Chereads / The Unleashing / Chapter 9 - Chapter 9

Chapter 9 - Chapter 9

Bella was awaken with the cellphone ringing next to her head. Sleepily she searched for it with close eyes and grabbed it. She peeped at the call only to see a strange number that was calling a little after two in the morning.

Hello, who is this? Bella asked in a horse tone

Ms. Martin, I'm sorry to have waken you from sleep but we urgently need your help.  My name is Giles and we have an important situation on our hands that my boss will like some assistance with as soon as possible. Giles said over the phone

What wrong? How can I help your boss,  Giles? I need more details before I agree to render my services. Bella asked sitting up from her bed and reaching for a notepad and pen on her nightstand.

My boss's daughter have been kidnapped and her husband was badly beaten and is in intensive care as we speak! Giles continued.

When did this occur? Bella asked.

We're not too sure but we believe it was between six and eight last night since they were seen around six and didn't show up for dinner at eight. Giles answered.

Well Giles the only time I have available to check out the scene would be later this afternoon as I already have some appointments booked for the morning period. Bella said.

That will be great Miss Martin but would it be a problem if I tell you that our settlement is deep in the Dark Moon Mountains? Giles asked hesitantly.

Bella took quite a while to answer as her mind tried to figure out where a community could be hidden in the mountains she had been born into and grew up in.

Not a problem Giles, just send me the location around lunch and I'll drive up okay. Bella said hesitantly.

As soon as the phone call had ended, Bella immediately called her mother and after several rings she answered.

Hey mom, I'm sorry to bother you so early but I just got a new job but you won't believe where? Bella said eagerly.

Good for you darling! And where is this new job beauty? Clair asked sleepily.

A community in the Dark Moon mountains! Bella said.

Bella Natalia Martin, the only communities in these mountains belong to witches, werewolves and vampires! And surely, I'd have known if it was the witches that had called you! Clair said startled.

What? Since when the supernatural beings have communities there now? When did this all happen? Bella asked surprised

Bella it's a long time since you've been home to the mountains. A lot have changed since you were last here several years ago! Claire answered.

Well mom, I'm just calling to say that I should be leaving here after lunch to visit the place but then I'll come spend the night okay so tell daddy! Bella said happily trying to ease her mother's concern.

I will my love but call me as soon as you get the location so I will know who's settlement you'll be visiting as a safety precaution. Clair said still sounding gravely concerned

Sure mom but you are aware that I have powers right! No need to sound so concerned. Bella said reassuringly.

Bella, all powers can have weaknesses. You off all people should know that! And besides I am your mother so I will always be worried about you or in matters that concern you! Clair said worriedly.

Yes mother I know. I'll be okay! I promise. Bella tried to reassure her again.

Bella I don't want you thinking you're invincible my darling because we don't know much about these new powers that you've attained. Clair said.

Mom, what's for dinner tonight, I'm feeling for one of your nice home-cooked meals? Bella asked trying to change the subject.

I'll make your favorite Bell. It's not often you come to visit so definitely we'll be preparing a feast for you tonight. Clair answered.

Okay mom, I've got to go. Love you! See you later, bye. Bella said, hung up and went back to sleep.

At eight, she quickly dragged herself out of bed and showered and changed and left for the office. As soon as she arrived she check the appointment book and saw that she had none and decided to leave Donna a note that she won't be in today and even recommended that she take half day off to rest. Bella then made a cup of coffee and headed back out the office and got in her car to visit Woodford Square to locate the abandoned building.

When she arrived at the Square, Bella realized that there was not one but several abandoned buildings ideally situated for lots of illicit activities. In fact the entire Square was filled with many shady characters that made Bella quite uneasy with their menacing looks.

What Bella found was strange was that there was no prostitution taking place at the sidewalks like many of the streets was usually plagued with. Not forgetting that it was these workers that provided Bella with the best information ever. Just the cost of one or two paid sessions in a restaurant with food and most would squeal just about on anything they heard or knew.

As Bella slowly walked back to her car, she noticed a huge brown skinned man leaving one of the abandoned buildings. Upon closer inspection she realized that it was the guy from the bar that she had taken the picture off, Gregory Hinds. She quickly glanced away as to not draw suspicion and walked to her car. She decided to head back to her place to shower and change into something more professional as to not make a wrong impression on her new client.

A little after an hour, Charlie, Karl and Kyle all met back in the living room of Lizzy's place to discuss their findings.

Charlie you find anything? Kyle asked

I went through her entire bedroom and found nothing out of order. Everything was neat and tidy which tells me they weren't looking for anything of value after seeing all her diamond jewelry lying around unless whatever they wanted was downstairs here. Charlie answered.

So money or ransom is not the motive because most of these damaged furniture has blood on it which tells me they weren't looking for anything particular.  Karl said.

Then how were they able to ketch Lizzy and James off guard? I know both their powers and you would need at least several huge werewolves to take both of them down and capture Liz! Charlie asked.

They used this! Kyle said and took out a clear Ziploc bag from his jacket and raised it.

Wolfbane! If they used sufficient wolfbane then it would make them overly weak and prevent them from shape-shifting into a werewolf and surely not able to use their powers. One time when I was trying to check my weaknesses after getting my powers, and I experimented with wolfbane to see my reaction and sure enough I almost died from weakness and could not summon my powers nor shape-shift into a werewolf.  Kyle said.

Karl and Charlie stood looking at him with opened eyes. And after a minute, Karl spoke

My God, you're so weird Kyle! No wonder you don't have a love life and can't get a mate. Who the hell does things like that? Karl said and began to laugh.

You're so dumb Karl that if it honestly wasn't for Liz missing already I'd sack you from being my brother! Kyle replied.

Guys now isn't the time for your bickering okay! Then that means that werewolves could not be involved in this attack and kidnapping because the wolfbane would have made them weak also? Charlie pointed out.

And if it was humans then the surroundings would be breached and it wasn't, because we checked the back and sides of the property. Karl added.

Then we're down to Vampires and witches. And seeing that the Mori Treaty is still effective to this day and knowing how the witches and warlocks keep to themselves, my best bet is that Liz and James was attacked by Vampires carrying wolfbane. Kyle stated.

I also found many history books opened about caves within the Dark Moon mountains that either James or Lizzy was researching on. However, I think it was Liz because I saw some scribbles on a notepad that looked like her handwriting. Kyle continued.

What? Why would Lizzy be researching caves in the mountains, of all things? Charlie asked.

That I'm not sure off but I can estimate well over a hundred depending on the size. Karl said

Good work team! Let's go visit the Alpha and hear what he has to say! Kyle said and began to walk out the house.

As soon as the three arrived at the main house they were ushered into the study area where their parents were quietly talking to each other.

Alpha, mother! Kyle addressed them while he entered the room.

Children, Charlie! Jean said as she walked to each of them and placed kisses on their cheeks.

Everyone could see that Jean was distraught from Lizzy's kidnapping from her black, swollen eyes.

Giles, Jean isn't feeling well! Could you take her to the bedroom and ensure that she receives some tea and something to eat? The Alpha ordered.

Yes Sir, come on Jean, let me help you to your bedroom. Giles said and gently placed his arms on Jean's and took her away.

Shut the door Karl! the Alpha said.

After Karl had closed the door, Czar began to speak

Yesterday, late evening your sister and James was attacked. Lizzy was taken away and James received quite a beating. The healer says that he would be okay in a few days but unfortunately we can't stand idly by and wait for him to wake up to know what happened. I know for sure that it seems we have some traitors among us because this attacked happened in a gated community with our own kind. As such, you all have permission to do your own investigation but I've decided to bring in a private investigator with an unbiased view. The investigator should be here after lunch. Should I be contacted at any time about a ransom, which is hardly unlikely, I will contact you guys and let you know. The Alpha said sadly

Did Lizzy come to you about any thing out of the ordinary father? Karl asked

No, Lizzy and I spoke earlier that same day and she only spoke about your operation in the city. Some time ago she did ask me to get her a copy of the station records of the vehicles coming in and out, which I did, but she explained that she was ensuring that everything was running smoothly at the community. His father said.

Did she mention anything after viewing the records father? Kyle asked

Yes and I dismissed her suggestion Kyle! She wanted me to inform the security station to start documentation of the immediate family's vehicles entering and leaving the compound. Czar said

And you didn't ask her why she thought that was best before dismissing her suggestion? Karl asked.

Off course I did and she claimed that it was a better security protocol to have  our family vehicles included in the record and I refused because I don't want to believe that one of my children or your mother will want to bring harm to me. Their father said sadly

Who found James, Alpha? Charlie asked while standing in front of the Alpha's massive window overlooking his settlement.

Jean sent Giles across to check on them after they did not show up for dinner at eight. She only did this after she tried numerous times to call but could not get hold of them on the phone! The Alpha replied.

Okay father, we'll stay here until James is able to talk and then we'll leave but I don't think the investigator will need to speak with us since we were all not here when it happened. Kyle said.

I agree so try and stay out of sight okay. I want to go and check on your mother so I'll see you all later.  Alpha Czar said and left the room.

Charlie you should stay in Lizzy's old room which is next to Karl's and mines. Just to be safe! Kyle said and Charlie nodded her head.

We'll meet a little later and discuss what we all know so far. Kyle said as the three left the study and walked into their respective bedrooms.