life for, to be the daughter for these two adorable couples. Such is my meaning for this life....

But from the ritual, I learned of one thing. The dragon soul is sealed inside my body, and it was done by the Sun Goddess.... When I get the chance to I want to thank her for it, for giving me yet another chance to live and be there for my parents.

....It seems that while there is no world map here in this world, I know that the geography of this world is actually identical to earth.

This meant that according to my knowledge back on Earth, Amaterasu-sama's shrine should be located in Isse, in Japan. When I grow up I will go over to the Moonfall Continent and pay the shrine a visit as thanks for kami-sama's blessings.

(Chapter end)

(Volume 1 end)