Fukushu no Kage
In the supernatural-infused city of New Tokyo, young orphan Akio witnesses the tragic loss of his family and his father's heroic sacrifice. Taken in by the Satsujin Family, who are affiliated to the mysterious corporation called Hoshinji Technologies. Akio nurtures a deep desire for justice and seeks revenge against Astaroth, the entity responsible for his family's demise. Unexpectedly, he forms an unholy alliance with one of the great kings of hell, Lucifer, the Lightbringer. As Akio walks the line between light and darkness, loyalty and abandonment, his journey reveals hidden truths and tests his resolve. Will his alliance with Lucifer condemn him or empower him to defeat Astaroth? In this captivating story, the boundaries between good and evil blur as Akio's decisions determine the fate of both worlds.