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My Dreams And Thoughts As A Story

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Author: I am using this as a place to write down my dreams, as such, most are going to be very short. Some are going to be first person and some are going to be in third person as I will be writing it the same way I experience it in the dream. Also the r18 is a "just in case", so don't expect anything from it. P.S : Every chapter is one dream Author Note: Cover is not mine


We were finally visiting my only Uncle and his wife and child, the currently live at our deceased grandpa's old house.

They had moved into it and set their old house up as a rental.

Walking through the front doors covered porch I made my way into the kitchen, my eye's seemed to gravitate to the door into the basement/cellar, whenever I was down their I always had a feeling that something important was down there hidden away.

A secret stash of gold? or maybe the collected information about my family's history?

Things never seemed to add up in our history, we know that we were fairly big and important hundreds of years ago in Ireland, though never could find much info at all, I always thought that our family clan had connections to the royal family that fled after the British took over.

As the rest of my family was talking and such I made my way over to the basement and headed down.

It was a lot cleaner than I had last saw it, all the junk boxes and such had been cleared out, I went around looking for anything, an extra room I didn't know about, or a random lever.

Nothing, just a normal basement, Ugh

Hearing foot steps I look at the skinny stairs that can barely fit one person at a time, and see my uncle coming down them.

"Hey *****, see anything interesting?" He asks with a slight grin, He knows there is nothing of note, he as searched more than I have after all.

"Nah nothing" I respond my eye's drifting over to the brick wall that the stairs are built on.

"Well actually...." I notice how a the mortar on some of the concrete bricks are a little deeper than the rest, as a matter a fact it several are the same, about a 5 foot by 3 foot area in fact.

After pointing this out to my uncle we start searching for something similar around the area and I hind a small brick about an inch wide and tall.

I push it

A grating sound fills the room, and after a bit the 5 foot wall under the stairs moves down and a passage comes into view...well not real its to dark to see the passage.

"Hey, you got any good flashlights?" I ask my Uncle, who still has his jaw open in surprise.

"Yea....I'll go get them" He says, walking over to a near by room.

He comes back with two headlamps (one on his head) and a large spotlight sort of flash light.

Putting the headlamp on I take the large flashlight and start walking down the passage. after walking strait and down for a few hundred yards we see a elevator and put down our flashlights. The elevator has a pin code to unlock.

Luckily I can see the numbers that are worn away and start pressing them at strategized random, on the third try 8727(Don't remember the exact code) it beeped green and the door opened.

We walked in and the doors closed and it went down, on the elevator panel their are only two floors, the top, floor 1 and the other a ways down on the panel, floor 320 odd....

The elevator speed picks up and soon we are going down fast enough that just a little faster and the elevator would be going down faster than we can fall down, soon after I walk out of a small nook in and look around.

Looking up the sky looks clear with only a few large clouds, and very blue. Looking around I find myself in a small arch way made of stone and a table in front of me, on it are some junk toys and other random things. as well as a lizard, who flips me off and runs away(IDK) after walking past the table and out from the archway it looks like I find my self in some sort of castle.

The castle is made of ruff gray stone and is expansive in design, well for a castle anyway, the half arch(Not a full archway) that I was in is on the corner of the castle, and seems to be a road of sorts. Not a cobblestone road mind you, a full on dirt road with tire tracks.

Suddenly a vehicle drives by and under the half arch that I came out of. Walking further out into the open I notice a large stone wall surrounding the castle, about 80ft high with guards walking along it, actually now that I look there are guards everywhere, they have silver colored armor with a royal blue being the theme, the castle also has a blue flag with a coat of arms.

The castle is built next to the giant cliff wall of a large sandstone that has to be at least a thousand feet high, the wall that goes around the castle connects to the sandstone, it seems like they built it so the sandstone was half there wall.

Looking towards the wall gate, I suddenly see a bus drive through, out of the castle, well wait.... not bus but a bus rebuilt as a wagon? weird, now that I look closely there are random old modern things around, the castle wall has rusty metal attached at random, and there is even a large pill of scrap stuff in the corner of the castle wall.

Now I remember, the world got almost destroyed and we had to restart, we are now in the medieval era (The Second One) I wonder if I can teach people how to fix up the scrap into what it original was, fix up a broken, rusty car into a car that drives.

Suddenly the castle gets news of an attack, everyone is rushing to get ready, wait.... that vehicle that drove past me earlier was the queens personal carriage right? there is a village a bit of ways outside the castle wall, the carriage was heading there.

I quickly run out of the castle and over to the village to find the queen and bring her back, though I entered on the wrong side of the town! I hurry and run down the dirt road street to the other side of town to try and save the queen.

There are two princesses one is already in the castle and safe, now that I think about it the queen is still in the castle so the 2nd Princess must be the one in the carriage, soon I get the the edge of the town where a wood wall nearly 20ft high separates the low class from the high class peasants.

Suddenly the 2nd Princesses carriage passes by heading back to the castle, it seems they got word of the attack, but than I notice that an enemy is waiting in ambush in the high class side of the village, the road turns a bit sharp right after the wood walls gate, they must be waiting for the carriage to fall over when it goes by that turn to fast.

Rushing over I soon pass through the large wood gate and see the enemy walking towards the wood wall gate. Seeing that there is no crashed carriage at the sharp turn I think that the enemy must have given up when the 2nd princesses carriage did not crash there like he thought it would.

Running down and past the sharp turn I see a carriage on its side and the 2nd Princess getting out of the over turned carriage, the driver is nowhere to be found, than I notice that the enemy is walking towards me, soon he will notice that the 2nd Princess is ended up crashing past the sharp turn and will take her.

I rush towards the 2nd Princess trying to yelling at her that we need to hurry up to the castle.

As she turns her head up and looks at me I notice her features for the first time, she is wearing a long varying blue dress(It changes from a sky blue to a clear white at the edges). Once I am just a few feet away from her I look at her in surprise, I thought that she would have blond hair but she has beautiful white hair that is a bit messy from the crash, her eyes are blurred over and I can't tell what color they are.

Either way, she is very beautiful and is younger then I thought, she looks to be a few years younger than me (I'm 19)

She Looks at me with a confused look as if my existence does not make sense, like I am not supposed to be there, and as if she knows who I am and where I am supposed to be(My own reality? idk), I ignore the way she looks at me and scoop her up in a princess carry, she puts her arms around my neck to hold on as I run back up to the castle as fast as I can.

The enemy that was behind me chases me with a for more people and in the distance I can see the enemies army rushing over, once I am close enough to the castle gate I yell at the guards to open it so I can get the 2nd Princess to safety, they open it but it is only a few feet high by the time I get there so I have to slide through (A bass ball slide) the guards drop the gate closed the second I pass through. (The gate is portcullis, than a six inch thick solid wood portcullis and than another normal portcullis)
