Chapter 3 - Puppet.

The pharmacist had finished bandaging Thgil's foot, so it was time to leave.

As Thgil stood up, Granny rushed towards her and asked worriedly.

"Are you sure you can walk on your on? If you can't just hop on my back, I'll carry you home".

"No need for that, please, I walked here and I can walk back".

Thgil said shifting away from granny incase she made her get on her back, she didn't want to cause her any trouble.

Plus if any of her school mates saw her on her granny's back.

Especially now that her reputation as 'the cold brainy' was uprising, she wouldn't hear the end of it on Monday.

Better safe than sorry.

Thgil and Clay walked towards the door with Thgil half limping.

"You guys..... wait outside for me, I won't be long".

They both nodded and went outside to wait.

Granny turned to the pharmacist and said,

"I wanted to talk to you about..."

Clay and Thgil walked through the door outside and sat on the porch.

They waited.

They waited.

They kept waiting.

They were still waiting.

Until Clay groaned and said,

"I'm bored, let's play a game".

"K, let's play numbers and signs".

"Alright, I'm gold, I am gold".

Clay shouted excitedly.

"And I am Japan".

They stretched out their palms between them and swiped it while singing a rhythm.

'Mama mama, show me your pot of soup'.

When the rhythm ended, they put down their fingers.

Clay's fingers he put down counted up to four, Thgil's two.

"I'm counting" Clay told Thgil.


He counted their fingers saying 'Baby, gold, hare, chinese, Japan, baby'.

Since it ended at Baby and none of them were baby, they were to start again and continue until it ended at a character either of them choose.

If it did and then them person was out and the person whom was still in would have to hold out their palms and receive a slap on their knuckles from the person whom was out.

After one slap, both of them would motion a number at random with their fingers.

If the person receiving the slaps showed the same number the person whom was out showed.

The person whom was receiving the slaps would no more receive the slaps anymore.

Hence the person had won.

They went some more rounds, and Clay gave Thgil some slaps and she inturn always guessed the number he motioned.

"Ohhh, come on!" Clay exclaimed.

Thgil laughed.

"Ok, ok, let's go another round".

Thgil suddenly heard a truck's engine roar, as she looked up to see it.

It was an orange coloured truck, it windows didn't have see through glass.

It was covered.

And hanging on one arm from the window outside the truck was a puppet doll, staring at her.

Wait, staring? That's not right.

It seemed like a normal doll except for its eyes.

It's black button eyes shinning eerily in the sunlight stared intently into Thgil's green eyes, spreading a dry chill through her body.

Also making her lose the round she was playing with Clay.

"Yayyyyyy! For the first time in history, Clayton Nork has defeated Thgil Nork in a game battle!! Haha! Hahahahahaha!".

Clay chittered excitedly.

The truck passed by and Thgil stared at it's number plate.


The words escaped her lips before she knew it.

She would remember that number.

"Let's play another round, or.....are you scared?".

Clay teased Thgil.

"Huh?....what? No way, lets.....go another round".

Suddenly, Clay gasped and shifted away from Thgil in fear.

He had seen the spider again.
