What? He couldn't believe his ears and eyes. Did it say the destruction of the earth? A moment later beautiful sparks were engulfing him and a status window opened before his eyes.
Name: Anton
Age: 18
Sponsor: I roll down the hill
Elements: Wind Lv.1, Fire Lv.2, Darkness Lv.1
Attributes: Strength Lv.20, Agility Lv.17, Speed Lv.25, Stamina Lv.20, Mythic power Lv.1
Skills: -
He was shocked and perplexed by the status window before him, the first thing he did was to try and grab the status window and ~tada~ he could touch it.
"Wow, so cool"
He didn't realise that he said that out loud, but what does this status window mean? Has it something to do with the system? Anton was full of questions but he didn't get any answers, so he focused on the thing before him.
He scanned the status window, it was weird that there only was his first name, not his last name. His eyes then stopped for a moment, they were fixed on one particular information, it was his sponsor.
Anton was now sure that this had something to do with the system, his eyes moved further down, to his elements, and attributes. When he saw those he thought:
Oh man, I am pretty fast aren't I but what are these Mythic powers? I really hate this system, it didn't even explain it properly. Ugh, maybe I get it explained later, but why do I have no skills is that normal?
But it is weird isn't it, the night my parents died, was also the night the system appeared in my dream, so did my parents really have that same dream? And if they did, was it the reason for their death, I mean how can so many people die without any disease?
Something happened inside Anton, hate was growing because he thought he had found the culprit. The longer he sat there and looked at his status window the safer his thoughts became, it was the system that had killed his parents and that's also why the doctors couldn't find any reason for their death.
Someone rang at his door, Anton stood up and went to the door and opened it. To hi surprise, Ben and Luca were standing there. Who just yesterday told him that they would be away today.
"Hey, Anton did you get the thing too?"
"Yes, you too Luca? So is it real?"
"Hmm, I guess, so I mean I can shoot water out of my fingers. You want to see?"
Then Luca proceeded to go to the kitchen, Ben and Anton were closely following him. He put three glasses on the table and filled them with the water coming out of his fingers.
"Here try drinking it"
"Do we have to?"
"Come on Ben just drink it"
"You too Anton"
"Ok, I will try"
The taste is like that of normal tap water, but you can drink it, that was Anton's impression of Luca's water.
"So do you also have a sponsor"
He asked them both. Ben was the first to answer.
"Yes, but I can't tell you her name she forbids it, but I can tell you she is an angel"
An angel I had one too, but when I made my mind up I couldn't choose her anymore.
Then Luca answered.
"I have one too, I don't know his real name, but he is a god of water"
A god of water, maybe Poseidon.
"What about you Anton"
"Me? Oh yes, I have one too, but it hasn't talked to me yet"
Ben and Luca looked at Anton with curious and also a bit shocked eyes. Anton felt their gazes and turned the topic around.
"What are your Attribute levels?"
This time Luca answered first.
"Mine are around Lv.20 except Mythic powers they are Lv.3"
Ben answered.
"Mine is the same except Mythic powers they are Lv.2"
Anton said his attributes are like theirs, except for Mythic powers, it was only Lv.1. Luca waited till Anton finished and asked them about their skills. Ben answered first and told about his great skills, Luca who had asked the question also talked about his skills.
Meanwhile, Anton opened and closed his status window, like trying to refresh an internet website but nothing changed.
"Hey Anton, don't just stare at us. Talk about your skills!"
It was Ben, it seemed like Anton was so deep in thoughts that he didn't hear them talking to him.
"Hey boys, I don't have any skills"
They both looked a bit shocked, it seems like just before when he told them, that he never talked to his sponsor. They started asking him questions and telling him how important skills are, and how important it is to talk to your sponsor.
"Anton, you really have no skills? Can please look again:"
"I have already looked over a hundred times Luca, there is just a line, it is like I have to unlock them. Like in a video game!"
"A video game? Anton, we are living in the real world, this is no video game!"
"Maybe he has to get them through training, my sponsor talked about this. You can get skills through training with your body, elements, and attributes "
Anton and Luca listened to Be, and what he said really made sense, but still Anton had a high disadvantage every other player or person had skills already, it was only him who didn't have any.
Luca then made a suggestion to go training in Anton's garden and both Ben and Anton agreed. When they were outside Anton sat in a chair and watched them fight.
" I will obverse your guys fight first"
"Ok, do that"
Then Luca and Ben activated their skills and had a little sparing match. Anton looked at them with envious eyes, finally, there was a chance to be like the main character in a novel and it was only him who didn't have that chance. The world was really unfair.
He watched them fight and looked at the skills they were using, he was trying to get some inspiration, trying to replicate the skills but he saw no skill that would be good.
Wait, I can also do that, can't I? Anton looked at his Status window.
Name: Anton
Age: 18
Sponsor: I roll down the hill
Elements: Wind Lv.1, Fire Lv.2, Darkness Lv.1
Attributes: Strength Lv.20, Agility Lv.17, Speed Lv.25, Stamina Lv.20, Mythic power Lv.1
Skills: -
He has the fire element, so Anton should be able to make a fire pistol.
"Hey, Luca how do you make it happen that water gets out of your hand?"
"I just feel the water and concentrate it on the tip of the finger"
"Ok, thanks"
*Ok, so I have to feel the fire, feel the fire*
Anton sat there for 20 minutes until he finally could feel the fire in his body, it felt like his body got warmer and he could feel the fire flowing through his blood. When he was able to do that, he started to concentrate the fire on the tip of his index finger.
When Anton tried to concentrate the fire on his finger a small flame formed and flew forwards and hit Ben in his leg.
"Ouch hey, that hurts"
"Sorry I just tried what Luca did"
You have acquired a new skill Fire-pistol Lv.1|
"Hey, you managed to do it, that's great"
Luca and Ben looked over at him and jokingly applauded him for achieving his first skill. After he shoot a few more times, a voice suddenly spoke to him, it was a dark voice and the voice didn't come from the outside world.
*Hey, who are you? Are you my sponsor? Why didn't you talk to me before?*
*Hey, wait I want to ask you something. Hey, come back. What a lousy sponsor anyway I have to get back to training.*
He didn't get to hear much from his sponsor and was feeling a little betrayed inside. After that Anton decided to join Ben and Luca and the three of them took turns sparing each other. They spared till it got a bit dark outside, and when Anton looked around his garden, a shook hit him.
*What if Mum and Dad see this?*
But then Anton remembered, they could never see this devastation and they could never punish him for destroying their garden. Ben and Luca noticed Anton's look and quickly tried to interrupt him in his thoughts.
"Hey Luca Anton I have one new skill the Holy Wall Lv.2 what about you?"
"I got Water Wall Lv.1 and Water Wave Lv.2 and you Anton?"
"I got three new skills first Fire pistol Lv.2 second Fire Sword Lv.1 and lastly Wind jumps Lv.1"
"Let's get some pizza and Cola I'm Hungry"
Because of Ben's suggestion, they went to a pizzeria. Anton got a margarita pizza and a Diet Coke and Ben and Luca got a salami pizza and a normal Coke. The three of them were. going to the gym and because of that Anton was only drinking a diet Coke, Ben and Luca didn't take the gym so seriously.
While they were eating they talked about why they got these powers and it has been not just them. When they looked around they could see people showing off their powers and some were already using them for criminal stuff and then right after they finished eating.
~Hello everyone how was your day did you get to test out your new powers? Because you will need them now I send you all a quest, so quickly look in your inbox~
And the system voice disappeared directly after the people around them looked confused what should they do now? Some started running away in the direction of the city center. It was Anton, who was the fastest out of the three.
"Hey quickly open your status window and look in your inbox"
Explanation: Find the portal in the city center and teleport yourselves to the abandoned lands.
You have to be in groups of two.
Rewards: 5000 Coins and 3 Mythic power stones
Time limit: 24 hours
Failure: Stay on earth and lose your powers
"Did we all get the same quest!"
"I got it too Anton"
"Yep, me too"
*Ok, Luca and Ben got the same the only problem is that we are three people and only two can go.*
It seemed that Anton was not the only one to think about that. Luca thought about that too and was the first to speak his mind.
"Hey, we are three, but only two can go, what should we do?"
There was a small silence before Ben interrupted it.
"Let's just run there first, ok, we can think about that later!"
And so the three of them stood up and started running towards the city center, like the rest of the people.