Chereads / BLUE HOUR: The Primes / Chapter 13 - Chapter 12: BOOKS OF DEMONS

Chapter 13 - Chapter 12: BOOKS OF DEMONS

"You were very lucky that those girls helped you." Sarah stated with worry as she place down the dishes on the table.

Jade had told her what happened earlier during lunch and Sarah was so worried for her.

"Those two are one of the other races on land. I can't believe I realized it just now!" Jade pouted as she places the plates and utensils on the table.

She didn't expect that she'll be meeting a lot of them in that school at all. And it only made her disappointed that she didn't figure the two out sooner. She could've made new friends.

She knew right away that the guy at the canteen is a demon. The only creature who will ever possess that kind of dark and heavy presence.

She's still not sure about Samuel since they've only met twice. The first one was when she bumped on him. And the second was at the cafeteria later that day, he offered to help them find a seat in the crowded place.

She is certain that Samuel is from the winter people. She thought that their people had been extinct many centuries ago and history said that nobody lived. Which is why she was confused as to how he's still alive.

And the mixture of scent in him did not help at all. It smelled very different for her. And she is certain that it is from something or someone with a very strong presence.

And lastly, Coleen and Yvel. The two emits a very calm and comfortable presence. The complete opposite from that demon.

Jade certainly believes that Coleen is a white sorceress. People like her are easily distinguished by mermaids because they are very close to white sorcerers. However, this friendship soon came to a tragic end a few decades ago after the white sorcerers were murdered and ended by heartless black sorcerers.

It would've been great to meet one of them again.

To rebuild the friendship that was once lost...

Jade thought.

Yvel though may be a bit complicated. She carries the same presence as white sorcerers. However there is something more to her that meets the eye. If she wasn't masking her scent. Jade would've figured out her identity already.

"Sarah. My mother told me you have books about the races who serves the light. Do you still have them?" She asks as they both started dinner.

"I do. Would you like me to bring them to your room?" Sarah asked with a little wary and Jade quickly nodded her head.

After dinner. Jade did the dishes while Sarah went to the attic to recollect the old books she had already hidden among her old things.

Once Jade was done with her task, she returned to her room and waited until Sarah arrives with the books.

"These books are very rare. It is only our household who possess these books. And we are to take care of it and hide it from the world. If possible, make it seem like it doesn't exist." Sarah explained upon handing over the books to the mermaid with sheer care.

Her eyes trying to read the other for some kind of reason as to why she's suddenly interested with other races.

"Make sure you don't stay up all night hm? If you need anything else! I'll be in my room!" Said Sarah before leaving Jade's room.

Sarah had left her with three heavy and big old books.

She started off with the heaviest and largest. Reading everything in it and eventually learned more about other creatures.

Jade is very intelligent and her mind is somehow built to learn everything with just one look. Reading took her only a week to learn and she is very proud to say that she have mastered it.

Jade finished off two big books within three hours. Although she had learned many things about white creatures. She still hadn't find what she's looking for nor knows what she is looking for at all.

Like how Yvel doesn't know what she's looking for on earth but looks for whatever it is anyway.

Jade finally opened the final book and she started immersing into it right away.

"Dragons and phoenix..." Jade mumbled while tracing the words on the page with her fingers.

"They're the most magnificent beasts out there... but mother said they're only myths." Jade said as if she was talking to someone.

Almost half of the book are mostly about those creatures. There were too many varieties about them. Including abominations of new beings. As much as Jade thought that both creatures are only stories, she still found everything about them very interesting than her own kind.

"Celestial hierarchy?" Jade's brows perked upon reading the words.

It was new to her. She had heard the words before yet does not know what it means.

She thinks it's just a ranking of a certain kind. Nothing more important behind it.

Jade was tad bit disappointed when there wasn't enough informations about the hierarchy. Simply because their kind are very secretive or informations about them are strictly forbidden to be disclosed among others.

They seem very interesting like dragons and phoenix.

Jade thought as she was quite disappointed.

She found new and more interesting creatures she hadn't learned before as she continued reading. Learning more and more.

But as she thought about it. She only learned many things about the servers of the good.

But what about the evil side?

It would be very nice if she gets to learn about them too. That way, she'll know what and what shouldn't be done when they are around.

Jade had finished three books and decided to return them in the attic. She started checking the remaining books in the old chest where Sarah had retrieved the books.

The mermaid princess couldn't be more happy upon looking at four big books. Each of them are locked and the covers are made of hard and strong leather. It also have a weird symbol down on the left corner of each book.

As soon as she grazed her fingers on it, Jade could feel that there was magic coating it. Protecting it from vile and evil eyes. Which certainly means that something in the book should not be read unless necessary.

"Maybe I should tell Sarah about it first..." she said as she pouted and returned the books back to the chest.

She went back to her room. Drifting quickly to sleep after the long hours of just reading and her brain was unconsciously tired for taking in new informations.

The next day. Jade was so eager to tell Sarah everything she had learn from the books. When Jade mentioned she will also tell Vicky about it, Sarah forbid her to do so.

"Nobody can know that we have the books." She said almost whispering. Her eyes were wary and serious.

"Why not?"

"You returned them yourselves didn't you? Then you must've seen the other four books." Sarah stated quietly and Jade nodded her head.

"I did. They were sealed. And some kind of magic is protecting it." She said and tilted her head to the side.

Sarah's worried and dull expression was clearly meaning something. And it's far from being good.

"All those seven books are written by the seven children of satan. There are seven copies from each. So there were 49 books in total." Sarah explained whilst her voice became more quiet as if she's almost whispering.

The mention of satan made Jade remember the student at school for some reason. And the hairs on her skin stood up in unison because of it.

"The sets of books were handed out to the celestial hierarchy to give it to each powerful races. To use them to bring all races together in harmony. But because of the knowledge it contains. It became a weapon."

"A harbinger of chaos."

"Demons may be pure evil. And fairness may be a blur belief to them. But they wrote the books for a reason."

"It's like an act of truce with the servers of light."

"The angels decided to retrieve the books. Three sets of copies of each seven books were burnt into ashes in heaven. And the other three sets of copies were burnt down in hell by the strongest son of satan."

"T-then! Y-you have the last copies?" Jade asked with shock while covering her mouth.

Sarah let out a sigh. And her expressions went sad as she slowly nodded her head.

"My family had been keeping the books for decades. It was suppose to be handed to the white sorcerers if only they weren't murdered." She said with disappointment.

"Nobody can know about this Jade. Aside from the book keepers and the real owners of the books. Only those with the purest heart can see them behind that magic. Which is also why you can see them too." Sarah explained.

"So you're the current book keeper?" Jade asked.

"I am. But the books must be transferred to someone else now as I have less time. I cannot let you keep it for you have a duty under the seven seas. Because we, book keepers must be someone who can prioritize to watch it without other duties to look into."

"I understand! I promise I'll help you to find someone who we can trust to keep it." Jade said gently.

"For now. You should hide it somewhere secured. I'm afraid your attic isn't the best place to keep something very precious." Jade chuckled playfully.

After a few more conversations. Vicky finally arrived and the two went to school together.

I hope you liked the chapter.

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