Chereads / Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 217 - Temporarily Return

Chapter 217 - Temporarily Return

(General POV)

Location the Chaos Wastes/The Fortress of the Damned, Main Chambers

Within Ixion that currently sitting on the main chamber, throne with all their daemons acting as guards as their the respected Dark God was in the middle of a meeting.

The avatar sat there, with its eyes not glowing resembling a lifeless suit of armor while inside...

Location the Psyker Dimension within the Avatar Ixion

Laharl has just told his younger brothers what "Aillia" discovered and told him.

Functions of the Dimensional Gate, that will greatly benefit and help them in conquering and corrupting worlds across the multiverse.

Like the Dark One expected both were shocked and very pleased with the hidden now discovered functions.

Trusting their brother, they discussed what to do now Laharl suggested they return home temporarily, to replenish and reinforce their army number with more daemons.

Turning to Khorne he also suggest that they spend some time with their beloved wife/wives, making the Blood God nod at Laharl's suggestion, Khorne also manifested his new axe and said, "This will also provide me, the opportunity to improve this weapon, into something truly worthy for the Bloodstained Lord of Murder." Nurgle just shocked his head but was also thinking of the possibilities to enhance Ixion arsenal when he was in command.

Laharl was also inspired telling his brothers, "While we gather more forces for the Dark Legion, I'll create something to serve as our direct link to the Warp, so before we return and freeze time here I need a meager piece of your powers for this new relic."

They agreed with their brother's request and suggestion as they return to command their avatar...

Location the Chaos Wastes/The Fortress of the Damned, Main Chambers

Ixion's eyes lit up crimson, meaning the Warp Gods have finished their meeting and are ready to proceed with their next plan.

The Bloodletters, Infectors, and Mortfinis were all kneeling/bowing in respect and reverence to their dark master shared avatar.

Speaking together the Warp Gods addressed their loyal daemons, "Neverborn!!! We're ready to proceed with the fall and corruption of this world. But we require, more military power. So we'll return to Warp for a moment, wait for our return!!!" all the daemons bowed to the avatar, as the Warp Gods focused on their connection to the Dimensional Gate and started to fade and the entire world of Old World, froze, nothing was able to move until they return...

Location the Warp-Realm of Chaos, the Azure Moon's Core/Secret Azure Moon Altar of Ixion

The three Chaos returned immediately to the secret altar inside their moon, they used the Dimensional Gate's special abilities to not only freeze time in the Old World until their ready to continue their campaign, but also use the Gate's spawning point to teleport directly into the altar as Ixion.

Khorne and Nurgle were amazed of seeing their and Laharl's bodies still sitting on their respected throne surrounding the altar, their eyes closed and the same spherical barriers, protecting each of their bodies.

Laharl told them to return to their bodies, all they have to do is place Ixion in the center of the altar, and focus on transferring their consciousness back to their real bodies, so they did so...

As they lay Ixion in its previous kneeling position holding onto the Hellbane place in front of it, they felt their consciousness fade from within the avatar, and back into their real a quick moment, all three of them started to move and stretch their week long still bodies.

The Dark One wasn't really complaining or his brothers for that matter, but this been the longest he has been out of his body.

But enough of that Laharl told his younger brothers he is going to check on his wives and fiancee for some days, before he create the artifact for their Old World campaign.

Khorne understood cause he had to check on his dear Valkia, gather more daemons for the bloody campaign, and he summoned his new weapon the Axe of Rage reshapen to fit his titanic size saying he still needs to adjust the axe his weaker counterpart bestowed him, into a true weapon of murder and bloodshed.

All the while, Nurgle was laughing and coughing as he wished their them and their wives well, as he also has to prepare his forces for a greater pestilent parade across the Old World, before he left, the Plague God heard his brothers tell him in the next battle regardless on who they face, he'll be in command of Ixion to also raise his form's level and stats.

Appreciating their generous, consideration the three Dark God of 40k made their way up the secret stairway and to return to their respected domain in the Immaterium...

(Laharl/Carnage God POV)

Location the Nethervoid-Castle Neo Oblivion/The Bedroom

It felt soo long...which is true, aside small incogances on Nauless, and Ymir this is the first time since I been reincarnated this has to be longest, that I've been away from my realm.

After I bid farewell to my younger brothers, and flew down from the Azure Moon back to my violet daemonic hellscape that is my Nethervoid, I felt my realm welcome me back as the flow of Carnage, Darkness, and much more entered me.

I immediately flew towards my castle, and as soared through my maroon sky I felt my wives...they were awaken, and it was wonderful that I don't sense pain coming from them...I truly hope they've fully healed their eyes.

This double my efforts to see my beloveds and check on them, making my wings flap a few times, I increased my speed further as I flew to Castle Neo Oblivion, and to my wives.

After a few moments I arrive at the entrance of the castle, and teleported myself immediately to the throne room, once I made inside the castle.

Standing before the draped entrance to my bed chambers, I passed through the burgundy colored drapes into the burgundy and violet colored room with golden furniture with burgundy cushions, as golden incents hanged from the marble made columns all over the room.

I saw several of the succubi, attending my now awaken wive...but they still were bandages over their eyes, at least there isn't anymore bleeding so they have healed some, since their encounter with that...damn...Anathema!!!

Still thinking about that bastard, make me furious...the effects of a love one being harmed and you can't do anything about it...yet, I'm not letting him become the martyred God-Emperor of Humanity, plus with all the new Space Marine Legions that are in the future joining Chaos, it would be more satisfying him watching everything he build be crushed, without him being in his throne annoying us...but that's for the future, now all I care about is my beloved wives.

I calmly approached our bed, as all seven of my wives turned to my direction, while they can't see me, they can still sence me.

Upon sensing me, they all smile and welcoming me in their own way of calling me, "Darling, My Man, Beloved, Husband, Dear...etc" I too was happy to see them no longer in pain, as I walked up to them and we embraced all eight of us, in a loving hug.

I gently sat with them, as they all snuggled up against me, I began to tell them all that happened since the Anathema, made himself known and all other events that came after...

(Khorne/Blood God POV)

Location the Blood Lands-The Brass Citadel Remodeling Completed/The Gore Fortress, the Skull Thrones of Khorne

I have returned to my scarlet, ever bloodsoaked domain, after bidding farewell to my brothers I simply jumped off the Azure Moon, since currently it was floating over my domain, Nurgle and Laharl had to fly back to their realm, whist I only had to drop down.

Walking out the crator I created from my landfall, I dusted myself off as I noticed that during my absence many daemons have spawned, rising from thousands to hundreds of thousands, a meager progress compared to the losses I suffered in the second Great Game.

Just the thought annoys me, but I've managed to calm myself remembering all that gained after that war...while I'm thankful I've ascended in power, gained more strength through cooperating with my brother, and earned favor from the "Primordial One", Absolute Chaos.

Not only have the Balrog with my third Elder Daemon, Zsash commanding them into a greater killing, daemonic force and my recent addition of the Goristros of the Cracked Land, with them I'll soak this galaxy in blood and death!!!

As I recall what has also happened...recently, I felt my rage ignite into a roaring inferno, that literally cause my dark brass armor to start admitting steam and smoke from the unconscious hellfire that coating me...the source of this anger and hatred is that damned mortal, the one called the ANATHEMA!!!!!




As hellfire burst out of my body and ignites the red lands around me, my anger and power cause volcanos to erupt all around, my realm.

I would have fully lost control, and cause unimaginable damage to my Blood Lands, when I sensed her...Valkia...she was awaken, and pain wasn't emenating from her, knowing calmed my rage and I started reeling in my power as I made my way to my new Gore Fortress...and to Valkia.

After a while I stood over my new Gore Fortress, now completed.

The colossal tower of red brass and Godblood ore was perfect, [Again...for appearance, picture the Brass Citadel from the Realm of Chaos Map, but as the front entrance with a ginormous tower like Sauron just five times the size and ruby red in color without the Eye.] especially its top the eight black and ruby colored spikes surrounding the edge of top.

Acting like a massive symbol of power and wrath as between those spikes, the "Bleeding Flame of Hatred" is placed similar to the cage hanging from the Malafex Temple, that giant scarlet flame was constantly burning and bleeding, as blood flowed and poured off the side of my new fortress, I sensed Valkia inside, so I made my way up the brass stairs leading to the entrance that my Brass Citadel has become.

I enter my new dwelling adorned with metal made statues of warriors wielding axes lining the hallways, brass cage touches hanging from the ceiling, my daemons (bloodletters & blood valkyries) roaming my fortress, kneeling to me, as I pass through.

Small rivers of boiling blood were at the far edges of the halls, on the walls of the halls hanged various crossed pair of weapons and brass made representation of my symbol, the black metal column were adorned with countless skulls forming a rising spiral on each of these cylindrical columns.

As I admired my new fortress' interiors my priority is to see Valkia...I love her...and I worry for her...seems my older brother was said to me before, was entirely domination and destruction isn't the same without equals to enjoy it with, mine is Valkia...and begrudgingly my family as well...Nurgle, Laharl and his wives...

Even after all throughout this ordeal, including when I and my brothers were on our first outerworld invasion, I thought of my wife as I cross over to the black stairway that leads to the eighth floor where the thrones have been relocated.

[I honestly think that what Khorne calls a castle/dwelling gives a lot Overlord or Fable Game vibes on home, so I based that as the Gore Fortress interiors with a lot of Khorne in the design.]

Once I reached the 8th floor, I came face to face with my new throne room.

The throne room was littered with countless skulls, all forming a stairway straight to the top where the two Skull Thrones now rest at the base of the skull stairs was my faithful, hound and recently ascended to elder daemon, Karanak, keeping guard over everything with several newly spawned flesh hounds all joining their three-headed alpha.

I spotted as countless flying she-daemons, the daughters of the Gorequeen, were coming and going from the top, were not only the thrones are but also Valkia, walking over to Karanak I petted my loyal beasts as I climb up the Skull Stairs.

Waiting for me up top, was Valkia now awake, sitting her throne her hellfire made hair blazing, as she had her wings resting and folded next to her sides...but she was still blind, for I saw her eyes still covered in bandages but she not bleeding anymore...

Regardless of my wife's blindness, she sensed me turning to my direction as she welcomed me, and thank me for alleviating some of her pain, I tighten the fists as if it wasn't that we need that bastard the Anathema, to spread humanity cross the stars I'd attacked and destroyed the Earth, right now!!

Calming myself I went to Valkia, kneeled in front of her and caressed her face, as she gently grabbed my hand and began to tell her all that happened since the Anathema, made himself known and all other events that came after.