Chereads / The Unleashing / Chapter 11 - Chapter 11

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11

So how was it being in a werewolf community and what are you investigating? Clair asked an hour after they finished dinner and they were all sitting on the balcony drinking tea.

Well you know I can not tell you about my investigation but what I can say is that Czar is a good Alpha ruling a pack of werewolves whose community is beautiful and very quiet. Someone kidnap his daughter and I'm investigating it because he doesn't want the police involved. And that's all I can say so don't pry anymore! Bella said and laughed as she took a gulp of tea.

Who would have thought that a witch would be investigating a matter for a werewolf? Peter said aloud.

Times are changing honey and it's for the better I see. No more witch burning or werewolf and vampires attacking and killing humans except for the rogues from that blasted asteriod impact! He continued

Yes indeed my darling, times are changing for the better! Clair said and smiled knowing that Bella will never have to go through the trials of being a witch centuries ago.

Well guys I've got to go through some notes and then I'm going to shower and sleep so I'll see you guys in the morning. Love you both! Bella said and placed kisses on both her parents cheeks and walked away.

As soon as she was in her room, Bella locked her door and proceeded to put on her costume. Several minutes later, she flew out of her bedroom window and headed towards the city. She had to check out the abandoned buildings on Woodford Square but did not want to worry her parents. She realized also that flying was a lot faster than driving as she was in the city in less than half and hour. As she floated over the abandoned buildings on Woodford Square she saw activity in two of them as men were going in and out.

Then she saw Gregory Hinds holding a woman who was looking like she had been drugged or was drunk. He went into the first building and then came out twenty minutes later without the woman. As soon as he came out of the building, a vehicle pulled up and Bella memorized the number plate. Greg then said something to the driver and went into the next building and came out with two stumbling, scantily clad women and placed them in the waiting car. Then he jumped in his car and drove off.

As soon as Greg left, Bella flew down on the rooftop of the first building that she saw Gregory go into and broke the lock on the door and  walked inside. She immediately changed herself invisible and began to slowly walk down the corridors. What Bella saw made tears come to her eyes causing her powers to experience irregular intervals of visibility. Instantly she began to do her breathing exercises to calm herself. As soon as her invisibility was no longer compromised, Bella continued onwards. She saw that there were over five girls and all were almost naked, laying on dirty mattresses in the rooms on the third floor. Their hands were bound and they all seemed to be drugged up. She passed one rogue vampire sitting by a table watching his phone and moved down to the second floor. Again, as she walked through she saw more naked, drugged girls on mattresses but when she walked into the last room on the second floor she recognized Donna's sister from the photo she had. Straight away, Bella went to the young woman and checked her vitals and realized she was heavily drugged.

Bella walked away and continued down the building to see how many more rogues were stationed at the front and if she could find any more of her clients. Unfortunately for her, there was three more rogue werewolves and a vampire standing guard at the front of the building and no other women. Bella knew she could not afford to kill all the rogue guards because that would possibly tip them off and make them move their operation and she still had to find the other missing women.

It ached Bella's heart to know that she couldn't save all the girls at that moment. She would have to return to follow the car that took the two women away earlier. Since it could lead to where the rest of the girls were being held. It was times like these that Bella hated not having a team.

As she walked back up the stairway to the third floor, Bella went directly to the rogue vampire, who was still on his phone, and sent the wooden hair pin stake directly into his heart from the back, turning him into ashes. She then walked back down to the second floor into the room where Tracy was laying and snapped the handcuff off and lifted her up and carried her to the rooftop and flew off towards her building where she laid her on her bed and covered her up and left.

When Bella arrived at her parents house, she showered and went to bed. She was exhausted from today's events and even heart broken about leaving all those helpless women back at the abandoned building. As she remembered the images of how they looked on those soiled and nasty mattresses , her eyes were filled with tears.  She laid there thinking about Tracy when her eyelids became too heavy for her to keep them open and then she was fast asleep.

Back at Czar's community, Kyle , Karl and Charlie had just returned from checking the surroundings . As they shapeshifted from lycanthropes into human, Karl and Charlie began to lightly gasp for air as they both tried to steady their heartbeat and breathing.

What the hell Kyle? I almost died of a heart attack trying to keep up with you. The way you asked us to stay together, I would think that you'd run at a normal pace and not fly! Karl said and took in a deep breathe of air.

If you think that, then you're out of shape! Kyle said as he continued to walk ahead of both Charlie and Karl.

No that's not true Kyle! We've all ran together in the mountains several times and you've never been so hard on us, what's going on? Charlie said still gasping for short breaths of air.

Kyle walked a short distance and sat on one of the huge stone in the back yard.

Bella is the Alpha's mistress! Kyle confessed.

What the fuck did you just say? Karl said while his eyes began to glow from anger towards Kyle.

Karl I saw them today at Lizzy's house! Then it occurred to me that she was probably on her way to warn the Alpha about the asteriod when I hit her with my car so many years ago and that is why father denied ever seeing her after the impact. Kyle answered

What?? Oh my gosh, poor Jean! Charlie exclaimed

And when you saw them together today, what did you do? Did you confront the Alpha about it? Karl asked

Kyle gave Karl an angry stare,

Really? You think I'm that brave? I mean I have powers and all but I won't have chanced disrespecting father in that way! So I followed her and the funny thing is that she went deeper into the mountains and then I lost her. Kyle answered

I would have approached him and asked Kyle! Because we're not sure what you saw and there could be a good reason for seeing them together. Karl said trying to make sense of what Kyke just stated.

And that's why I'm the favorite son Karl! Do you think that father would have appreciated it if I accused him of being with Bella right there and then? Furthermore what if they had been together from so many years ago, he could possibly disown me. Are you that interested in getting me banished from the pack Karl, so you could be Alpha! Kyle replied.

Guys, I'm going inside because I see another testosterone fight coming on and I'm not going to deal with that now! I heard that James woke up earlier today and might be able to start seeing friends and relatives from tomorrow, so I think we should go see him! Charlie said.

Yes of course! And then we can head back to the city to find out more about what's going on since it seems that we're at a dead-end with Lizzy's kidnapping. Not finding any tracks surrounding the settlement was the last thing we had to check out to confirm that Lizzy was targeted. Karl answered as he looked at Charlie.

Agreed! Besides we have to go check out the Gentlemen's Club to see what we can uncover from there as soon as possible. Kyle intervened.

Very well guys, I'll see you both in a while. I'm going to shower and go to bed. Charlie said and left.

There was a short silence between brothers as Karl stood looking at Charlie walk into the house. As soon as she was safely in, Karl looked at Kyle's uneasiness and went to sit next to him.

Kyle are you sure you saw father with Bella? I can't wrap my head around it! Bella could be your age and the way I see how the Alpha cares for mother, I can't come to terms with what you just said! Karl asked again as he looked straight at Kyle.

Karl I know what I saw! Do you think that I want to believe that father have been cheating on mother all these years? And with someone who's half his age! Everything that he portrays is a lie! Kyle responded angrily.

Kyle, the Alpha being with Bella is impossible. Bella isn't a werewolf and we know this for sure from the day you hit her on the mountains. Remember? Karl replied

Firstly Karl, everyone knows that any supernatural being can disguise their scent with potions. And secondly, so what if she's a vampire or witch? You of all people should know about our ancestors Cain the werewolf and his mate, Lera the witch, that father always talks about who fought for their freedom against Abraham, Cain's father. Kyle answered

Kyle, you as well as I know that those were  just stories that father told us while growing up! Next thing you'll tell me is that dragons are real and still live among us in the skies! Karl said in a sarcastic tone.

Okay so we're not sure what Bella is mixed with but we know she part human. Difference is I don't understand how she could have gotten each one of our powers and we didn't.  She was right there with us in the car, Karl! You and i know that shebwas! Kyle said as he looked into his brother's eyes.

I don't know either but we'll look more into it. Anyways I'm beat, so I'm going to my room. You coming with me? Karl asked as he attempted to walk away.

I'll be up in a while, I'm just going to take some breeze and clear my head a bit, Karl. Kyle answered

Well I'll see you in a while. Shout out if you're being kidnapped, I'll probably send Giles out to help since my legs hurt so much! Karl said and walked off.

Kyle sat there for several minutes thinking about everything that has happened. He was angry at his father and that they couldn't find anything that could help them locate Lizzy. He was also sad and heartbroken that the one he thought that was suitable for his mate, turned out to be his father's mistress.

Kyle became angry again when he thought how the news of his Alpha's unfaithfulness would be devastating to his mother. He knew that there were many Alphas from their clan that had more than one mate, but his entire life he only knew his father to have eyes for his mother. Kyle powered up, and slammed his stone hands against the huge rock he was sitting on and tried desperately to control all the different emotions inside him. It was at that specific time he realized that any time he thought about Bella, his wolf stirred. He had to forget Bella and the feelings he had for her!