The next morning Kyle had to leave early to a place where he found his peace of mind. He was heading to the hillock which was at 30min drive from his place. He loved to stay close to nature, it cleared his head. That was another thing he had in common with Alexis, she used to sit near a cliff when the noise of the world smothered her thoughts. Even the thought about Alexis pierced his heart. He quickly shoved the thought away and turned on the radio. Music was his therapy.
He rolled down the windows and started jammin' to ' Shelter by Finneas', his favorite. He was just one turn away from his destination. He always loved to take the long route, the route with a valley in one side and greenery on the other. In the morning mist the place looked heavenly. He was so engrossed in amusing about the scenery that he lost his concentration while he was on the tricky part of the road, the blind turn, one wrong turn and you go straight down the valley. He liked to call it the fall into hell.
Another car came from the opposite side with the speed of an arrow released from a bow and Kyle took a sharp turn. It was a gamble he played with his life he meant to save, his car was about to plunge itself into the valley, "one step wrong and all's gone" he whispered to himself. He was stuck there, unable to even move a muscle. He decided to look around for help without disturbing the balance of his car, but since it was early morning the road was deserted, he was lying there helpless, unable to move. He was thinking about his family, his people who might not even find his body, he didn't want to die, not so early. He wanted to keep his promise made to Alexis of not ending his life. He himself had said,' Nephilim die in battle 'maybe, his battle was going to end here. That's when he lost his gamble, the rock under the hind wheel slipped and he was gone, forever.
He looked at the sky and thought, "I'm coming to you Alexis, even if you are half a world away. I'm coming from the other side."
Alexis still had that uneasy feeling, a dull pain in her heart as if a part of her soul was taken away. She assumed that it was due to exhaustion or just that she missed Kyle too much. Little did she know about the tragedy that happened on the other side. She was supposed to go out with her cousins since her mom forced her to socialize. Socializing was the skill she never wanted to master, noisy places and crowds made her feel like a piece of glass piercing her heart and brain simultaneously. She always liked to be in the shadows, to go unnoticed by people.
She lazily grabbed her usual outfit, and went to take a shower. She left for the café her cousin was going to meet her. She was already running late, not like she cared. She opened the door to find her cousins, laughing, about something. "You're late", Noah said with a smile, scratching the back of his neck. Noah was her maternal cousin who actually planned this thing. "Is she ever on time?" Noelle said in a mean pitchy voice. Noah and Noelle were twins; Noelle was one of those pink prissy princesses, the typical high school meanie. Noah was the exact opposite; he was kind and a popular kid with good grades and good looks. Good looks were one thing they had in common, obvious thing, she thought to herself.
He was like Jason Grace from The Heroes of Olympus series she always thought. She liked to compare people to characters from books or fandoms in general. "Earth to Alexis," Noelle waved her hand lazily."Hey, sorry guys, I had some homework so I got late. What are you guys up to?". Noelle narrated a story about how they found her friend Kara had thrown a surprise party for the twins and blah blah blah. The sweet smell of doughnuts distracted her. Kyle used to love doughnuts, she thought.
Just one single thought about him brought back a thousand flashbacks flooding to her mind. She remembered the time she had first talked to him, her first time talking to a stranger. She had no regrets; he was from the same fandom afterall, besides what could go wrong? At first they just talked about the fandoms, their favorite characters, their personality traits. He had become an inseparable aspect of her life. Without a small chat with him, her day was incomplete. She remembered one day, he didn't text her at all, she tried to text him, but no answer came her way. She thought he was bored with her or didn't feel like talking to her.
But later that day, something happened which changed her to the core. She received two long texts from him which said that he went through a lot in just one day. He came out to his parents, tried to tell them that he was gay, but his family instead of supporting him shunned him for his thoughts. They thought that it was a tantrum he was throwing. The harsh words of his own family made him feel major hatred towards homophobes in general. He needed some time with himself so he hadn't texted her and left for a night to stay in the forest on the hillock. He said that she was the only person who truly understood him, and he would never not want to talk to her. She was the third person to know about that he was gay. She didn't know why but being one of the first five people a person trusts made her feel moved. That was the very moment she realized that her existence did matter to someone.
Here she had zoned out for about a considerable time and Noelle had finished narrating the story. Noah asked teasingly, "who is the one you're thinking about Alexis?" Noah grinned.
"Do you really think she can have feelings for real people?" Noelle sighed while tapping her long nails on the table.
Ouch, Alexis thought. "No, it''s just a headache .Thanks for inviting me, but I'm not feeling well. I'll catch you guys later. Bye!" She forced a smile. She knew it was rude to leave abruptly, but she couldn't stand socializing for too long. She waved goodbye to the twins and left for the place that called her.
Whenever the sound of the world smothered her thoughts, only two things could cure her. It was either music or being close to nature. She had realized that she really couldn't function well without music, it washer therapy. For nature she used to go to a cliff which wasn't far from her place .That probably was another link she and Kyle had in common, his forest near the hills and her cliff between the deep valley and the limitless sky.
She reached there in no time. The landscape there hadn't changed much, trees, whistling wind, soft grass and the blue sky. She laid herself on the grass staring at the sky, looking at the clouds. She felt like Shikamaru, looking at the clouds, letting her thoughts flow.
This was the only place where she could let her thoughts set free and it didn't hurt, as she was an over thinker and her thoughts hurt her more than anything in life. That was the other thing she had in common with Kyle.
She saw a figure in the clouds, a guy on his laptop, smiling at the screen and a girl on her laptop on the other side of the screen. 'We still lie under the same stars and sky,' she thought. She had a wild imagination. 'Kyle', she thought to herself,' I miss you'.
"Give me give me shelter, from the stars. Give me give me shelter, keep me warm .come kiss me by the delta, where the river's torn. And I'll be whole, as long as I'm yours."
Humming their favorite song she dozed off. She heard a voice in her head, a guy's voice, soft and sweet like cotton candy. Just one word of that voice feltlike diving into cool water from the waterfall. Just the one word the voice kept on saying made her feel protected and warm, the kind of warmth one feels when someone hugs you and whispers words of sweet reassurance in your ear.
The voice was calling for her, just her name echoing in her head. "Alexis.....Alexis...Alexis" she thought it was a dream, but the voice actually woke her up before she accidentally rolled into the valley