Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 216 - The Herald of the Tempest Reemerges

Chapter 216 - The Herald of the Tempest Reemerges

[Special thanks to Ni_Ka_7337 for this suggestion against Kholek Suneater.]

(General POV)

Location the Chaos Wastes, the World's Edge Mountains

Every eight generations, when the malevolent, green moon Morrslieb waxes full in front of its benign white cousin Mannslieb, a terrible storm rages through the crevasses and chasms of the World's Edge Mountains. Jagged ridges are silhouetted like the broken teeth of some titanic beast as lightning flashes and thunder roars, before a great chasm that splits the mountains like a gigantic axe wound, in the pelting hail and snow covered mountains, a chanting sonorously as their captives are sacrificed and hurled bodily into a cavernous lair, presented by the Chaos worshipping followers of the "Firstborn of the Shaggoth".

Then, as the storm reaches its terrible climax, a terror from the prehistory of the mortal world bursts forth with a roar that shakes the roots of the peaks themselves, Kholek Suneater awakes yet again from his deep sleep, and all the world trembles at his wrath.

Kholek is a Dragon Ogre Shaggoth of tremendous age of black fur and scaled, quadruple monster with a split spiked tail, like all Dragon Ogres he is empowered by lightning, commanding it as a powerful weapon even baring aome special great plates of brass and black, acting as his armor, possessing special properties that attracts lighting often called the "Tempest's Kiss".

He is one of the first-born kin of Krakanrok the Black, the father of the Dragon Ogres. Kholek was present when the terrible pact between the Dragon Ogres and the Dark Gods was forged, pledging their race to an eternity of servitude in exchange for immortality and amongst his race he became all-powerful, that akin to a demigod among his kind wielding a giant warhammer known as Starcrusher.

The sagas tell that Kholek's part in the bargain was such an affront to nature that the sun hid its face behind a bank of stormclouds and has never looked upon Kholek since that fateful day.

True enough, Kholek's coming is heralded by roiling black thunderheads. Where the Herald of the Tempest walks, a raging storm blots out the sun.

Legends speak of the terrible deeds Kholek Suneater has done in the name of the Dark God, soo much was his might and fury that countless of northmen follow, and worship the very shadows the Dragon Ogre Shaggoth makes.

After the fall of Asavar Kul, he was imprisoned in a glacier of the north by the greatest High Elf Mages of their age aeons ago.

Until the Chaos Sorcerer Malofex summoned a firestorm that melted the ice, setting the gigantic Shaggoth free, the sorcerer tried to command the Herald of Tempest, but no meer mortal can command him, so Kholek killed Malofex for his arrogance before contemplating what he would do next.

Kholek Suneater had returned many times since to do the bidding the four Chaos Gods, and reign Chaos and destruction in their name.

Only for either close to defeat or him accomplishing what his dark masters desires he returned to the Chaos Wastes, to sleep for year within the World's Edge Mountains, but he was reawaken by the northmen that see him as a walking God of Destruction, only to be surprised that not only norscan, but also several dragon ogres, Chaos warriors, and even Tzeentchian Sorcerer were amongst those that have awaken him, grumbling as the storm was already forming in the skies above he spoke, "For what purpose, was I awaken once again?"

The shamans, sorcerers, and warrior remained kneeling before him as the tzeentchian sorceror to finally tell Kholek the purpose of his reawakening.

[For appearance sake, picture Sudobaal, from Mark of Chaos, only with blue and gold robes and accessories dedicated to Tzeentch.]

He stepped forward using his wridding tentacles, flesh staff with a green eye at it's top as a walking cane to support the beloved mutations bestowed to him by the Raven God, Tzeentch.

Once close enough, he spoke to Kholek Suneater, "Mighty Kholek, the Herald of the Tempest!!! I am Kuurath'gaad, chosen by the God of Change to come an awaken you. For the Gods have an important task worthy of such a champion as yourself."

Kholek got annoyed with the obvious false flattery and open manipulation from the Sorcerer.

Rising his warhammer, Starcrusher he smashed the hammer onto the side of the mountain, causing the entire to quake, and rubble to fall off the side, which crushed a couple of tribesmen from below, as he retrieved his warhammer and yelled with clear anger, "ENOUGH OF THIS!!!! TELL ME HUMAN, WHY I WAS AWAKEN!? NOW, OR FACE MY WRATH!!!!" Kuurath'gaad clearly seeing the firstborn Shaggoth's rage, decided to be blunt and forward, instead of charming and tactful.

Kuurath'gaad, begged the giant dragon ogres shaggoth's to accept his apology as he told him that a new Champion of the Gods, given the moniker of the "Chosen of the Gods" has risen in the ancient northlands.

This man that not only Lord Tzeentch, clamor to be his servant but the rest of the Gods as well has shown greater power and potential that Lord Archeon himself.

A being comprised of several souls all bound to Chaos, not only claiming to be of the same blood but of various alligance, a unaligned and khornate champion have been discovered but the rest remain a mystery even to the Changer of Ways, himself!!!

Hearing this shocked Kholek, he actually expected that his latest awakening to be related to the End Times, and serving the final Everchosen, but hearing about a possible mortal with more power and potential than the one called Archeon, honestly amazed and shocked the Shaggoth, as he listened with more intently than before...

Location the Chaos Waster/The Fortress of the Damned

It's been a week since Ixion/Warp Gods have taken the Fortress of the Damned, as their temporary base, because of luck or not the fortress was abandoned which angered Khorne for he desired more blood and battle.

Laharl and Nurgle had to work together to calm down their brother, promising him more blood, death and battles once their done fortifying their now bade, and Aldo establish a direct link to their homeworld with the four weaker Chaos Gods intervention.

They used Laharl's [Void] divinity to block the Old World Chaos Gods, from interfering or annoying them in all honesty especially both Khorne and Nurgle since the battle against the late chieftain, Ud'ghar Baine their counterparts have been trying to contact or assume control of their daemons...non-stop.

So while they fortify the Fortress, which meant adding all three of their corruption, towers and reinforced walls.

Plus their mortal forces could rest and hunt for supplies as they prepare for their next move, Khorne wants to immediately hunt for skaven and their future brother Ultnarth, but neither the Rot Lord or the Dark One think they have the appropriate amount of strength or numbers to do so.

Nurgle suggested they take the dwaven lands, Laharl immediately shut that noise up, skaven are the best ambush force in TW and the tabletop for the effing under-empire mechanics, and the Plague God wants to fight against the most durable faction next to his own...with the under-empire mechanics as well, all Laharl said was, "Ohh f#$% no!!!!"

In the end Laharl suggested they remain in the Chaos Wastes and if needed invade Norsca to gain strength, souls, and influence before they travel further south.

Fortunallt for him, both his brothers begrudgingly agreed he told them that once they have the strength they'll burn down Kislev, and find some the Ogres which Khorne would love to tear apart, that pleased them as they calm down, resulting in Ixion, stop releasing so much dark power and intent.

Laharl thought that one less headache, and issue on their long list for this massive campaign filled with rivals and enemies.

He truly wish he has some Ambrossia, right now if not some whiskey, then he thought they should raid some of their enemies cellars adding various alcohols to ambrossia sounded delicious to the Dark One.

That's when Aillia secretly contacted him, without Khorne or Nurgle knowledge, informing him that there's been a huge update to his skills, abilities and divinities, again last time he check them was after the Second Chaos War, since he had to wait before making his next move, he told Aillia to bring up the list, and with a cheery, (Sure. Right away my Lord!) those lists appeared for the Dark One's eyes only, as he read them.


1.Warp Manipulation-Lv: 102

Manipulations-Lesser Daemons Success 100%

Higher Daemons Success 88%

Greater Daemons Success 63%

Elder Daemons Success 22%

Lesser Daemon Constructs Success 32%

Higher Daemon Constructs Success 5%

Lesser Warp Items Success 100%

Higher Grade Warp Items Success 85%

Greater Grade Warp Items Success 52%

Low-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 78%

Mid-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 56%

High-Level Chaos Realm Structure Success 22%

2.Daemon Creation-Lv: 76

Lesser Daemon Boost Rate 79%

Higher Daemons Boost Rate 68%

Greater Daemon Boost Rate 31%

Daemon Prince Boost Rate 61%

Lesser Daemonic Construct Boost Rate 26%

Greater Daemonic Construct Boost Rate 21%

Ancient Daemonic Construct Boost Rate 11%

Lesser Beasts of Chaos Boost Rate 80%

Greater Beasts of Chaos Boost Rate 77%

Daemonic Mutations Boost Rate 30%

Daemonic Over-Mutation Boost Rate 11%

3.Daemonic Reinforcement-Lv: 25

4.Daemonic Resilience-Lv: 20

Resistance to Physical Weapons 30%

Resistance to Psyker Energies 25%

Resistance to Magical Energies 15%

Resistance to Holy Energies 5%

Resistance to Opposing Corruption 10%

5.Physical Shift-Lv: 50

Forms-1.Laharl, Chaos God Base Form.

2.True Chaos God Colossal Form/The Arch-Daemon, Valboga.

3.The Shadow. 4.Dark Spirit of Corruption.

5.Visage of Atrocities.

6.The Embodiment of Truth.

7.The Void Hydra.

6.Avatar Possession+ 7.Avatar Operation Bonus

8.Ascension-Lv: 35

9.Greater Ascension-Lv: 35

10.Dark Bolt+-Lv: 36

11.Darker Rip-Lv: 20

12.Black Haze-Lv: 15

13.Calling of the Void-Lv: 10

14.The Grasp of Laharl-Lv: 8

15.Soul Rend-Lv: 10

16.Smite-Lv: 22

17.Mechanomancy-Lv: 30

18.Chaotic Architect-Lv: 5

19.Warp-Devastation-Lv: 12

20.Warp-Ray-Lv: 32

21.Chaos Strike-Lv: 20

God Abilities

1.Materium Manipulation.

2.Materium Communication+.

3.Materium Breaching.

4.High Chaos Dominion.

5.Bestow Blessings Blessings-Bestow the Mark of Carnage.

Bestow the Horns of Ruination.

Bestow the Influence of Carnage+.

Bestow the Embrace of Chaos+.

Bestow the Essence of Darkness+.

Bestow the Arms of the Nethervoid.

Bestow the Dark Knowledge of Chaos.

Bestow the Desire of Slaughter+.

Bestow the Madness of Atrocities+.

Bestow the Voice of Convertion.

Bestow the Idea of Utter Desacration.

Bestow the Thrill of Desire.

Bestow the Joys of True/False Love.

Bestow the Bliss of Lust.

6.Blessing Manipulation.

7.Mutation Manipulation Punishments.

8.Immaterium Senses/Detection.

9.Daemon World Domination+.

10.Infernal Worship.

11.The Ancient Moniker.


13.Soul Bound: Iron Maiden 666.

14.Unbreakable Promise.

15.Words of Truth.

16.The Bind of Love.

17.Final Decider of Love.


19.End of Ways of Life.

20.The Fire Against Extablishment.

21.Wave of Madness.

22.The Whisperer of the Mad.

23.Consuming Void.

24.Relic Connection.

25.Empowerment of Artifacts.

26.Artifact Detection.

Greater Divinities

1.Love-Max Level

2.Lust-Max Level

3.Infernals-Max Level

4.Creator-Max Level

5.Oblivion: The ultimate form and concept of Ruin, for it destroys all records and recollection of the souls or places, that fall to ruination for a world or soul hasn't truly been destroyed as long as one remembers, and your the God that decides the final moments of existence of that subject, for Oblivion is not physically destruction but mental, and emotional once wrought nothing can revert it except the God that govern it that shall always preserve the last remnants of those subjected to Oblivion.

6.Void +9

7.Desecration +1

8.Promises +8

9.Domination +4

10.Relics: The creation of artifacts, altars, shrines, and weapons of great divine power has awaken the dominion, and divine command over relics, despite said relics/artifacts' origins they're meer existence and power come from you, enhancing one another by divine rite you can destroy, restore, or save all relics that have been connected to your dominion or of a personal creation.

Lesser Divinities

1.Punishment +9

2.Horrors +6

3.Madness +2

4.Trust: The concept that can bound even the most hated of enemies to cooperation, bound unknown individuals to a common goal, your the God the governs and strengthen those bound deciding whether to insure it or break it all to your will.

Laharl was surprised with not only another of his divinities reaching the maximum level, but also awakening two new divinities on top of it, Aillia like always was correct that I've obtained a major boost to his stats and other lists.

The ones he was most excited for were [Oblivion & Relics] he could them in so many ways, even to screw the Anathema, making forget about all ruins involving Chaos on Earth, making weaker and more unprepared to face either him or his siblings.

Before he could enjoy his various way to punish, the Anathema especially after what he has done to Chi, Kiira, Scalpel, Jade, Cassandra, Ruu and Ragna, Aillia interrupted him, suggesting he checked on his accomplishments, and quests to see if has gain anything else useful like his new divinities.

Dismissing the previous screens, Laharl sighed as this was the one thing he most despised doing, checking the quests...

Taking a moment before telling Aillia to bring up the list, as a very, very long transparent blue screen appear and he started to check it.

(Milestone achieved, surpassing 50% positively with the Chaos God of Blood, Khorne.)

(Rewards-1.Khorne is more likely to listen, and defend Laharl Valboga.

2.Melee Damage Buff + 20%

3.Khorne + Laharl Forces Buff to everything when fighting together + 20%

4.Power + 25%.)

(Congratulation, through the creation of artifacts, altars, shrines, and weapons of great divine power has awaken the Divinity: Relics.)

(Congratulations, the Divinity: Devastation has ascended to Oblivion.)

(Congratulations, through bounding and connecting with supposed hated rival siblings has awaken the Divinity: Trust.)

(Congratulations on the first world-jump, by achieving this the world [Old World Alt.] has been assigned in a permanent slot withing the Dimensional Gate.)

(Rewards-1.Complete Access to Old World-Time Alterations, Time Freezing, Teleportation, Scanning.

2.Free Absolute Creations x 2.

3.Worship Boost + 10%.

4.Map Display on the Dark Legion of the Damned Progress.)

He was utterly shocked, the Dark One for the first time he was glad to have check the Quests.

This is amazing news, Laharl was soo overjoyed he didn't care about the other rewards in the list, he can check them later.

What was most exciting was they can control the flow of time, location they spawn, and see the progress of the worlds they aren't currently on they can stop time progressing or allow it, this will be incredibly valuable when they go to anime world with so much Warp-damned fillers!!!

Mentally thanking and complementing Aillia making her chuckle and laugh with joy, Laharl immediately told his brothers what Aillia has discovered for them, which won't only be beneficial, they return to the Warp often without risking the progress they done to world...but more importantly, they can see and check on their wives conditions frequently!!!!