Alexis Garcia a Latino teen, an introvert fangirl had few really close friends in real life and her first online friend with whom she formed an unbreakable bond, Kyle Tuan. Kyle was a Malaysian guy ,a dorky geek. Both were a literal Brotp, may it be small little circumstances in life or challenges in life at the end of the day they used to share it with each other. The extreme late hours didn't bother them nor did the difference in time zones. They were two halves of a whole wierdo, platonic soulmates .But a certain day in life things were taking a turn.
Alexis: Hey Kyle !!! Vas happenin?
Alexis: Bro ...U there?
Kyle : Hi
Alexis: You seem kinda off today. Anything wrong.
Kyle: Well...we have grown so close that we can know eachother's moods just without saying anything.
Alexis: Sure we have....what about it? What's wrong Kyle?
Kyle: What's wrong? EVERYTHING! I've realised that I'm probably not doing many things right. I'm not using my potential to the fullest. My grades have stooped lower than the self esteem of a lizard. My mental health is worsening.
Kyle: So I'm taking a decision of fixing my life , may it be with a Flex tape, but I wanna clean this mess. I want to make my family proud .I have just one year left for the big exam we call here, the SPMs. For all this I'll have to leave .This might be our last conversation before I leave. I honestly don't want to leave you ....but I have to. I'm really sorry. Alexis, I can never in my life would be able to forget you. I'll miss you hecka lot Lex.
Alexis: Whoa cant be serious. Its alright KT we will fix it. Just give it some time. And about your can obviously try to reduce the time u spend online .Please don't leave .I wont be able to handle it.
Kyle: I wish I wasn't serious about this. I tried to fix this but doesn't seem like I am reaching anywhere. I have no choice. Even I don't wanna leave , but I cant help it .Talking to you was the best time of my life.
Alexis: Its fine Kyle. That's the best for you. The time I spent with you was literally the best time of my life, I just didn't want it to be so short lived. But don't you worry a bit ,you're gonna stay in my memories forever .Maybe in future our paths might cross again.
Alexis: Sorry...I'm just getting too emotional.
Kyle: Thanks Alexis for supporting my decision .I really look forward on meeting you. This was the best time of my life too. Dammit...I cant stop my
Alexis: Heyy.. don't cry, just look at the sky we still share the same sky ,don't we?
Kyle: Sure we do. I promise I'll be a better person. I will always watch over you. If I die I will be your guardian angel.
Alexis : You don't have to die for that ,you know?
Kyle: I want you to make a vow....We both wont try to end our lives. Nephillim die in battle not suicide.
Alexis :Ofc! I never will. I swear I will be a better person. I'm sure our paths will cross if destiny suggests.
Kyle: Sure thing. I really wanna see you irl.
Alexis: KT ....its getting late should sleep. Goodbye...we say goodbye only when we expect to see the person again.
Kyle: Yep its getting late ,but I wont be coming back tomorrow. Goodbye Lex....lets meet on the other side now ,good night.
Alexis: Bye Kyle.
That night Alexis wasn't able to sleep soundly .She tried to keep imagining Kyle's face but couldn't , since she hadn't seen him. Something kept bothering her, an uneasy feeling in her heart, the fear of loss.