"Is that them?"8
The four ladies perked at the sudden approach of another voice.
A young man with a silver hair approached them.
And Coleen knew that presence right away. That same presence that put exile to her people. That same presence that is now engraved on her skin for her to not forget.
"I'll take them from here." The boy said and flashed a gentle smile to the butler before turning to the three visitors.
"Your highness!" He said and bowed to Jade who was clearly stupefied by his actions.
Despite the three giving him a glare. The young man didn't paid much attention to it. This isn't as hard as accepting a demon as his mate.
"It's an honor to be in your presence." He said and then turned to Yvel.
"As you too. It's not everyday that the goddess of the moon descends to earth for a special reason!" He stated and chuckled deeply. He then looked next to Coleen.
There was this strange feeling he was getting from her. But he decided not to ponder much with it and do as Samuel asked.
"First. It is my sincerest apologies for what my people have done to yours. I know things can never be brought back to what it was. Neither does my apology to bring back the lives taken. But on behalf of my people. I would still like to offer this apology to a great sorceress such as yourself!" He said and slightly bowed his head.
But Coleen does not believe any of it and thinks that it's all just foul words.
"Spare me your words. Everything that people like you says is never to be trusted. Your apology means nothing to me!" Coleen spat rather aggressively.
The man simply smiled and nodded his head. While the butler awkwardly stood and lowered her head behind him.
"I understand. So shall we?" He said and gestured everyone to follow him.
The butler went somewhere else as they entered the big and old mansion.
A few more seconds...
"Trevor!!! There's a spanish ghost chasing after me!!! Help meee!!!!"
The four abruptly stopped hearing a loud scream coming from the hallways.
It didn't took long for the four to see another boy running down the huge staircase with a visible panic on his face as if he's being chased.
Trevor laughed as he watches how Blue gasped in surprise seeing that their visitor had arrived. But the sooner he remembered the spanish ghost, he started running and screaming to another hallway again.
Even Coleen and Yvel who can also see spirits, were both surprised to see a ghost of a spanish woman, chasing after the poor boy.
Soon, Samuel appeared running towards them. He was trying to chase after Blue but the boy is as quick as the flash.
"Oh! They're here! We uh! We should probably go lock in a room. Blue's gotten quite... energetic!" Samuel said as he try to catch his breath.
"Come on! We can introduce you to that idiot later. It's not safe to stay here with him panicking like that." Trevor turned to them with now a much serious demeanor compared earlier.
Trevor and Samuel led them to another room and made sure it's locked. They can't afford to have Blue suddenly running in just because he got scared by a spanish ghost trying to flirt with him.
"Can we get straight to the point? I don't really fancy being in the same room with a murderer." Coleen spat as he darted glares towards the black sorcerer.
"Trevor is not like them. I think you three should know that first!" Samuel defended but the girls simply gave him an eyeroll in response.
"It's alright. She's right anyway. Besides. It's not like their words are as bad as having Yalex around." Trevor said as he chuckled lightly.
Samuel sighed before facing the girls once again. Looking at them one by one for a brief checking of possibilities from them.
"Well. I'm pretty sure you are dead curious why I summoned you out of the blue." Samuel said as he sat down on an empty chair. Looking at the three who were comfortably sitting beside each other on the bed.
"I can't tell you right away why I'm building this group. But I probably should say who's involved."
"First. A demon. You know about it by now so I don't think I have to introduce more about him. We're also being joined by a pureblood vampire and she's the owner of this place."
"Trevor is also joining us. A black sorcerer. And the idiot from earlier too. His name is Blue and he's an angel of death!"
At the mention of angel of death. Samuel knew right away that the three will question him.
"He looks like a stupid kid. How is he the angel of death!?" Yvel asked with disbelief.
"He's been through a lot. So we hope you won't remind him about the past events. He's doing better now than Samuel first saw him." Trevor explained calmly with his head lowered to avoid eye contact.
Trevor could feel the strong presence of Coleen, including from Jade and Yvel. And he is aware that they are doing it on purpose.
It weakens him with all the bright energy being clashed towards him. And it's not like Samuel can relate since he's one of this girls.
Trevor is literally the only dark creature in that room.
"Yeah. Blue is quite sensitive. But he's very friendly. Also. None of us can touch him. Only the demon and the vampire can!" Samuel added.
"Why not?" Yvel asked.
"Everyone who makes contact with his skin, as long as they have a soul. They will die." Samuel explained which may have took the girls by surprise.
I guess he's really been through a lot...
Jade thought.
"What about you? What are you?" Yvel asked again.
Jade perked at the question. She's been looking forward of knowing who and what this guy really is.
"Like you Princess Jade. He is a prince. And like you Coleen, he is also the last of his race. Samuel is the prince of the winter people."
"But that's not what makes him different and special among his race."
"Samuel is the first ever time keeper that came into a form of a man!"
Trevor said with a slightly proud grin. Samuel chuckled and thanked the boy for his fancy introduction. He couldn't help but feel proud seeing how the girls looked so speechless and stunned.
"There are two more who will join us to complete this group. But it's not time yet for them to be introduced to everyone!" Samuel said with a playful chuckle.
"Hold on! If you're one of the winter people... But aren't those people from like the first eras of sort?!" Coleen exclaimed in confusion.
"Yeah! He's really old!" Trevor laughed which earned him a glare from Samuel.
"Atleast I'm not as old as your mate!" Samuel spat back and Trevor's expression went sour.
"Okay. Then atleast tell us why should we join this group. Professor Jessi said there is a big cause to this. If you can't tell us what exactly it is. At least tell us why we should join." Jade stated with her arms crossed.
"There is a big reason indeed. For you Jade and Coleen there aren't much I can tell to convince you both! But for you Yvel! That one your mother had said to be waiting for you..." Samuel trailed as he watches how Yvel and Coleen's expression went totally dumbfounded.
"You'll find them in this group! And I know that will be an enough reason for the other two to join." Samuel said and gave off a gentle smile.
"I don't understand. What does he mean by that?" Jade asked as she turn to Yvel and Coleen.
"Before I came down to earth. My mother told me that something awaits me here since the ancient times. We just don't know what it is." Yvel explained with his eyes stucked at the winter prince.
"Trevor!!! Help mee!!!!" The same familiar voice came ringing from the hallways again.
"Geez! How long is he going to keep it like this!?" Trevor groaned and glared at Samuel who simply laughed in response.
"Rhian will be here anytime soon. You know how he's like when she's around!" Samuel chuckled.
"So are we stuck here until that Rhian arrives?" Yvel asked.
"It's already late and I guarantee that you won't get any ride back to your houses." Samuel said to the three who quickly looked back at him with a frown.
"You can stay here. Trevor and I can stay up to watch. You're safe with us!" Samuel added and Coleen was quick to scoff.
"But don't you need to rest? You're obviously tired." Trevor said to Samuel with a tinge of concern.
"I'm sorry but I don't think I can trust our safety with someone like him." Coleen spoke.
Trevor could only sigh as he stood up from his seat.
"Just stay close to them. I'll make sure nobody else enters this area." Trevor mumbled to Samuel before he left the room first.
Samuel looked at the three with a defeated sigh.
"I know this is hard for all of you. But please, if you can't trust him. Atleast refrain from talking foul with him. Everyone in this house have a fair share of a tragic story to tell. And I guarantee y'all that Trevor had been through something you three can't even handle mentally." Samuel scolded the three despite knowing what their reactions will be.
"Whatever he's been through. He deserved it! And it's not yet enough after what his people did! Just look at me! I'm the only one left because of their selfish desires for domination!" Coleen's words came out rather harsh.
"Whatever you say... All I can say back is that Trevor is different. Try to get know him. I promise he's got more to lose than you all do." Samuel said in a rather saddened tone.