(2 years and 9 months after Reincarnation)
[Kyrielle's POV]
Almost 9 months had passed since mom was pregnant. During these 9 months, Ghyse had successfully completed her internship with mom and can now become an actual alchemist by herself. She is still helping mom as of now, but that is only as a midwife.
Chores, food and even grocery shopping were all done by Ghyse. Mom focused on just some light work with my help, but most of the time she is either planning about my sibling or just sleeping because she feels unwell.
....How odd, she most likely was like this as well when she was carrying me. Knowing this makes me feel a bit warm on the inside....
Right now, mom is relaxing in the living room. Not many customers file orders during the winter since no one goes adventuring during the winter. Most of our customers are adventurers, this means that she is usually very free during winter.
I was reading a book in the living room as well...
"Kyrie, remember to keep yourself warm. It would be a problem if you got sick now."
"Okay." She could be annoyingly caring sometimes.... I guess this is consistent with most moms across worlds huh?
It was then suddenly...
"Urgh...." Mom groaned out in pain, and I looked over at her. She's fidgeting, and her face looks like she is in bad cramps.
"Mom? Are you okay? "
"I... I'm fine. Sorry but can you call Ghyse over?... You should know... where her house... is...."
As she said that, I saw that she began holding her stomach tightly as if she's having really bad cramps.
It was about an hour just before evening, so Ghyse had already left the house for a while now.
"Here, water!" I grabbed a cup nearby and poured some warm water into it and gave it to her.
"Thank... you.... Urgh..."
"Just sit here, I'll get Ghyse over here!"
I grabbed only my winter coat, and then ran out of the house.
"Take care.... Kyrie...."
'Cha Chank.'
'Hoo!...' Immediately as I opened the door, chillingly cold winds blew right at my face.
"Eek!... Seriously, a blizzard right now?! Couldn't come at a worser time than this..."
Taking the cold and not giving a care, I headed out of my home. It was almost night in the evening, and the snow is falling down so much that the entire street is covered in a layer of snow that reached until my waist.
"Urgh this is so cold!... I can't even move properly!..."
As I try to walk out of the street, an old lady besides our house saw me.
"Oh my, if it isn't young Kyrie! Where are you going in this blizzard? It's dangerous you know?"
"Aunty May, please help! Mom's about to give birth!"
"Really?! I'll help but where are you going?"
"I'm trying to find Ghyse... The midwife!"
"You go find the midwife, I'll take care of her. Go now, hurry! "
"Yes!" I shouted, and then ran out in the thick snow towards Ghyse's home....
I ran and ran in the blizzard.... As I walked, my legs starts to feel numb from the cold, and the blizzard gets even stronger than before.
"Urgh!... Tsk, don't try me! Ember!"
'Fwuom!...' I lighted a big ember in front of me... The fire gave me warmth, and melted the thick snow on the ground when I walked forward.
"This could work!"
After about 10 minutes of walking, I have finally arrived at the streets in front of the park but...
"Which one of it is Ghyse's home?!..."
This is bad, I know her house is around here but I don't know which one of them is her home!...
What should I do?!... What should I do?!...
"Sobs..." I'm such a failure... I can't even find Ghyse when mom is about to give birth! What will I do if she's in danger because I was too slow?!
"Sobs!... Urgh... Sobs.... Calm down... I'll just have to ask around the neighborhood...!"
'Knock knock knock!' With tears in my eyes, I knocked on the door to one of the house in the street."
'Cha chank.'
"Who is it-"
"Help! Do you know a woman named Ghyse around here?!"
"Eh?... Uhh no, but what are you doing out in the cold? Where's your parents?"
"My mother is- sobs!... is about to give birth.... But I can't find the midwife!..."
"The midwife?... What is her name?"
"She's called Ghyse!... Sobs!...."
"I don't know who that is, sorry."
"Sorry for bothering you..."
"Wait little girl, I'll help out as well. Are you sure this Ghyse lives around here?"
"I'll go search with you."
The man came out of the house and helped knock on each doors to find Ghyse....
I knocked on one, two, three... Almost twelve houses before I eventually found her....
'Knock knock!' I knocked on one of the doors...
'Cha chank!' A Ghyse walked out of the door dressed in pajamas.
"Who the hell is it?! I just got back from work-"
"Eh, Kyrielle?!"
I immediately hugged her legs tightly...
"Mom is about to give birth!... Please help her!"
"Huh?! Seven months in?! This is bad... Alright, I'll come in an instant!"
Ghyse ran back inside her house and then picked somethings.... After a short minute, she ran back out here still dressed in her pajamas.
"Let's go!"
"Urgh...." I dropped on my knees.
"Kyrielle, what's wrong?!"
"I... My legs is numb..."
"I'll carry you!"
Ghyse crouched down and then picked me up with her hands, with a bag of equipments still in her hand.
Carrying me, she ran in the thick snow back towards my home. We finally arrived after 10 more minutes.
'Cha chank!'
Immediately as she opens the door, I saw Aunt May sitting on our couch in the living room.
"Good you are here! The mother is in the bedroom, please go help her deliver now! "
"Of course!" Without pause, Gusye puts me down and then immediately ran up the stairs.
I also followed her upstairs.... Afterwards, everything is history.
Ghyse instructed me on what things to bring her as she worked with mother to deliver the baby.... Mom's lying on the bed, with her face pale and her body sweating buckets. Ghyse helped mom deliver the baby and I could see large amount of blood and fluid leaking out from between her legs.
"3... 2... 1... Push!"
"Argh!!!... Hah... Hah..." The cries of pain from mom echoed throughout the house.
And then, during the middle of it all...
"Katherine!" Dad ran into the room, seemingly just got back from work.
"Hah... Hah...Tho... mas...."
He immediately sat down right next to mom and held her hands.
"Don't worry, I'm here!"
As mom delivers the baby, Ghyse repeatedly casted 'Lesser Heal' on her...
As mom tried to give birth, Ghyse called dad over and whispered into his ears.
"Madam is undergoing a premature delivery.... There is a high chance that it will be a still born...."
"....I understand...."
"....I'm sorry." She said as she continues to help mom.
"What are.... you two.... talking about?..."
"Don't worry about it Madam, just focus on pushing the baby out! You can do this, you did it once before remember?"
"Y... Yes...."
(30 minutes later....)
"The kid is out..." Ghyse said as she held a small baby in her hand.
But something is very wrong.... There's no cries of a baby.... And the baby made no movements, it is still unconscious.
"..." (2x) Both dad and I kept our silence.
Ghyse looked at the baby in her arms with an extremely worried face.
"Ghyse....Thomas... Why are you all so silent?... I want to see my child...."
"....I'm sorry." Is the only two words that Ghyse said.
"No way.... No way!..." Mom said out... Tears slowly dripped down her face.
"I'm sorry.... I really am...." Ghyse said out.
Is it... Is it my fault?... Was I too slow?... Did I unintentionally killed my sibling?...
"Sobs..." Before I know it, I started crying again.
But it was then...
"....What...?!" Ghyse said only one word... Just that one word, and hope instantly rises within everyone in the room.
"T-the baby's awake!"
"Really?! Let me see!"
Ghyse handed the baby to Dad... I sat right next to dad, so I could see it as well.
"....Wa.... Wah!!!" The baby cried out in a loud shriek.
"Thank god... I thought the baby might be a stillborn..." Dad said as he handed the baby back to Ghyse.
"Yes..." Ghyse said that as she breathed a sigh of relief.
"Here's your child, madam."
She then handed the baby to mom, who looked so exhausted that she might faint at any moment. Mom received the baby without saying anything. She took a look at the baby and hugged it deeply.... just like when I was born. The baby stopped crying when mom hugged it.
"Thomas... It's our second child...! "
"Yes Katherine!..." He kissed mom on the forehead, and then he took the baby from her arms.
"Let's see here. Oh, it's a little girl! It looks like you'll have a little sister, Kyrie."
I took the baby and then had a closer look at her face. The way that she quietly gazed at me with her hazel colored eyes is incredibly cute...
It seems that she also has the red hair of me and mom... No blonde hair from dad, and no blue eyes. Her hazel colored eyes are inherited from mom's.
This is my sibling... My little sister.
I patted her head gently, and then handed her back to mom.
"....You aren't going to say anything, Kyrie?"
"Eh?... I was just so relieved that I didn't know what to say... and I was very tired as well..."
"Hahaha, I thought that you weren't going to acknowledge your little sister.... I was a bit worried there."
"What?! No way! Why would I be so rude?"
"It is normal for kids your age to be like that. "
"Well then, it is time to give my new daughter a name..."
He went silent as he thought for a while...
"I was the one to give Kyrielle her name, so the second daughter's name should be reserved for the mother, don't you think so as well Kyrie?"
"Eh...? But I am not that good at giving names..."
"Oh worry, we can always just change it later if it isn't good enough!"
"....Well then, she will be Marielle. Her name goes well with Kyrielle's name after all, they'll be great sisters..."
"Mmm. Then from now on.... Dad carried up my baby sister up as he said so.
"...your name will be Marielle Buffet! Come on, let's clean up now, you must be tired right Katherine?"
How odd... I gained a new sister. She wasn't even here just an hour ago but here I am, a big sister already.
Come to think of it, I haven't actually thought much of child birth since I used to be a boy.... But now upon seeing mom giving birth to my sister, I realise that someday if I have a romantic partner... I will be the one to give birth to a child. I don't know how to feel about that... Is it painful? Will it change my body forever?
Part of me thinks it's romantic and beautiful to carry and nurture a new life to this world.... But it also feels impossible and I'm scared of it. Mom shrieked really loud just now even though she took pain killers, it must be extremely painful right?
"Urgh..." I don't want to have childrens... I'll just be single from now on!
But for now, it is not something I need to worry about. I should focus on helping out with the clean-up.
"Kyrielle, I am going to dispose of these things... I am busy to help madam so can you clean her body, and change her clothes for me?"
"Huh? Why don't dad do it?"
"Hey it's not that comfortable for a man to do it right?... I'll leave that up to you ladies while I clean the baby."
"Oh... Okay then. Mom, you can get undressed now-"
"Hah... I'll need to... feed the baby..."
"Feed... baby... Zzz...."
"Please don't fall asleep! You really need to feed her first or she'll starve!"
"She's not waking up... Madam must be extremely tired, we should let her have a short nap."
"....Ghyse, can you feed the baby instead?"
"W-what are you saying Kyrielle?!"
"I mean you have boobs right? I'm flat as a cutting board, there's no way I can feed Marielle."
"I think madam will have to give you a stern talking to...."
(Chapter end)