I was sitting in class the next day; and yes school was still on after yesterday's attack. When the teacher suddenly shot right up, and had the classes attention instantly.
"We have two new students: come in boys and introduce yourselves!"
A brunette walked in and my whole world stopped. So This is what the Alpha was whispering about yesterday. And to make my day even better, another brunette.
"I'm Tracker." said one.
"And I'm Ranger." Said the other
Tracker is the Beta. And Ranger is the Gamma.
"Boys, you can sit up in the back. On right side of the class." The teacher says.
I knew they could see me since they were grinning like little boys with their hands in the candy jar. And for your information, their about to be caught by me!
"You have some nerve sitting next to me!" I say not even glancing their way.
"She reminds me of those shadow ghosts, and how sneaky they are." Tracker whispered to Ranger, and I grinned because they don't know I can hear them.
"I'm worse than those little shadow wisps!" I say grinning.
I could tell they were staring at me in a mix of shock and horror.
"Olivia. Why don't you come up to the middle and sit next to Scout. So your not distracted !" The teacher says.
'Why him?'
"Why him?"
I didn't know I said that out loud; but next thing I know is the whole class was turned my way. Some were snickering.
"I beg your pardon Lupus-Lycan?" She played the teachers card, and the whole class shut their mouths and started to mutter to one another. I could feel three sets of eye on me. And go figure it was none other than,
Mr. Alpha
Mr. Beta
and Mr. Gamma
I stood up so quickly my chair crashed into the wall.
" iT's oLivIa, nOtHiNg mOre nOthInG lEsS!" I didn't mean to do that. So I just picked up my stuff and made my way to the middle.
The chair felt hot and I couldn't stand my new seat; so I excused my self for a washroom break. But actually I was escaping my seat buddy. I walked around the school for the rest of the day. Finally last period showed up quicker than I though it would.
I heard some yelling from my classroom so I went to check it out. I wish I hadn't because I walked straight into a nightmare. The whole class was screaming and the Alpha was laying on the ground staring up at a cloaked figure without a hood- wait. That was me!
Me and Me were having a staring contest that lasted only a few seconds.
"A shapeshifter?" I whispered in shock
It's head swung back to the Alpha as it slowly leaned down. No! It was pretending to be me and kiss him. I raced in and shifted taking it off him; the shifter and I fought as the class stood confused and horrified. I could still feel three pairs of eyes on me. But the fight continued and no one interrupted.
Suddenly the fake me shifted and looked exactly like me. It was a fight full of fur, claws, teeth and blood.
'LeT mE tAkE oVeR. I wANna sHow tHiS hOrRiBlE cOpyCat wHaT tHe rEaL dEaL lOoks lIkE!' Ratar hissed angrily.
'You know if I give you control now we'll be the most powerful supernatural alive. Plus my class will finally know what I am, not to mention after I'll collapse from all the energy this will drain from me since you Demons never get tired!' I reminded him again.
'fIne. I pRoMiSe thAt I' lL lEaVe yOu sTrenGTh tO sTay aWaKe.' Radar hissed in annoyance.
'NoW giVe mE cOntrOl fOr a sEcOnd sO I caN sHift yOu inTo youR aDulT fOrM.' he adds.
'Fine.' I handed him the control.
" I bEt yOu caNnoT mImic mY vOiCe!" Radar sneered at the copycat in confidence.
"AlphA tHat iS tHe iMpoStEr!" she mimics us and addresses Scout.
"CHalLenGe aCcePteD cOpyCat!" I say taking control for a second to add my imput.
I could hear a gasp or two. It came from the Alpha's second and third; guess they figured out who the imposter is..
"cOpY tHis!" Radar hissed back.
I felt us grow; and more of my bones started rearranging themselves. I looked down at our body to see it's the same except bigger, faster, and I had a strange pulsing energy around me?
'Oooooo pLeAse jUsT oNe aTtAck! tHen yOu cAn hAve cOntRol!' He pleaded with joy.
'Fine.' I gave in.
I felt a tingling sensation on my nose and noticed a ball of fire above my head, then suddenly it shot at the copycat. And hit it.
"SHoW yOuR tRuE fOrm sHapeShIfter." Ratar commanded.
Then the body does some weird jerks and twitches. Suddenly it stills, and the body starts to. Peel?
Everyone gasped in shock at the shapeshifter's true form. It was a black form and shaped like a human. It was a cloud texture in the shape of a human with glowing purple eyes. It hovered in the air, silently. It looked...
How can I know the thing's name? It's head swung from the Alpha to me and spoke,
"Olivia. Give me your spirits, and I'll let you live!"
'DO nOt dO iT' radar says
'Wouldn't dream, nor think it !!!!' I tell him
I could tell he was grinning somehow ???
"i DoN't tAkE oRdeRs fRoM yOu!" I hissed.
"Well then. I guess, I'll just have to-"
"TAKE HIM FROM YOU!" The shapeshifter screamed as it charged at me.
'DoN't uSe yOuR aBilItY! he'lL suCk yoUr sPirIt iNtO hImsElf, aNd dRaiN yOur eNerGy PoWeR!' Ratar warned.
'Ok so surprise attacks are not optional. What is then?'
'gEt tHe aLpHa, bEtA and GaMmA tO hElP.' Ratar suggested.
'nO. thEy dEfeNd tHeiR pAcK agAiNsT aNy tHreaT!' Ratar says.
'How can I get their attention then?' I asked.
'MinD lInk tHeM!' he says in a duh-tone.
'I can't! I'm not in a pack with them-'
Radar cut me off.
'Visualise yourself talking into their minds like you are right now with me.' He instructed.
'Please help!' I ask.
'strOngEr!' he ordered.
'I need your h-mm-mph!' I was shoved and thrown in the air.
'MulTitAsK cHilD!' He roared.
'HELP!' I screamed.
I watched as their heads snapped at me with wide eyes. Then glanced at each other. Finally Scout broke out of his trance; at fist I thought he was going to run away. But then he started running foreword.
In scout place stood a beautiful while wolf with one heterochromia. One eye was Gold and the other was Silver. He charged at the shifter above me and the collided within seconds. Suddenly two other wolves joined the scene. One was dark grey almost black; while the other was dirt brown. It had to be Tracker and Ranger! I got up, and went to join the fight, but Ratar spoke and said something rather useful.
'uSe a pOwEr bLasT!" He says.
'cOnceNtRate rEalLy haRd oN cLeaRiNg yOur mInD. tHen cOlLeCt aNy pOweR yOu feEl aNd pUt iT iNtO a bAlL, tHats wHen yOu pUsh it Out wIth aLl yOuR forCe-' I cut him off seeing where he was going and did exactly that.
The one thing I should have done was listen to the damn Demon, because I cut him off at the most important part. Because what happened next was utterly, and completely bad.
I hit the ground hard and darkness consumed me.