As she is running through the streets of Starlight City, Amber bumps into Beir. With a smile she helps Beir up and asks, "Why do you still seemed injuried?"
With a small chuckle he says, "Not all of us are you now. I am curious as to how you healed so fast."
"You haven't noticed the mana surrounding us. You haven't tried to utilize it?"
"I have my mother was shocked. But you healed up way faster then I did."
Grabbing his hand she takes him into a restaurant. As they sit down she asks, "So have you tried to make more mana cores?"
"We can actually do that? How did you even come up with such an idea? Better yet why would you think like that? How did you even go about such a thing? Maybe I can form them directly next to each other. Maybe they can be formed into different shapes. Maybe I can form them inside of each other. Or perhaps over each other. Perhaps they don't need to be inside the body. Perhaps they can be formed within the dantain. Perhaps they can be overlapping. So many possibilities where to begin."
"Well yes multiple cores can be done. Just a thought me and my siblings had. Each of us had a different idea when we first did it. Vayu formed them outside of the body, as well as half way outside of the body. Freyja formed orbiting cores. Nyx formed them in other locations of the body. Electra formed them with in the original mana core. I formed cores that are right on top of each other. I managed to form one over the system of cores centered at my heart," Amber explains.
"No wonder you still had energy left. But why tell me this?"
"Cause how can you keep up with me in strength and technique. I like having battles that are tough. So why shouldn't I tell you. Pluss you just opened up a new thought that we haven't though of before. Trying to form cores of different shapes. The other thing you mentioned about forming them inside the dantain, we also didn't think of that. Which leads to perhaps we can form them within the soul as well," Amber smiles at him.
After making their order, Beir says, "So do you think perhaps we could form other types of cores. There is that other type of essence in the air after all."
"Should be possible. However I am worried that if I go to absorb it, that it may damage the mana cores. I have no clue what that energy is or how it functions. So till I am confident that I won't damage the mana cores trying to absorb it, I won't," Amber explains slowly.
"That is a fair reason. But maybe it won't. Maybe we can ask someone about that other essence in the air," he says.
They talk for a while longer as they eat. Back at home Amber's Siblings notice she isn't there and shrug. After a while Vayu gets up and goes inside. He decides to go for a walk to clear his mind. While out on his walk he comes across, some of the boys from school surrounding three of the girls.
He steps forward. Seeing him the the boys go to attack. He casually dodges them. One goes to grab two of the girls. The girls try to take a step back. They run into a wall. With a sigh Vayu steps forward and slaps the guys hands away.
Two go to kick him. He blocks the kicks. He pushes his arms to the side. They are sent flying to the side. Going forward he sends palm strikes. After sending them further away. He goes to walk away.
As he reaches the end of the alley one gets up to grab the girls. Shaking his head he realizes he won't get there in time. Feeling like he should be able to do something, He tries to utilize a mana core to form a barrier around the girls.
After several failed attempts, that each cause him to take a step back, he finally gets a barrier up. The girls hold each other as they see they guy approach them. Shaking they close their eyes. As they open their eyes they see the guy unable to get closer.
Before it goes any furth a guard walks up and asks, "What's going on here?"
The girl on the left points towards the guys around and says, "They are trying to force us to do something we don't want to do. This one person came by and protected us."
The girl on the right looks around and asks, "Wait were did he go? He was just here."
The one in the center shakes her head. The guard rounds up the eight boys around and takes them away. After the guard leaves the girls start to walk away. The one in the center leads the way while murmuring something. The other two let her lead the way.
Noticing a guard getting closer, Vayu quickly leaves. After zipping around for a while he stops in a park. He sits down. While sitting there he sees the girls from before walking towards him. Shaking his head he stands up to walk away.
The one in the center speeds up and appears before him. Shakingly she says, "Thank you for that. How about I treat you to a meal?"
His eyes open wide. He nods his head and follows her. After ordering some food the two other girls thank him. He shrugs his shoulders, and eats a small meal. Looking at him the one girl thinks to herself, 'he is the one. He is definitely the one from the dreams. Just how do I get him to open up to me though?'
After they finish eating he says, "I felt like I should have done so," he gets up and leaves.
Behind he hears one say, "He could be the one. What do you all think?"
Walking a bit more slowly he hears another one say, "He does act similar to the figure I saw."
The last one says, "He is. But how to get him to. Let's continue this elsewhere first. He slowed down his pace," she smiles at him.
Shaking his head he walks home. He doesn't see Nyx or Freyja. He does see Electra just sitting there watching the sunset.