Chereads / BLUE HOUR: The Primes / Chapter 28 - ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 27: ᴍɪssɪɴɢ

Chapter 28 - ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 27: ᴍɪssɪɴɢ

Rhian and Jade had just finished their duel. With the vampire winning over while shamelessly claiming that she didn't cheat after tricking the clueless mermaid.

She was about to boast it to Trevor but suddenly noticed his lacked of presence.

"Where's Trevor?" She asked the other two who simply gave her a shrugg.

"Maybe he went strolling the forest. Don't mind him. He's a black sorcerer so whatever's out there will be more afraid to even look at him." Coleen said laughing along with Yvel.

The four continued their duel. Soon turning into a playful goofing around.

Rhian would keep teasing Jade and scaring her about birds flying on top of her head. While Yvel would play with the gravity on their area causing the three to suddenly float. And Coleen flying through the breeze, controlling the wind to her advantage.

The forest was soon filled with their happy laughters. Enjoying their time despite of the three floating in the air like leaves. And the moon goddess laughing at how Rhian was turned upside down. All the while trying to reach to Jade as if she's swimming in water. And she looks totally ridiculous just by watching her. Causing the three to let out their loudest and most hilarious laugh.

"Hey! It's dinner time! What are y'all still doing here!" They heard Jessi calling from afar so Yvel suddenly got distracted and Rhian and Jade was unfortunately dropped down the ground. Landing first with their butts.

Coleen laughed as she swiftly flew down back to the ground and skedaddled to Yvel.

"Argh! My precious butt!" Rhian dramatically cried while caressing her butt. Causing the other girls to laugh at her.

Soon, the four started walking their way back to the house once they've seen Jessi walking away.

Not having any idea where Trevor is or what happened to him.

Jessi couldn't be more happy as she watches the girls getting along with each other. The dining felt so warm and cheerful thanks to their playful stories and teasing at each other.

As much as she wanted to check on Blue. She didn't wanna leave the warm atmosphere and assumed that Trevor must've been accompanying the boy.

After all, boys can never relate to girls stuffs so they'll probably be fine with their own conversation.

As long as it's not barging in the room since she's in possession of the key.


The next day.

Yvel woke up all cheerful and giddy. Bouncing off her shared bed with Coleen and took a quick shower.

By the time she finished, Coleen is already awake. Zoning out to her head space as usual.

"Hurry up and take a shower! I'll be downstairs!" She said before skipping to the door. Making her way to the dining area to grab breakfast.

Yvel saw Jessi and Blue already sitting there and eating breakfast. But she noticed that Trevor is nowhere on sight which is new. Since she had been used to seeing Trevor being the first one to wake up among everyone after weeks of observation.

But then again she remembered that Samuel is still sleeping for now so maybe Trevor stayed to guard the door while Blue eats breakfast.

"Sit down sweetheart! Before the food gets cold!" Jessi said as she was sipping coffee from her teacup.

Yvel noticed that Jessi is wearing her usual dress code for school. Indicating that she'll be on her way to school.

A few seconds later and Coleen and Jade finally arrived. Giggling at each other while talking about random stuff.

Jessi finished her breakfast and bid her farewell to them since she said she was getting late for her class.

"Oh! You guys are all here?" Rhian arrived. Rubbing her eyes while drinking from a small bottle. Which everyone assumes to be the serum.

The girls are already aware of the serum that Rhian drinks. So they didn't have much question about her being able to stay under sunlight.

"I just bumped to Professor Jessi. She said she'll be leaving for class. Then who's guarding Samuel's room?" She asked as she sat down her usual seat beside Blue.

"Trevor." Coleen simply replied before turning back her attention to her breakfast.

"No he's not! Nobody is there. I just passed by Samuel's room and no one's guarding!" Rhian scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

But she didn't expect how everyone would react by halting themselves from eating. Literally freezing and turning to look at her in unison.

"What do you mean? He's the only one who's not here. He's definitely there. Maybe he took a break and you didn't saw him!" Jade reasoned out while furrowing her brow. Rhian only shrugged her shoulder.

Thinking that the topic will be forgotten soon.

"Now that you mentioned him. Where is he? I was hoping I could talk to him last night but I haven't seen him nor felt his presence at all yet!" Blue suddenly spoke. Receiving the same reaction from earlier.

This time. All the girls looked equally dumbfounded.

"W-weren't you two together last night?" Yvel asked as she turned to the girls to see their reactions all the same as hers.

"No! He was with you remember? You were dueling in the forest until sundown. And I haven't seen him since you girls left!" Blue stated. His voice growing worried.

"But... H-he wasn't with us when we returned here. We thought he came back first." Rhian stated and Blue's eyes went completely wide as he stood up in a haste.

"Where did you see him last!?" He asked as he stormed out of the room with the girls tailing behind in a safe distance.

Rhian had to ask her butler to guard Samuel's room. Before the five of them left the mansion and head to the forest where they went yesterday.

Blue grew more worried and he was slowly panicking.

How could they have no idea that one of them had gone missing?

And nobody even realized that for hours...

So many things could have happened to Trevor between those hours and they were just there, enjoying their quality time and eating breakfast like he never existed.

"Trevor!!!" Blue and Rhian had been calling out to the boy while the other three helped to search.

Rhian felt the most concern and frustrated. She was the one left in charge without Yalex and Samuel's guidance. Yet how could she lose one of their members.

"His scent is so faint! And is scattered everywhere! I don't fuck**g understand this!!!" She screamed in frustration while pulling her hair harshly.

Rhian wouldn't have any trouble tracking him. But his scent was everywhere even though it's faint. It's like whoever took Trevor. Knows that they have Rhian so they thought of a way that could fail her to find the sorcerer.

"W-what do we do? I-I don't think Y-Yalex will be happy to hear this..." Yvel said nervously as she plays with her fingers.

"Of course he won't!" Rhian growled and facepalmed herself.

Why would he even be happy if he heard his treasured mate being missing. And nobody even noticed.

Like seriously, he's risking his own life battling with Trevor's father just to protect him. And here we are, letting him go missing. Or worse. Dead.

She thought in frustration.

Blue noticed the look on Rhian's face. Knowing exactly why she's like that.

"Rhian it's not your fault okay? Nobody's blaming you. Just relax and try to track him down! I know you can do it." Blue said to her in a calmed manner as he patted her shoulder.

Rhian looked up to him briefly before turning her gaze back to the ground. Soon, after gathering herself back. She stood up and began to track Trevor again with whatever's left of his scent.

"Blood..." Everyone turned to the vampire when she spoke. Her eyes locked to a certain tree.

"What?" Blue asked as he approached her with a curious expression.

"I smell blood." She said and dashed to the tree. The other four quickly tailing behind.

Rhian observed the tree and saw splatters of blood all over it. There was also a pool of blood on the ground but it's already dried.

Rhian crouched and touched the blood. Sniffing it to pick up the scent.

"It's Trevor's..." she said to the four. Causing them to share worried looks.

"W-what could have happened to him?" Coleen asked as they all looked around.

"Tracks!" Jade exclaimed and pointed her finger to their left side.

Everyone seeing a weird tracks on the ground. It looked pretty messy. But what confirmed them that Trevor must have been dragged there was because of the blood.

The five started following the tracks. Finally noticing the long trail and so does the grounds getting clawed probably by the missing boy.

"Fu**. There is a cliff at the end of this path!" Rhian groaned the moment she recognized the path they were taking.

Everyone became more anxious and worried. They have been searching for an hour and soon reached the end of the path. Which is exactly as Rhian claimed as a cliff.

The five looked down only to see the tall distance of the lower ground. Meaning that if Trevor was ever pushed down there, he will totally meet an instant death.

There were trees covering the ground so Rhian couldn't see any bloodstains that could confirm that Trevor was pushed there.

"We should check! He could've survived and managed to hold on to the trees!" Blue said in a desperate tone while holding onto Rhian's hands.

The girl looking at the other three waiting for agreement.

"What? Why are you all like this!?" Blue snapped as his eyes began so teary. His lips were shivering in fear.

"No! How can you stand yourself like this!? How could you want him dead! He's your friend." Blue cried while the girls could only avoid his gaze.

"He's a black sorcerer. Whatever happened to him. I believe it was for a reason." Coleen said. But deep inside, she could feel truly guilty for saying those words. And yet she felt the urge to say it anyway.

"How shallow! Trevor is a good sorcerer! He's not like his people! And this is so unfair to him! For all of you to hold him accountable for the sins of his people!" Blue exclaimed with a purely enraged tone.

"Rhian?" His voice had cracked as he turned to the vampire. Hoping she would atleast go with him.

"Their lives are far more important than his, Blue. I cannot risk them by going down that cliff not knowing what's waiting for us!" She said as she tried to avoid Blue's gaze.

But the sooner she had let go of those statement. Blue's expression went completely sullen. His face held a void of expressions within a split of second.

"Then fu**ing go! I'll find him myself! It's not like y'all have to worry about me getting killed." He scoffed before he turned to face and looked down the cliff.

Rhian held him by his wrist. Knowing the boy will jump. Reminding her exactly the first time they met.

"Are you insane?! So what if you find him!? You'll only end up killing him if you touch him!" She snapped and Blue pulled back his hand from her.

"I'm fine staying by his side. That's the least thing I can do as his one and only friend." He said in a broken voice.

"But you? All of you? What can you all do?"

And without much hesitation...

Blue jumped off the cliff, the girls screaming his name and hoping he managed to grab on the trees to help himself.

Rhian became more furious and mad. She wanted to check on Blue but can't leave the three unprotected. She felt so trapped between choices.

"I'm still alive!!!" They heard a faint yell coming down from the bottom of the cliff.

Rhian sighed in relief. Thankful that the idi** is still alive.

"Y-you three should go back. I'll call Professor Jessi to look after you three then I'll come back here." Rhian said in a rushed manner and quickly pulled the girls with her.


Blue landed quite badly. Yes he had managed to hold on to the trees but because of the impact, he still fell down atleast not that tall of a distance.

And so he ended up spraining his left ankle and breaking an arm.

Blue whimpered as soon as he finished screaming that he's still alive.

He tried not to endure his injury but it just felt so painful.

He couldn't even find any strength to stand up.
