Chapter 2 - Day 1

"Ughh, my head hurts. Man I just had the weirdest nightmare. I'll see my therapist about this...." I woke up groggily as I felt my head spin but soon I woke up instantly at the fishy smell that assailed my nose. I turned my head and what seemed to be a head sized eyeball was staring at me.

"Holy shit! What the Fuck?! Where am I?!" I felt things were not what it seems.

Am I kidnapped?

Is this a prank?

Please tell me!!

"*Huff! huff, cough cough!! It's just a bad dream, it's just a bad dream!!" I opened my eyes back again then lo and behold!! It's still staring back.

"AAagrhhh!!!" i screamed like a white girl about to be violated by four black dudes, wait that came out wrong but still.

"Aaaargghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed for about a minute staright until I lost my breath.

"*inhales sharply* Aaargghhh!!!!" I continued screaming for about 3 minutes straight until I blacked out again.

[Ten minutes later]

I woke up again with the same shit and screamed like a damsel in distress in the movies when large monsters appear before their eyes but to me it was an Eye that appeared before my eyes.

[twenty minutes of screeming later]

I stared at the eyeball that looked to be getting dried up as the glow worms started to reappear from their burrows due to hidding from my constant screaming. man I really made my throat sore. Those side actresses in horror movies must experience the same when all they did was scream like me for a very long time.

I reached out for the wooden pole nearby and stood up shakingly as I walked near the eyeball and poked it with the pole. All I felt was squishy and sticky as I heard the squelch from the large eyeball.

"Yuck, man this is no prank. The fuck man, where the hell am I?" it started to dawn to me that maybe I was spirited away into a world full of monsters. It made him want to deny it but the eyeball in front of him says otherwise, not that it can say anything cause it's just an eyeball.


"Man, I smell terrible." I looked at my self and realized that maybe I am stranded here all alone with no one to rely on but only myself. I looked around the illuminated cave and noticed another pathway down exist on an insconspicuous corner.

I walked towards it completely forgetting about the eyeball, I leaned closer and heard something. is something else in here? I felt nervous so I held the wooden pole tightly to give me assurance, I started walking down and heard the sound more clearly.


It was the sound of flowing water, I was so excited that I hurriedly walked down. As I followed the sound as I walked down, I noticed there were othe small open spaces in the cave with glow worms in it but some are just dark. But not dark enough for me not to see what's inside which was literally nothing at all.

It was all empty cave rooms, maybe I shouold mark all of these so I wouldn't get lost later on. Somthing about this cave makes me wonder as they all looked interconnected by some small holes but I couldn't tell what made them. Is it the Glow worms?

Maybe, man it's hard thinking without speaking but my voice is still sore. Ohh, the little hole looked like it was about big enough for my thumb to go through. It is the Glow worms, so they tunneled from outside into this cliffside to have a isolated habitat. Last I saw in TV is that glow worms are good to be around cause they eat pest and insects, their burrows have some kind of fungi that also produces oxygen I think.

I can't really remember much cause I only watched to relieve boredom. Soon I reached the end of the path which was about a 100 meter walk downwards. I was then greeted with one of the most breath taking sight I have ever seen, it was a large opening with about 20 meters in height and around 200 meters apart yet I can't tell how long this opening is.

But the ceiling was a spectacualr sight as it was full of glow worms that it seemed to be the night sky that illuminates this cold and dark cave. Yet something caught my attention as I was mesmerized, it was that I am surrounded by large Ants the size of a dog.

I felt my pants go warm as a hot stream of luquid was discharged involutarily. I looked at the menacing army of dog sized ants that it reminded me that I am somewhere in a world full of gigantic monsters and this sight was a very good wake up call.

I imagined my death to be messy but not this type where I get ravaged by thousands of scary black things, wait that came out wrong. Hahaha I'm so fucked this time. I close my eyes waiting for my inevitable end yet it somehow did not come.

"huh?" I peeked out and saw the ants were not attacking me at all, on the contrary they are avoiding me. I looked around and somehow I noticed a distinct emotion, it was fear. I can't tell from the ants cause they couldn't have any facial expressions with that exoskeleton of theirs but it is apparent when he turned the Ants scattered back as if they were afraid of something.

"Are they scarerd of me? hahaha... yeah you better be scared, I'm the big boy here!!" I danced around in a mocking manner, not that these ants knew of mocking any way but something doesn't feel right.

I felt a bump on my shoulder as I danced around and looked back, I saw the one that kept me scared for hours earlier peeking behind me.

"Aaargghhhh!!!!" There I go screaming again which somehow scared the Ants away as they scrurried back hundreds of meters away from the one making such jarring noise.