Chereads / The Broken Bodyguard / Chapter 12 - Ep 12 Trouble After School

Chapter 12 - Ep 12 Trouble After School

It had been one month since Stella's birthday. She had started school and work now, the days of relaxing at home were over. But she was happy the new project at work was coming along well and she was doing great in school.

Stella got to spend a lot of time with Samael when at the company and at home. She banned him from going to school with her due to the girls at the college giving him too much attention. But she was happy and excited to get picked up and dropped off by Samael every day.

The only thing she wished for was more time to talk with Samael to talk about his past. She decided to wait till after she graduated and settled in at work before trying to ask about it again. But for now she was happy.

"Stella, wake up!" Samael said as he tried to wake her up. Her bed had several papers spread across it. She had been up late doing work for the company before trying to finish her project for school.

"I am up." Stella said as she slowly started to sit up and rub her eyes.

"If you have a hard time waking up at this time why not wake up later?" Samael asked as he moved awake from the bed.

"Getting up early is part of life. Plus I have a lot of things I need to check over before heading to school." Stella said, fully sitting up and stretching her arms. Samael had turned around to grab an insulated cup off her desk.

"If that is what you want, I will keep waking you up then. Here is your coffee." Samael said as he turned back around and handed her the cup.

"Thanks." Stella said with a smile.

"It is exactly the way you wanted it. A light roast with three scoops of sugar and mocha creamer." Samael said as he moved back to the desk and picked up a second insulated cup.

"You have such a good memory. You were only around when I asked them to make this one time. What other things have you memorized?" Stella asked as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Do you really want to know some of the things I remember?" Samael asked as he took a drink of his coffee and made eye contact with Stella.

"Now you have me wondering." Stella said with a playful smile.

"Well I know a lot about you Stella. I know your favorite food, color, animal, and instrument. I also know what music you like and dislike." Samael said as Stella got out of bed with her coffee in hand.

"Ok that is a good list so far but a lot of people would know that." Stella said as she started to look at the outfits in her closet.

"I also know your size, all of them." Samael said after taking a drink and promoting Stella to stop looking at her outfits.

"Ok. How did you find that out?" Stella asked as she turned around to look at him.

"Observation. It is easy for me to get your sizes given the amount of time I have spent with you." Samael said, prompting Stella's face to turn red.

"Let's change topics." Stella said as she turned back around so she did not have to look at Samael.

"I also happen to know when your time," Samael said but was cut off by Stella.

"No no no. Changing topic now." Stella said as she pushed her head into her wardrobe full of clothes.

"So then what do you want to talk about?" Samael asked as Stella pulled her head out of the wardrobe.

"Well you know how I like my coffee so it is only fair if I know how you like yours." Stella said as she tried to push the embarrassing thoughts out of her mind.

"That is easy, any roast with nothing added." Samael said as he took another drink.

"Wait. You don't add anything?" Stella said, turning around to look at Samael.

"Yes I don't see the need to put anything in it. The purpose of the drink is to supply a small boost in alertness and energy. I am not drinking it for caloric value so adding other things is pointless. The problem being I do not gain any benefits from this drink so I merely drink it for it is a common practice." Samael said as Stella looked at him in shock.

"Ok, ok, ok. All that aside even if you are just drinking it for it is a common practice as you say. Does not mean you don't have to enjoy it." Stella said as she walked closer to him.

"Enjoy it? The point of eating and drinking is to fuel your body for action. Enjoyment is not needed." Samael said as he tried to take a drink. But Stella stopped him by covering the cup with her hand.

"No. We should eat and drink things we enjoy, not just to give us energy. Here, try mine." Stella said as she tried to give her cup to Samael.

"Stella," Samael tried to say but she cut him off.

"Try it, and yes that's an order." Stella said with a devilish smile. After she finished giving the order Samael placed his cup on the table and took Stella's from her. He paused for a moment before taking a drink from the cup.

"See that is much better is it not?" Stella said as he finished his drink.

"It is sweet and tastes of chocolate." Samael said as he handed the cup back to her.

"That is how it should be. The sweet and chocolate flavors are complimented by the slight bitterness of the coffee. Making a well rounded drink, and a pleasurable drink to enjoy." Stella said, smiling as she took her drink back.

"That is a way of putting it. I should get back to my room to change. I still need to drop you off at school." Samael said as he picked up his cup and started to walk to the door.

"Ok I will not be much longer." Stella said as Samael left the room and closed the door behind him.

She went back to looking at the outfits and raised the cup to take a drink but stopped. Stella held the cup for a moment just looking at it. The thought of Samael drinking from the same cup that she drank from ran around in her mind. Stella ended up putting the cup down, she was too embarrassed and could not bring herself to take another drink from it.

After she got changed and went down stairs. Samael and the driver were waiting to take her to school. She had on a simple light gray dress with black flowers on it. She did not like to dress-up for school, people were always watching her as is.

Stella did not say anything during the ride to school, she was still a little embarrassed at how the morning had gone. She just wanted to go to school and forget what had happened this morning. She practically jumped out of the vehicle when the driver stopped rushing onto the campus before Samael could even say anything.

The day at school went by as any other day. She had forgotten about the events of the morning after her first class, and had started to focus on the classes. The day flew by for her and before she knew it, she was standing at the front gate waiting for Samael and the driver to pull up.

She was looking at her phone as she waited looking over her messages from classmates and one from Samael saying he was running late due to the driver. Stella did not realize anything was off till it was too late.

It happened in a flash. A blacked out vehicle pulled up in front of her as a man put a cloth over her mouth and nose. The last thing she saw before losing consciousness was the door opening and getting pushed into the vehicle.

After sending a message to Stella about being late Samael looked around the front room. The driver should have been here forty-five minutes ago. As he waited he adjusted his coat.

Samael had modified all the clothes Stella had gotten him. He did not change much, just reinforcing the joints and adding some hidden pockets so he could carry some more things on him discreetly. As he waited he moved his hands over the pockets checking that he had everything in them.

"I am sorry I am late, I could not find the keys." The driver said as he ran over to Samael.

"Let's go. Don't waste anymore time." Samael said as he opened the door to leave. The vehicle was already waiting for them in the driveway. He did not waste time and walked right over to the vehicle, opening the passenger door and getting inside.

The driver got inside and started the vehicle. As they drove Samael could not shake an odd feeling, almost like something was off. The more he thought about it, the more it did not sit well with him. The driver was never late to leave the property.

"Why were you late?" Samael asked as the vehicle turned onto the main road.

"I already said I could not find the keys." He said focusing on driving.

"From what I have seen you are never late. A very punctual man if you would." Samael said as the vehicle stopped at a light.

"I try to be, but things like this do happen sometimes. We are only human so mistakes will be made." He said with a little laugh.

"That is true. But it is my job to keep her safe so when I am late what do you think can happen?" Samael said as he looked over at the driver.

"You are right, something bad could happen if we are late." The driver said as a bead of sweat formed on his hairline.

"Are you nervous? I mean it is not like anything has happened, right?" Samael asked as he slowly moved his hand under his coat and onto the grip of his pistol.

"I mean how would I know? I just drive. I would not know if something was going to happen." The driver said as he made a turn.

"Let me re-ask you. Are you nervous?" Samael said as he firmly gripped his pistol.

"I am, ok. Is that what you wanted to hear?" He said gripping the wheel tight.

"Why are you nervous? Unless you do know something." Samael said as he pulled his pistol out, purposely letting the driver see it as he held it in his lap.

"Listen, I do not know anything. When I went to get the keys they had moved. I had to look all over the house for them. I checked over half the room in the house before I managed to find them in the kitchen. I don't know how they got there." He said quickly as sweat started to run down his face.

"So the keys just moved themselves?" Samael said as he tapped his finger on the trigger guard.

"I don't know how they moved them. We would have to check the key log." The driver said as he moved his eyes from the road to the gun and back to the road.

"That is a good Idea , We will have to check them when we get back." Samael said as he stopped tapping.

"It would be the best way to see who had the keys. I will help you get the paperwork from the guards." The driver said as he whipped the sweat from his forehead.

"There is just one problem." Samael said slowly, putting his finger on the trigger.

"What would that be?" The driver said as they stopped at a light.

"Your story doesn't add up. If you ran around half the house looking, how did I not see you? I was in the front room the whole time." Samael said as he looked over at the driver.

The driver was frozen, Samael could see he was thinking about what to say next or to run. The driver did not buckle his seat-belt when he got into the vehicle. Samael had seen it but did not say anything, so many things were off on this ride.

"They gave me money and a job opportunity with their company if I would be late to pick Stella up today. Come on, don't you get tired of working for the pompous rich people? Is it so much to ask for, that I can make something for myself?" The driver said as the light turned green and he started to drive.

"What company?" Samael asked.

"I mean you must feel the same way? We do all the work for them and they don't even give us that much money. I mean come on I can't even afford the new house I want. I mean you have to live on site so you must know how unfair the monetary compensation is for the work we do." He said getting emotional.

"What is the company that told you to do this?" Samael asked calmly.

"If you want to work for them just let me know I will put a word in for you. Us little guys have to look out for each other right?" The driver said with a smile.

"Company name?" Samael asked again.

"O it was Aries," He said.

"I thought it was.: Samael said as he moved his gun to the man's temple and shot him.