The last think I could remember was Scout, Tracker and Ranger? NO.
The shape shifter? NOPE !!!!
Darkness? Bingo!
Wait what's going on; why is everything so dark? Wait, it that a ball of light?
I started walking towards it. Finally when it was within arms reach, I circled it. Nothing happened. Finally I took the risk and touched it. The moment I touched it, I was blinded by it as it disappeared. Then the darkness turned to a pure white!
Soon enough I opened my eyes to see not one, but three faces at least an inch from mine. Scout, Tracker and Ranger. The only difference was it wasn't them. But their wolves.
"She's Alive." The beta says.
"We can see that for ourselves pal!" Muttered the Alpha.
'UGh, wAkInG uP to sEeiNg tHreE MuTts iN mY fAcE! rEaLlY a dReAm cOmE tRuE." Ratar growls.
'At least their attractive wolfies!' I say unconsciously.
' What?' I just realized that I said that.
'rEpEaT tHaT. eXacTlY hOw yOu sAiD iT oLiviA! ' Ratar said in disbelief.
'What do you mean?' I ask innocently.
' dOn'T "what do you mean ?" mE yOunG lAdY'
And I choose to ignore him.
"You know, it's every girls dream to have three mutts in her face one she wakes up from the witches spell. It makes it harder to tell which one kissed her to wake her; since I know not all three mutts would kiss her in her sleep." I used sarcasm.
The wolves turned bright red and backed up.
"nOtIcE tHe sArCasM, aNd dOn'T mAke It weIrD You dIsgUstInG mUtTs. " Ratar adds.
At that they flushed a darker shade of red.
"You dIsgUst mE." Oops Radar slipped.
The wolves decided to give their other halves control and everything was silent.
"Soooooo, when can I meet your wolf?" Scout asks.
"My wolf?"
'He mEanS mE !' Ratar filled in.
"You've met him already!" I said.
"No we haven't."
I let Radar slip again.
"don'T tElL mE yOu fOrGoT aBouT mE? OuCh tHaT bUrNs!" He hissed.
Their eyes go wide.
"So inner Demon, not wolf?" Tracker asks.
" COrecTo-mUngo!" Ratar says.
"Cool, does he ever try to fight you for control?" Asked Ranger.
"tHe lEsS yOu KnOw aBoUt mE tHe sAfEr, mUtTs!" Radar says.
They stared still shocked. Like c'mon, get over it.
"So your telling me, that he slips up whenever he wants to. You don't build a wall to silence him?" Scout asked.
"Why would I need to, we share both forms? Ratar just chooses to either stay quiet or speak, he's always present."
'I tHinK yOu jUsT mAde tHe bOyS wOlVes jeAlOuS ' Ratar snickered.
'Whoops!' I say sarcastically.
"Soooo, I guess you can take that nasty hood off. Since your no longer secret Mrs. Lupus-Lycan!" Scout says with a wolfish grin.
He wiggled his brows up and down in excitement.
"I don't think so Alpha!" I say with my own signature grin. Too bad he can't see it!
"It's Scout to you!" He says.
"I tHinK mR. aLpHa sUiTs yOu bEtTeR!" Radar adds his own thoughts.
" I don't like your tone Radar!" He glared at me.
"aH aH aH, bEiNg mAd Or aNy OTher aCtIon tOwArDs mE , aLso gOeS tOwarDs oLivIa. anD I cAn'T tOlerAtE thaT." I could picture him giving the Alpha a grin full of razor sharp teeth.
"Plus, wouldn't wanna scare my new friends away with my terrifying Demon genes. May I also add mysteriously beautiful genes, that have humans mesmerised ." I joked.
Tracker, and Ranger chocked. While Mr. Alpha's jaw nearly hit the floor. Radar and I were inwardly chuckling with amused glints in out eyes.
'dO iT!' Radar encouraged.
"If you boys insist!" I say as my hands made there way to my hood.
They started rambling different excuses, and insisted I kept my hood on, then booked it in all different directions. I bursted into laughter, and left the room that looked more like a battlefield without the dead bodies, and blood. Well, school will be cancelled. So they can repair the damage which means I could go home!
Once I got home, I filled the bathtub with hot water, so much that the bathroom began to steam up. I took off my cloak and it fluttered to the ground. My body was covered with the tattoo designs of different supernatural symbols as well as the symbols of our past. I even have the designs of types of power symbols. So many, yet so much more to add to my collection-No prophecy? Not Quite. Strength and power? Absolutely!
I slid into the steamy water, ready to relax. Just as I was going under I caught a reflection from the corner of me vision. I didn't think much of it because Ratar didn't inform me or answer me for that matter. But I could still feel he was close by; so I had no reason to worry! I put my head on the bottom of the tub; under water since I can stay under but since I can't breath I have to come up for air ever so often. I listened to nothing in particular, just the peace. It was calm, still, warm, refreshing. It was water-
I couldn't keep those positive thoughts as a hand clamped down on my face at the bottom of the tub, at first I thought it was Ranger pulling a trick on me. But that made no sense I've only known him for two days, not even. Besides when did he ever remind me of a prankster? But this person's intentions with me were violent. And Ratar finally spoke and yelled at me.
'iT's A dEmOn!'
That got my attention fast.So I started thrashing. This smart-assed Demon thought it could drown me! Not on my watch-Suddenly it let go, and I gasped for air as my head came up to the surface. I felt myself being yanked outta the tub, and a hand threw on my cloak as I was shoved outta my own house.
And this is how I found myself behind a male. He seemed to be guarding me? Who- before I could wonder who it was, I heard a wailing sound that wasn't familiar come from my house. I looked back to the male and realized who it was.
"Tracker?!" I said surprised.
He turned to me and looked at me with an apologetic smile.
"Ranger and Scout are dealing with the Demon in your bathroom. " He said.
"Oh..." Is all I could come up with.