The portal that appeared was a little bit bigger than the portal before and the colour changed a bit it was now in a darker blue tone. Everyone looked at the portal, but nobody moved it seemed like they were all scared of what was behind. The first to speak up was the golden boy Tim who just woke up from the shock.
"Hey what are you all standing there for come on let's go in"
After he said that he and his friends went through the portal and soon people began following them at last the woman beside Anton stood up and went through. Now it was just Anton alone on the sofa. Anton just needed to regenerate a little bit more to be fully healed that's why he stayed in the white room a little bit longer suddenly a man in a black blazer stood beside him and said in a friendly voice.
"Hello little boy I have to advise you to go through the portal otherwise I am obligated to throw you out in space"
"UAH! You scared me old man can't I just wait a little bit more?"
"No you can't but since it is your first time being here I will be kind to you"
The old man picked Anton up walked over to the portal and threw him into the portal the last thing Anton saw was that the old man winked goodbye to him.
When Anton opened his eyes he wasn't in the white room nor in space he was in a desert. Everywhere he looked he saw sand and dried-up trees. A system message appeared and Anton stood up instantly.
Task: Fight off the monster and advance to the middle of the abandoned lands there you will be given the final task.
Reward: The first to get to the middle gets an epic weapon + the normal clearance fee of 5000 coins and a Mythic power drink.
Failure: Death
Time limit: 4 days
Good luck to all of you :)
" I definitely need that epic weapon, and maybe I will be able to meet Ben and Luca there"
"Hey don't you think that everyone will want to have that weapon and do you even know where the middle is"
"Ugh you again I thought if I run straight I will eventually get to the middle"
"Are you stupid it is really hot out here, and you don't have anything to drink"
The woman who was sitting beside him on the sofa was now standing a few meters away from him with her sword drawn. Anton thought that she what she said was right and that he reacted too fast if it wasn't for her, he maybe would have lost himself in the desert. Anton went over to the woman but as soon as he was only two meters away. The woman yelled
"Hey you stay there and don't come any closer"
"What why isn't it better to go together?"
"It normally is, but you can trust nobody here, and after I saw what you did I can't just easily trust you"
"What you have seen it too I needed to defend myself and who right now is holding a sword you or me?"
The woman was surprised by Anton it was true that she was holding a sword, and she knew that Anton defended himself, but he didn't have to kill Karen she had already lost an arm. So the woman asked him.
"Why did you kill that woman? I mean you were friendly before"
"Because she wanted to kill me from the beginning, and she had a scent of death lying on her"
What reason is that? A scent of death what was he talking about? The woman was confused and thought for a moment before she said to him.
"Ok let's go together but only till the level is over"
"If you try anything I will kill you"
"Hey, that is a good deal I too will kill you if you do anything! I have already introduced myself so it's your turn now"
The young woman said her name was Anna, and she is 19 years old after the introduction the two of them started running in the direction where Anna had seen a small forest. Like Anna, Anton didn't trust her and was always on alarm especially when they got near the forest. The forest consisted of tall and big spruce. Anton wondered how there could be a forest in the desert.
"Anna it's weird isn't it there are no people here"
"Hmm yes, a little bit but all the players got transported to different locations, by the way, have you seen any monsters yet?"
"Ok that makes sense and I haven't seen any monsters"
They both were now standing before the forest when they entered the forest a message came up.
Task: Kill the Goblin King and make the forest yours.
Reward: The forest + all the items the monster dropped
Failure: Death
Time limit: ––
"Shit it seems like we walked into a trap let's get out quickly Anton"
"Yes come on its this way"
But before they could run outside small goblins blocked the way already they had no other option but to fight. They didn't know if they were strong enough, but there was no other option, so Anna quickly pulled out her sword and dashed at the goblins and slashed them down but more were coming. One goblin jumped at her back at was just about to stab her as his body burnt away.
"Thanks, Anton but be careful with the fire you could burn down the forest"
"Okay I will more careful from now on"
They made a good team and slowly but steadily made their way deeper into the forest as they went deeper more and more goblins came and they both suffered injuries, so they had to retreat and find a safe place. The safe place was on a tree and Anna took out two healing potions she bought in the store and drank one. Anton had the regeneration skill he had to wait 12 hours till he could use it again three hours were left, so he asked if he could have the other potion.
"Urghh didn't you buy anything with your coins this here is my last but if you can't fight we will never be able to clear the level so here have it"
Anton took the potion and thanked her after he drank it mostly all of his wounds healed fully and they both were ready to fight again.
(One hour later)
They both now stood 10 meters apart a giant goblin he was around four meters tall and had a big club in his left hand. They had killed all the other goblins even the stronger ones and were almost out of power. Anton used all his firepower and Anna had no power to grab her sword anymore.
So they changed their roles now Anton fought with his sword and Anna used her ice powers. The Goblin King looked angrily at them and started running towards them, he narrowed the distance down to 3 meters in a second and swung his club. Both Anna and Anton could avoid it and started their counter-attack.
"Now Anna freeze his club to the ground"
"I have now run up and cut his head off, Anton"
The problem here was that Anton never wielded a sword as he swung his sword the goblin King punched him away and Anton landed on the ground and roared out in pain.
Anna screamed at Anton.
"Anton stood up if you don't kill him we will both die"
Anton got himself up the ice which froze the cub and the hand of the goblin king to the ground started melting and there was only a scratch on his face. But Anton saw it the right hand of the goblin king lay on the floor the goblin king couldn't defend himself and so Anton used all his remaining power and engulfed his sword in fire.
He started running over to the Goblin king despite the fact, that his body was hurting from the overuse of firepower and the damage obtained by the goblins and Goblin king. With a loud scream that could be heard through the whole forest, the Goblin King gave his farewell. Anton plopped down on his butt and Anna came to help him.
"Hey Anton we made it we made it"
He couldn't see Anna's face anymore and so with a quiet and trembling voice.
"Yes we made it Anna can you watch my body for a minute I am sleepy"
"Hey Anton don't close your eyes hey wake up"
Anna yelled at him and softly slapped him in the face, but he didn't wake up. She had used all her positions so she was hectic and began searching for something to heal him but couldn't find anything the goblins and the goblin King only dropped coins and weapons and no healing materials. She then slowly laid her head on him and could hear a faint heartbeat. She jumped up and happily said.
"All right he is alive now I just need to find a place to sleep for us"
She looked around and found the cave of the goblins. She picked Anton up on her back and started to walk slowly towards the cave. The entrance of the cave was about 5 meters high and 7 meters wide as she walked into the cave she suddenly thought maybe there are still goblins inside here. The cave was very dark with no lights as she was walking deeper into the cave she could feel eyes observing her.
Suddenly the cave came to an end and a big metallic door was before her. She tried to push the door open, but she wasn't strong enough, and she could feel her body getting weaker because of the open wounds and overuse of powers. She sat down, and before her eyes closed she could see two shapes coming in their direction. She wanted to do something but fell asleep first.
"Hey Anna wake up"
"Anna wake up"
Anna slowly opened her eyes and saw Anton sitting in front of her and talking to her. She was confused there was not a single wound left on his body and her body was fully healed too.
"What happened? Where are we?"
"I don't know when I woke up we were already lying in this cell you were the last to be awake so do you know something?"
"No the only thing I remember was that I was walking down the cave and suddenly there was this big door and I fell asleep"
"Ok that is something maybe the beings behind the door came and picked us up"
Anna thought about what Anton said and suddenly something came to her mind.
"Hey Anton I remember now there were two shapes walking towards us when I fell asleep"
"Then they must have brought us here and healed us, but I don't understand why they would keep us in a cell"
"Ah, Anna by the way what did you get as a reward for killing the Goblin King?"
Huh? The reward as Anna thought about that she didn't get a clearance message and the reward so did they not succeed? No, the head was definitely cut off. So what could it be?
"Anton I didn't get a reward sorry it seems it was all in vain"
"I expected that already"
"What did you expect Anton?"
"That we didn't kill the real Goblin King if you think about it, he was not so much stronger than the other goblins, and he was a lot stupider"
What Anton said was right the Goblin King they killed was just a decoy to lure the players into the cave where the real Goblin King is. And so two goblins the size of the goblin king they killed came to their cell and opened it. Since the goblins were friendly they went with them, they were walking through enormous hallways and then were standing in front of an enormous door. Anton estimated that the door was about 20 meters in height and 40 in width. The goblins were leaving and they now stood alone before the door.