Chereads / Spirit of life / Chapter 4 - You have Moloch Now

Chapter 4 - You have Moloch Now

"You can call me Spirit, since there's no other spirit who would answer to that." Kyle had decided to not let her know about the reality.

" Fine I'll call you Moloch, sounds interesting, doesn't it?" Alexis raised an eyebrow and asked. "Whatever" Kyle shrugged.

"Judging from your voice and accent, I believe you are not more than a teen, almost my age and Asian. Am I right?" Alexis asked while yeeting the clothes on the bed into the laundry bag or on the chair near the desk. All her shots landed perfectly.

"Bamm What! " Alexis exclaimed. Her room was the only place she was totally herself, no restrictions, no social anxiety to bother her, no person to bother her to be precise.

"Yes, you're right. I am Asian, Malaysian, to be precise. But I can fake many accents", he transitioned from a dense english accent to a Latino accent. "But Latino is my favorite, it makes a person badass".

"Wait, so you're the gay spirit of a Malaysian guy who died young?" Alexis asked. "I did have a Malaysian friend; he's not around for some time." Alexis continued in a dull tone. It was her first day without Kyle, she thought. But little did she know, the person she missed was standing in her room, in the form of a spirit.

"You miss him, don't you?" Kyle asked softly. Alexis smiled "Yes, a lot, but till the time he returns, I'll have loads of stuff to tell him". By this time her bed was clean.

She pulled out her laptop from the drawer under her desk; she didn't mind staying up till late for a few fanfics. She sat on the bed looking for something to read. Her headphones hung around her neck as if it was a part of her body. She slipped them onto her ears and blasted the music.

Staying up late made her aware of the beauty in darkness, the starlight. At night there was no sound other than the music blasting in her ears. They sounds through the day pierced her brain. Crowded places made her feel like she was shattering. That was one of the reason she stayed awake, to find peace.

"How can you keep such a cold expression while reading this?!" shouted Kyle.

"Gods! Shuddup Moloch, a lot happens around and I don't express, I'm good at it." Alexis said.

"How am I supposed to shut up when...they're...they're ...OmGGG, I never thought you would be reading this, guurrrlll, I'm about to get nose bleeds" Kyle was still over reacting.

"Stop imagining the scene; you know I can see what goes on in your brain. Man, why do you have to read these fanfics, it's like a rollercoaster. What they were doing some time ago is totally opposite from what they're doing now. WHY ARE THEY FIGHTING?.*wrapped in a blanket* I wanna cry."

A spirit fanboying about the fanfic was the most adorable thing, Alexis thought." Aww Moloch, You're adorable, now shhh let me read in peace." Alexis said dreamily. "Oh, I have a suggestion, maaaybe could you read B*B stories? I'd be satisfied at least. Pretty please?" Kyle asked with puppy eyes, but later realized that she can't see him.

Before Alexis could answer that she stood up abruptly. Like a dog with heightened sense. She heard something, he thought. Alexis made her way downstairs, softly and swiftly. She opened the door right next to the stairs without making a sound. Kyle saw an old lady sleeping soundly on the bed. The room looked cozy, it radiated warmth of affection. Alexis was there to check, she saw her dear grandmother sleeping peacefully. She quietly closed the door behind her and let out a sigh of relief.

She marched back to her room. Kyle had been quietly observing the situation, he didn't say a word, he could feel the stress Alexis was going through. The stream of thoughts that was flooding inside her. She opened the window and lied there looking at the sky, one hand on her heart and the other dangling loosely down the window.

Kyle saw tears pooling in her eyes, a drop made its way down her cheek. She couldn't control it; she had been holding back her emotions all day, just to throw them out at night. "Alexis, what is it, that made you rush down to your grandma's room?" Kyle asked. "Can't you read my thoughts anymore?" Alexis said, her voice cracked up. "I stay up late this hour because I'm worried for her, my grandmother. She had a cardiac arrest few months ago right at this hour of night. I was asleep back then, I woke up just due to the rush I heard of mom and dad's voices, and the siren of ambulance. The picture still stays vividly clear in front of my eyes. I still live in horror, each hour of day, every second of night"

Kyle remembered she had mentioned it when they talked. But back then she just said that her grandmother was not well, he had no idea things were so serious.

"From that day I have been blaming myself for not being awake, I could've helped. Now I have trained myself too not fall asleep to deep. I never let my guard down. I always feel I'm not good enough. Not a good daughter, nor a sister or a person. Someone who's just a burden. I can't even keep up my scores. I keep on pretending to be happy, I'm not. I feel empty, my teachers feel I am a perfect student, but do they know the breakdowns, the stress I suffer due to the pressure of keeping up with the competition? I know I'm not the only one going through this, people have it worse. But that doesn't rule out the fact that my situation isn't good? I know I just went off topic, but this is what you got to know, the true me, a depressed soul. Sorry I'm giving my bad vibes to you." Alexis rested her head on the frame of the window. She was sitting now. They had a similar conversation once, but he was the one breaking back then.

"Oh god Alexis, There is so much in your brain, if it was someone else other than you; they wouldn't be able to handle this. You're strong, that's why your thoughts haven't driven you crazy. You're capable of doing great things; just you wait, and believe in yourself. You don't have to stretch yourself so hard. It's totally fine that you couldn't help your grandmother back then, you can't change the past .And about the future, what am I here for? Do you really think I will ever leave your side? Nah...Nuh-uh! You didn't have me till now, right from now, never consider yourself alone. My only purpose is to keep you positive. Now don't worry, I don't need sleep anyway, I can keep a watch everywhere."

Alexis stood up, and leaned against the wall staring at the ceiling, Kyle hugged her, he doubted if it worked but it actually did. Alexis felt warm reassurance, a feeling of protection; she buried her face into his arms.

"I miss my friend Kyle a lot; I wish I could talk to him." Kyle suppressed his urge to reveal his true identity and said "Don't worry; you never know maybe he's listening to you....I mean, we all share the same sky after all. Now come here, sleep soundly."

Alexis sat lightly on the bed and buried herself in the burrito of blankets. Kyle saw that she was hugging something tightly, Kurama, he thought. She had a pillow pet which was a fox. She had named him after the nine tailed fox from the anime Naruto. Kyle lightly stroked her hair, she couldn't feel him physically, but she felt his comforting touch and started singing.

"You would not believe your eyes if ten million fireflies lit up the world as I fell asleep. They feel the open air and leave teardrops everywhere...." He hummed the song till she fell asleep.

Owl city was one of her favorite artists. She looked all calm and peaceful, the tornado of thoughts had calmed down. She looked as if she was living a happy stress free life from a distance. But up close he could see the tearstained face and bloodshot eyes behind her now closed eyelids. She was like a lightening trapped in a barrel, he thought. He planted a kiss on her forehead, switched off the lights and left the room without making a sound.