"You finally got the dark beings altogether in one place. What's keeping you from bringing the light servers to meet them?" Jessi asked as she pets the fiery red phoenix on her left lap. The dragon egg comfortably sat on the other.
"I can't let them see those two for now. There are still many secrets about each other that they must learn before we introduce them!" Samuel replied, busily cutting fresh meat into small pieces for the phoenix.
"Agreed. So I'll take it that you'll be more busy than usual." Jessi said and looks at Samuel with concern.
"Indeed. Especially now that Trevor knows that he's a mate to Yalex." Samuel huffs as he nods.
"What!!? That's fu**ing tragic!!!" Jessi exclaimed upon hearing his statement. The phoenix flinched at her sudden movement and flew to Samuel's shoulder.
"You said Trevor came here to look for a girl! Not to be a demon's mate!" She said with pure disbelief.
"Jessi. I'm afraid that's not the only tragic truth within them!" Samuel said and settled the meat on the phoenix's nest where it quickly flew to eat its meal.
"That's fu**ing bullsh*t!!! You let that happen on purpose didn't you!?" Jessi snapped at him and Samuel quickly raised his brow and looked at her offended.
"Hey! I never tampered on their future. The only thing I'm doing is to keep them from being dead before the real mission begins! Those things are all happening for a reason!" Samuel sternly explained.
Jessi rested her head on her palms with a sigh. Watching Samuel for his yet another new episode of his long 'defending himself' thingy.
"If I had my way! I would've adopted Blue from his family knowing how terrible his life will be with them! If I tampered with the future, that egg would've hatched by now since you are so sick of staring at an egg all day!"
"Why are you laughing?!" Samuel snapped at Jessi while his brows perks in annoyance by watching the woman giggling to herself.
"Your ears are so red! You talk too much when I don't even need to hear it!" She said and stood up from her favorite couch and took the egg with her to her room. Still laughing.
Samuel huffed and grunted. His gaze fell to the phoenix who was staring at him with its head tilted to a side. It just finished its meal and is ready to go to sleep.
"What!? I was just trying to explain myself!" Samuel exclaimed and carefully carried the phoenix and its nest to his room where a ring of fire awaits it.
The next day. Samuel woke up early as usual and went to school. Enough time to finish every task as the school's student president council.
After finishing the morning roll call. He went to the same building where Rhian and Vladimir usually hang out together. Although this time, it won't be just the two of them now. Blue will definitely be there.
"Well? How are you?" Samuel asked Blue who had kept his head lowered. Samuel knew the boy will keep the habit for a while since he can still hardly trust everyone around him after all that happened.
"I-I'm good. T-thank you for helping me yesterday..." the boy said and threw the winter prince a brief glance.
Samuel lightly chuckled and turned to Vladimir with a teasing look.
"Stop looking at me like that! I know exactly what you're gonna say!" The vampire snapped and rolled his eyes at Samuel.
"I'm not gonna forbid you to stay with Rhian or whatever it is you think. You've been together longer than I knew her so you would know her better. Though I must warn you to keep a safe distance now that things are changing." He warned and the three gave him a confusing look.
Right! I forgot to mention it to her yesterday...
Samuel thought and rubbed his temple with frustration.
Samuel had told Yalex and Rhian a few things regarding the main reason why they must gather. But he had left the part where there would be ten of them in total.
He simply told the two they will be against something big and only one from each race is chosen to form this first ever kind of powerful alliance from different races.
Knowing that there will be too many obstacles before the group forms into a strong fort. He decided it will be best for everyone to slowly meet each other than setting them all up to meet each other all at once.
"Yalex will be around you a lot from now on. He won't allow someone else who is not part of the cause!" Samuel explained briefly and was about to take his leave.
"What?!! You never said Yalex is officially part of this!" The vampire exclaimed which made Blue flinch.
"Of course he's a part of this. And he plays a big role just like the three of us. Unfortunately, your best friend isn't included." Samuel said and gave a side eye to Vladimir.
"It shouldn't bother you to have Yalex around. It's not like you're estranged from each other." He added and Rhian immediately hissed and sat back to her seat grumpily.
"Yeah! If he doesn't deliberately make him cry for fun!" She said beckoning to the clueless angel beside her. "He doesn't listen to anyone so I don't understand why you think us being friends makes a difference!"
"Don't underestimate yourself, Rhian. There's nothing that you need to worry about when you are around him."
"Are you guys talking about that man?" Blue asked. Trying to understand what's going on or what they are talking about. Because it obviously sounded like he was involved.
"Yeah! Yalex. He is the demon who visited you yesterday." Rhian answered.
"I don't understand. Why are we gonna see him often? What is he officially part of? What's happening right now? And why are you guys keeping me?" Blue suddenly started raining them with questions.
"I told you we should've just strapped him in your house." Vladimir said with an irritated tone.
Rhian only chuckled, finding it adorable with the way Blue's face held the most clueless expression.
"Shut up!" She snaps at the vampire before turning back to Blue with a small smile.
"I'll explain later when we get back, Blue. I haven't been able to talk to you since you and Trevor had a long conversation. You were asleep when I checked on you." She explained calmly.
Samuel couldn't help but grin as he watched. It's always been interesting to find his vision glorified into reality.
"Okay." Blue said with a pout and decided to focus on knitting a scarf.
Samuel didn't notice it earlier. It was actually Rhian's idea she suggested to the angel. Blue found it time consuming and it also helps to relax his mind that has always been like a scrambled jigsaw puzzle.
"I'll get going on. Just keep me updated." The prince said before finally leaving the three.
Samuel always hopes he will be able to help everyone and do a better job in his role as their leader.
It's going to be really hard. Especially with the dark creatures involved. But Samuel is glad and felt assured that Yalex is someone who lives with a reason and a cause. And the demon had agreed to join under one condition.
He does not want to receive orders from anyone. Strictly speaking, he didn't want to be told what he should and shouldn't do.
Which is why Samuel made it his main goal for now to establish a strong and reliable friendship with the demon.
Rhian only agreed to the cause because of Blue. And maybe with a little more persuasion from the winter prince. While the angel of death is completely clueless about literally everything.
And Trevor, the black sorcerer who is very complicated under every aspect. Not far from a stubborn kid. Which is why Yalex is the best card to get to him and Samuel couldn't be more happy that Yalex got the sorcerer tied to him. Although it's not as good as it looks, it's the best for now to keep the sorcerer under his watch. Considering the circumstances.
I hope you liked the chapter.
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