Corissa, Lyla and Winter: What!!

Princess Corissa drops her flame sword, which disappears when it touches the ground. Lyla and Winter look at each other, then back at Mrs Kim and Miss Laura. They do not go against the statement.

Miss Laura and Mrs Kim then bow their heads. Lyla walks towards Miss Laura.

Lyla: Mom?

She pauses.

lyla: What is he saying?

Miss Laura: It is true dear

Mrs Kim touches Lyla's hair softly.

Winter also walks up to Miss Laura.

Winter: This is a joke right--

Winter laughs.

Winter: Nothing is real right. Halloween is over and these people are fakes.

Winter says while pointing at the king, queen and Corissa.

Winter runs up to King Felix. She grabs King Felix royal robe.

Winter: You aren't my father, neither are you my mother.

She points at Queen Alouette.

Winter: My parents died and I was raised in an orphanage. AN ORPHANAGE!! (screams).

She thugs at King Felix clothes harder. The King bowed his head and avoided Winter's intense gaze.


Winter is now close to the verge of tears, while smiling.

Miss Laura: Winter--

Winter released the King from her grasp. and went to Lyla's side.

Winter: Start talking.

Everyone looked shocked at Winter's change of character.

Winter: (shouts) NOW!!

Queen Alouette was trying to hold back her tears, while Princess Corissa stood there, frozen in shock.

King Felix: Sixteen years ago, You were all born; Ayana

he looks at Winter

"Kalina", he says while looking at Lyla this time

"and Corissa", he looks at Princess Corissa.

King Felix pauses

King Felix: But-- It was a dangerous thing to give birth to female triplets here of the royal blood.

Lyla: Why?

King Felix: A seal has been passed from generations to generations to the royal family. That seal holds a ferocious monster intact -- AVIS.

Winter: And how does that have to do with separating and abandoning us?

King: Immediately you all were born, the seal was passed to you. But because the seal was broken in three, there was an imbalance.

Lyla and Winter: Imbalance?

Princess Corissa did not ask any questions, because she had learnt about this as the future heiress of Etheria.

King Felix: Yes. You can relate it with a citrus fruit. When cut in three, the pieces can never be equal.

King Felix: This is the imbalance that causes the weakening of the seal.

Corissa: Father--

King Felix looked at Princess Corissa.

Corissa: When we are together the seal weakens faster. This is the reason for the separation.

King Felix: Yes.

Lyla: Why bring us back if it enhances the weakening?

This time Queen Alouette spoke up.

Queen: The seal has been weakening at an alarming rate even when you were separated.

The triplets look shocked

Corissa: Is that even possible?

Queen: I do not know either, but it is happening and we can't do anything to stop it. We have to prepare to defeat Avis once and for all.

Winter: You could have still kept us instead of abandoning us.

Queen: If the people found out, Etheria would be filled with fear and panic.

The Queen sighs.

Queen: You may even lose your life.

Lyla: That's also why you separated us?

The Queen nods.

Winter: You separated us for the sake of your people and brought us back to fight this.... AVIS??? Can you even hear yourselves?

King Felix: We had and have to do what is best for Etheria.

Lyla understood the situation and didn't say anything more.

Winter scoffs

Winter: Etheria ehh? but not for your "family"

The King and Queen just bowed their heads

Queen Alouette: We are really sorry for everything, especially for abandoning you and lying to you all this time.

Queen Alouette says as she approaches Winter specifically. She touches Winter's shoulder.

Queen: Ayana--

Winter: I can accept everything else, But--

She shrugged the Queen's hand off of her.

Winter: My parents are dead. I grew up in an orphanage. Mom adopted me.

Miss Laura: No Winter.

Miss Laura finally spoke up.

Winter: Hmm?

Miss Laura: They are your biological parents. You were never raised in any orphanage. Your "parents" never died in an accident.

Winter: So why didn't you tell me sooner.

Miss Laura: If I told you the truth, you would ask about your real parents. Your mind created the scenario in your head and I followed with it. I am sorry Winter.... I truly am.

Winter: For SIXTEEN YEARS, I thought my parents were dead. But they are actually alive and they abandoned me for their precious Kingdom.

Winter pauses.

Winter: Us,

She looks over at Lyla.

Winter sighs as she looks at the Queen and King's desperate faces.

Winter: I understand.... I understand why you did it. You put your Kingdom first above your family. You are selfless people.

Winter says with a small smile

King Felix and the Queen are shocked to hear this. Queen Alouette tears up as she hears Winter's response.

Queen: Ayana, Kalina. Although we brought you back not for a reunion, we are happy to see you again.

Queen Alouette walked up slowly to the girls and embraced them. This time Winter did not push away.

Winter: I accepted everything, but I haven't forgiven you two for what you did to us.

Lyla: Neither have I

King Felix: We don't expect you to forgive us in an instant. But we will try to be better parents as well as rulers.

Queen Alouette: Hmm (smiles)