Chereads / Humans and Supernaturals / Chapter 9 - Minotaur

Chapter 9 - Minotaur

'wHicH fOrM iS bEsT?" Ratar asked.

'Let's start small, so I can get used to it. And besides I'd be able to get away quick and fast!' I told Ratar.

'Perfect!' He replied.

I felt the familiar feeling of bones shifting and the sounds that came with it. In the place I once laid, was now a hunched wolf ready to take action. I gently got Scout onto my back and crawled out, I decided Ranger, and Bandit are next! I laid low next to the flipped car so the creature couldn't see me. I slowly started to drag Bandit from his awkwardly uncomfortable position he was in. And threw him onto my back, I did the same to Ranger. I crept away slowly to a nearby berry bush and laid them all down. Next is to get Tracker back from the bull creature that took him. Time to hand the reigns to Ratar!

'i'M sHifTiNg fOr yOu, bUt yOuR sAvInG yOuR fRiEnD. ' He says with a smirk.

Just because I can't see him, doesn't mean I can't hear the smirk in his voice. He shifted me to my adult version and I took off to go save Tracker.

The fight was brutal, I took some bad hits and the worst part was when I came out of hiding at the beginning, you should have seen his face.


Tracker was awake and watched the whole thing. When I finally finished the fight by ending the bull creature; I grabbed him in my jaws and trotted to the bush with the others. When we arrived Scout and Ranger pounced on me and pinned me to the ground, I tried to tell them they were hurting me because I was wounded, but they didn't understand. So I did the only thing I could do. I whined, and showed my neck so they would understand, but what happened next was even worse.

"Shut up girl!" I was shocked with the coldness in Scout's voice.

He glared down at me.

'Wow, I save them and this is how they repay me!' I told Radar who was glaring Daggers at Scout and Ranger.

I glanced at Tracker who was staring in shock at his friends. We made eye contact and he nodded. Just as he was about to say something, I accidentally cut him off as I howled in pain.

The two boys didn't care, but I saw Bandit stir.

"Get off her now!" Tracker raged.

"Why should we, she took off with you and left us! Let me guess, you begged her to take you back. We can't trust her, her true colours showed themselves. she's a beast in human form. Not to mention that Demon in her !" Ranger yelled

Ouch, now that stung! And that's why I don't trust easily and when I try to it gets shattered. Unintentionally Ranger pressed harder on my worst wound and causing it to open and pour blood everywhere, he didn't even notice. Not until he actually felt the blood. He looked down at me and met my eyes, my eye sight started to blur and I knew that wasn't a good thing.

"Guys..." Ranger says.

"Guys..." he said a little louder

Tracker and Scout are bickering back and forth about who know what.

"GUYS!" He yelled.

They stopped immediately and look at him, but he was looking at me still.

"Olivia!" Tracker screamed as he ran down to me.

Scout rolled his eye. Then something that's never happened before, happened without warning

I blacked out.

Ratar's Point Of View

I felt Olivia blackout, actually. I didn't feel it, I made it happen.

I don't want her to see how I deal with these jerks. Well other than Bandit and Tracker. Bandit's still unconscious! I turned my head to the idiots and spoke,

"tRaCkEr gO cHeCk On bAnDIt. i'D lIkE a wOrD wItH dUmB aNd dUmBeR." I waited for him to leave so I could continue.

"yOu tWo sHoUlD bE aShAmeD!" I waited for one to try and cut in but when neither of them did I continued.

"tHaT mInOtAuR maNaGeD tO caPtuRe tRaCkEr, aNd oLiviA hAd two OptIoNs. onE, gIve uP aNd bE kIlLeD. oR , Get aS mUcH pEoPle OuT oF tHeRe aS pOsSiblE. aFter yOu aLl wEre sAfE sHe wEnT bAck to saVe TraCker, sHe kIlLeD tHe miNoTaUr aNd caMe bAcK wItH trAckEr, aNd tHeN yoU jUmP oN hEr aNd oPeN thE wOundS wItHoUt cArE!" I paused wanting to add something and then thought.

'ForGet iT, sOrRy oLivIa. '

"I kNow tHiS dOesN'T bEnIfIt yOu RaNgEr, bUt sCout do You waNna knoW whO tHe fiRsT pErsOn oLivIa rEachEd fOr wHeN sHe gOt ouTtA tHe CaR?" I waited for him to answer.

"I don't know? Bandit, why would I care?"

Did he seriously just say that. At this point I was super duper pissed.

"YOU, yOu jErK. sHe.rEaCheD.fOr.yOu." I shouted.

He stared at me in shock. Then in a small voice asked,


"aRe yOu sErIousLy tHaT dUmB? yOu kNoW wHat. nEveRmInD, fOrGeT i sAiD a tHing to yOu!" I said and turn away from him since I can't go anywhere.

I tried to move as much as I could to get comfortable and closed my eyes as I listened to the other males argue. Some of the stuff they argued about was actually pretty funny and hilarious, if only they could use common sense, plus Bandit was still asleep.

"Hey Ratar?"

My eyes snapped open to look at the person bothering me. I glared daggers at them, but as soon as I realized who it was I immediately stopped.

"TrAcker! HoW'S BanDiT?" I asked.

"He's fine, I have a few questions for you!" He seems nervous.

" fIrE aWaY !" I say

He grinned, then the grin disappears.

"How long have you been with Olivia ?" He asked.

"hEr wHoLe lIfE! "

"How come if you are male, your paired to a female?"

"oLivIA iS a sPeCiAl gIrL, sHe iS tHe oNlY oNe oF hEr kInd, aNd tHe sTrongeSt of moSt crEatuRes hEr aGe, aNd yEt sHe cAn gEt stRonGer iF sHe DesiRes tOo!" I finished.

I closed my eyes and turned the other way and fell into a deep slumber.