Chereads / Rise of the Drake Clan / Chapter 23 - Chapter 23

Chapter 23 - Chapter 23

As Nyx is busy training, Amber meets back up with Beir. With a smile he says, "Let's go find a weapon you actually like. I personally like the spear the best. But you might like a different weapon."

Nodding her head she follows him. Going through the streets, the arrive in front of a training ground. Entering he walks her around and explains the different weapons. Nodding her head as he talks, she turns her head towards the polearms. Looking over at the polearms she sees several different weapons.

Noticing where she is looking Beir chuckles with a smile. Walking her over to the pole arms, he picks up several and hands them to her. She holds the spear and swings it around for a while and shakes her head.

As he is about to hand her a halberd she shakes her head. Looking around she picks up different pull arms and swings them lightly. Thinking that they aren't a good match, she walks over and sees the section of polearms that have blades on the end. From sword staffs, to glaives, to even guandaos.

Looking at the section she is at, he shakes his head. Heading over he picks up a naginata. As he hands her the naginata he says, "Now this is on the short side of naginata's but perhaps you may like this one. If not we can try the other polearms that have blades on them."

Inspecting the naginata, she sees that the blade is one foot long and attached to a five foot pole. Swinging it around she smiles, "This feels just about right. What sizes are there for these?"

Laughing he leads her to the back. "Yo Beir, who dis?"

"This is Amber. She managed to beat me in the tournament at school yesterday," he shakes the big buff man in a blacksmiths apron.

"Sweet youngin, I'm blacksmith Wherr. So what catchin the eye?"

"Naginata's but the one out one display doesn't feel right."

"To long or to short? Ting to heavy or to fetherin?"

"You have any others around for me to determine with?"

"Of course. Now where'm to start. That six footer is probably to short. They don't get much shorter then that anyway."

Wherr eventually pulls out several naginata's, "Missy, I don'ta think ya should try the long'n first. Let's see what feels natural to ya."

Nodding her head she picks up the naginata furthest to the left. Swinging this around she shakes her head. Going to the right she eventually gets to a nine foot one. With a smile she says, "This is the closest so far."

"Well missy, you've mighta well try the longn as well to make sure," he smiles.

Nodding her head, she picks up the ten foot one. After a few minutes of swinging it around she says, "To long, but close."

"Lets a move on to the nex a ting," he pulls out several naginatas of about nine to nine and a half ft.

Seeing how the blades and shafts are of different lengths she understands. She grabs each one and lands on one that has a seven ft shaft and two ft blade. Nodding his head he says, "One a las a step missy," he pulls out several of the same length and places them down.

Some of these naginatas had shafts made out of wood, while others had different sorts of metals. Picking several of the wooden ones up she feels like they are to light. Going over to the other side she picks up several and shakes her head. She goes to the center and picks one up.

Swinging it around a few times she says, "This is right. Good enough to train with and get familiar with the weapon at least. Thank you Wherr."

"Nota problema youngn. Enjoy your new practice weapon. Beir will show you where you can keep it. Have a good 'un," he grabs his hammer and gets back to work.

After showing her where to keep it, he pulls out a naginata and goes out to the training field. "I like to practice with several weapons. To teach you how to properly wield the naginata, I will be using it."

He goes through several basic forms with Amber. As they train for a few hours, Amber nods her head and goes to bring up a training dummy to practice against. Watching over her, he is shocked by how quickly she is picking up on how to fight with the naginata.

As he watches over her, he hears some people snickering behind. Not paying to much attention to it, he ups the number of training dummies on her. He goes to walk away to grab the spear.

After leaving several people look at Amber. Some of the more daring ones went up and stopped her training. Looking at them she sighs. "Young girl who do you think you are? We already have enough problems with Beir training here. Let alone an inexperienced brat like you."

Beir hears this and stops in his tracks. He looks over at the scene and laughs. Someone walks up to him and asks, "What's so funny?"

"You all already think I'm bad to deal with. They won't like what's about to happen," Bier shakes his head.

"Aren't you worried about your friend though?"

"If he could manage to beat her without the use of mana I would be shocked," Beir mocks.

Looking at them she says, "Since you are so headstrong about who can and can't train where, then come at me. Let's see who defeats whom."

Spinning the naginata she points it at the person who originally spoke to her. Ignoring whatever he went to say, she rushes forward.

Looking at her Beir laughs, "She is going to have a good time. Well no need to worry about her of all people. It would actually be insulting her for me to be worried about her safety," he turns around and walks to grab his spear.

The others shake their heads and watch the fight.