Chereads / Parallel Cosmos / Chapter 22 - The Truce Festival

Chapter 22 - The Truce Festival

We headed out of the dressing room. It seems that while I'm inside the changing room, everyone had already arrived at the school. And sure enough just as they said, everyone was stunned by all four of our outfits.

"Woah! You all look really cute in those outfits. " Mike walked up to us while saying that.

"Thank you, but I'll forever remember you as an acomplice of this crime, Mike. " I jokingly threatened him.

"...Please go easy on me."

"I'm just joking. But still, snitches ends up in the ditches, better not betray your friend next time."

"Well you had it coming, even if I didn't agree to this, I bet the girls themselves will not be satisfied. Just be happy that you get to take the spotlight of this show, don't you like being in the center of attention afterall? You won't be the monitor of this class if you don't like it afterall. "

"Grr... You do have a point... Ah well, how do I look? "

"You look great. Especially with your hairstyle which compliments this outfit. "

"I-is that so? " I got a bit shy again since he praised my hairstyle.

"Of course, why would I be lying. Anyway, I have to go now since I'm kind of busy taking over your job. Take care. "


Mike went to the rest of the class and did works that were supposed to be mine, like arranging the tables, assisting the cashier, over seeing the chef's cooking and help prepare the cups used for tea.

"Kyrie! Let's do a drill on how to serve customers! Even though you were our drill instructor, you have never personally practiced it before, so you have to do it at least a few times! "

"Right, let's do this then! "

"Yea!" (3x)

"Oh by the way, is Jenny really down with food poisoning?"

"Yes, but it's not as severe as the teacher made it out to be. "

"Yea, that's why I'm here right now. "

I turned to the side and saw Janiette, nickname Jenny, standing here dressed in a normal school uniform and greeting us.

"Jenny! Are you okay? Aren't you down with food poisoning? " I asked her with a concerned voice.

"I'm fine, thank you. You are really kind Kyrielle, you worried about my health first even though I am the main culprit for making you do this. "

"It's okay... But don't blame me if you accidentally stepped on a banana peel someday else. "

"Haha, how energetic! Anyway, you look cute, as expected of our genius class monitor!"

"Stop it with the genius thing, it's weird. I just know how to cast a little magic, that's all. Anyway, since I took over your job what will you be doing instead? "

"Me? I'm going to stroll around the festival obviously! I gotta make use of this chance afterall, it's rare that I get an absence pass."

"I see. Enjoy this festival in place of us then. "

"I will. Thank you for taking my place Kyrie!"

She waved her hands at me and walked out of the class.

"No problem! Anyway, let's do this drill thing then."

(2 hours later)

"Welcome in!" I said in a high spirited voice upon seeing another customer come into our restaurant.

"Wow, there are actually maids here. You look really cute in that outfit, little missy. "

"Ehehe, thank you for the compliment! Please take a seat. "

"Alright. "

I pulled the chair for this mister who looks like he is in his mid twenties.

"This is our menu. " I put the menu that I was holding on this table.

"While there are countless food to choose from, we highly recommend our signature dish, the omelete set. "

"Ok, then I will have that set then, thank you. "

"No problem sir. "

I took the orders and then wrote it in a piece of paper and put it on the table where the chef cooks the food.

The chef? Of course it isn't us kids. Rather, it's our moral subject's teacher who's responsible for cooking. Remember, despite us not seeming like it, we are still only 7 or 9 years old at best.

"It's getting really busy isn't it?" Gerdur walked up to place an order as well, and she talked with me in the mean time.

"Yea, I never thought this idea would be so successful. It seems that everyone wanted to see us hahaha! "

"True, we really are the center of attention here. Anyway, let's continue working. "

I walked to the entrance and waited there again. Another customer comes up. This time it's a middle aged man.

"Welcome in!"

Hours passed just like that. Even though we have a lot of customers, it seemed that things proceeded without much trouble.

It's roughly one hour pass mid noon, and about one more hour we will be finished and can head home.

It's also around this time that students get to actually take part and play in the festival.

"Hey Kyrie, Gerd. "

"Yo, what's up?" I replied.

"You two free to go and play in the festival?"

"Hmm." Gerdur groaned as she took a look around the restaurant. Only a few customers remain here.

"Cindy, Emily, can you two take care of things while me, Kyrie and Mike go on a stroll? "

"Sure! There's very little customers now so go right ahead. "

"Thank you! Let's go then. "

"Yeah! "

We went and took a stroll around the entire school. There are multiple stalls, some sold snacks from other cultures, and some sold magic devices. Some also sold things from story books that younger kids like us would love, and finally there's drama shows, haunted house, archery, etc.

"Oh, how cute. 2 little maids accompanying their little master to play in the festival. "

We met principal Jack in the hallway, and he jabbed at us with sarcasm. He really is a master with words.

"Haha, principal you jest. There's no way Kyrie or Gerd is my maid, they are my friends!"

"Or course, it's just a little joke. But what I'm saying is that please enjoy this festival, you all did a great job at the restaurant after all. The restaurants held in the past never had that many customers since the food that the teachers make were subpar. Your ideas actually brought some customers for us. "

"Actually, the idea is Kyrielle's alone. "

"Oh? So you came up with that idea alone? You impresses me more each day, I hope you can keep that up. Anyway, I won't be taking more time of you three, I'll take my leave. "

"Goodbye Principal. " (3x)

"Goodbye everyone. "

He continued walking as if nothing happened.

"The principal really have his way with words huh? Hahaha.... " Gerd laughed a bit.

"That's just how he is. It's quite cool actually..." Opps, I subconsciously said something that only a fan girl would say, how embarrassing!

"Is he? " Mike asked curiously.

"Well, it's just my opinion anyway. Let's go and play! "

We window shopped, watched and played in most of the stalls except the haunted house and drama show, since Gerd and Mike is scared of the haunted house. As for the drama show, it only aired twice, and by the time we arrive, the second airing is already half way through.

And after half an hour of playing around, we started walking back to class.

"Man, that was really fun. " Mike starts talking as we are walking.

"Yea. It was. " I replied to him.

We continued for a while until Gerd starts talking, and then we stopped.

"You know... I'm really glad to have met you both."

Me and Mike looked at each other, and then looked back at her.

"Of course. Why did you say so? "

"You know, I was really shy, especially back when I first started school. I was afraid that I'm never gonna make new friends. "

"Uh huh. "

"You see, before I came to this school, I had a group of childhood friends. One by one, each of them left the group and we stopped hanging out after that. So, I was really sad, and lonely as well. But in the end, even if I am really shy and lonely, everything still worked out, and that's because I met you two. You two are always here to take care of me, so I'm really glad. "

"Hmm. But you got something wrong however. " I said what was on my mind.

"What did I got wrong? "

"We aren't here just to take care of you. Me and Mike is here because we like your company, we want you to take care of us as well. "

"Hmm... Now I get your point! Let's continue being friends then! "

"Of course! Now, let's head back so that the other members get to play in the festival as well. We need to be mindful of them after all. "

We continued walking and soon reached class. We could hear a commotion inside. We opened the door and saw the three troublemakers arguing with one of the maid. There's a few other classmates watching.

It seems that our chef, the moral teacher has already left, that's why these guys have the nerve to start a drama here. Besides, Mike is the vice manager and I'm the main manager, and we are both gone, it was the perfect chance to pick on people.

"-no thanks to you! So we don't need you barging in right now and telling us that our restaurant is lame, because you have no part in it! "

"Hah! Did you get angry because I'm only telling the truth? As if someone like you with so little success could ever tell me what to do."

"What's going on here? " Mike asked.

"It's this guy! He randomly barged into our class and started insulting you lot! "

"Insulting? I'm only saying what is considered as facts. Using beauty tricks like this, you are really good at coming up with petty things aren't you, Kyrielle? "

Richard, the leader of the trio, starts insulting me the moment I came in here. Saying as if he helped at all in our stall.

"Richard, this restaurant isn't what you are saying, you know that I'm right. We even have a rule that states the maids here are not prostitutes, nothing weird is allowed from the customers." Mike explained.

"That is on paper only, who knows if a few customers have sneaked in a touch or two? "

"Richard that is going too far!"

Mike sounded annoyed. To be honest I am annoyed too, but he is baiting us with words like that. If you let yourself be provoked, you are only dancing along in his palms and make us look bad.

Mom said that to handle people like this, I should just ignore them, and that is true. Back on earth, as a bully I would get angry as well if my victim's reaction is not what I expected.

"What? You are angry as well because I said the truth? "

"You little! "

"Mike, leave it as it is. This guy is not worth the trouble. "

"Kyrie he's insulting your hard work! You should be more angry than me!"

"His insults means nothing because his words don't pack as much weight as the principal's. If you want to hurt my feelings you should try harder than that. "

With eyes of confidence and determination, I looked directly at Richard's eyes.

"Tsk. Get out of the way, second place. "

He walks towards the exit and shoulder bumped me in the process. With his two lackeys he walked out of the class and slammed the door shut.

"What the hell is with their problem?" Cindy said that. She most likely got angry because he's insulting us 4 maids and insulting my idea, so she defended us.

"Did he do anything to you?" I asked Cindy how was most likely arguing with him for a while before we showed up.

"No, I'm fine. But he did annoyed me very much. I hope he steps on a banana peel and slams his face on the floor breaking his nose! "

...You shouldn't be cursing people like that!

"A-anyway, don't let it get to your head okay? Those words holds no weight, you shouldn't mind them. "

"You have a point.... Those are just his lies told to make us doubt ourselves. You are really matured aren't you Kyrie? If I was in your shoe I would've punched him! "

"I don't want any trouble afterall. It's fine, thanks for your praise. "

"Yeah. Anyway, I'll head out myself and see what's in this festival alright? "

"Okay. See you! "

"See you Cindy! " (2x) Gerd and Mike who's listening from behind bid her farewell as well.

"Hey! Don't forget the uniform! It's borrowed from the cinema remember? Don't stain it or break it, or else you'll have to pay for it! " Mike talked loudly so that Cindy who's already out of the class could hear him.

"I get it I get it! "

"Whew... Today has been a long day. Let's pack up and head home shall we? "

"Oh yeah about that, Gerdur! The key! " I yelled at Gerdur demanding the key to the locker.


"You... don't tell me you lost it! "

"I... I think I'm having a diarrhea so I'll have to go to the toile- "

"Gerdur if you step foot out of this class before you get me my clothes, I'll strip you down to your underwear and wear your clothes home instead. "

"Ah no! Its just that Emily has the key but she went home already! Nooo! Don't pull on my clothes! Not in front of the boys! "

"You have it coming! You forcibly stripped me in front of the 2 other girls and then dressed me in this embarrassing clothing before you locked away my clothes! And now you are saying that the only person with the key to my clothes went home?! You better get me the key or you'll really be running home naked! "

Immediately after the commotion with the three bullies ended, I started another commotion. The boys behind are all flustered as I enact my revenge on Gerd, but before I could actually strip her, Mike calmed me down.

"Does anyone know where Emily lived? "

Silence followed suit.

"Ummm... Kyrie... "


"You really have to walk home in this getup... "

"Whatever... I'll just become a laughing stock for my mother and come retrieve my uniform next week. "

"...I'm sorry... " Gerd apologised sincerely to me.

(Chapter 22 end)